D&D (2024) Which subclasses “should” have been in 2024

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I'm truly ambivalent towards psionics, so it would have been fine if the only psionic subclass they included was the Great Old One for the Warlock (and they changed out different Fighter, Rogue, and Sorcerer ones.)

But if they chose to keep the psionic subclasses, then if given an ultimate choice I'd have liked it if there was no thematic overlap between the Sorcerer and Warlock subclasses, which means to me holding off on the Great Old One Patron and then using a Shadowfell patron instead (as an opposite to the Archfey patron).

Sorcery themes would remain Law, Chaos, Dragons, Aberrations, while Warlock themes would be Fey realm, Shadow realm, Upper planes, Lower planes. No overlap.

As it is right now, having two psionic Far Realm-themed subclasses in the GOO and the Aberrant sorcerer seems unnecessary.


Steeliest of the dragons
4 non-magic, non-psychic subclasses of Fighter.
4 non-magic, non-psychic subclasses of Thief(Rogue).
3 non-magic, non-psychic subclasses of Ranger.
3 non-magic, non-psychic subclasses of Barbarian.
3 (maybe 2) non-magic, non-psychic subclasses of Monk.
To clarify my original post..
1. I want the non-magic classes to BE non-magical/psychic.
2. I AM a fan of psychic powers and classes in a fantasy (as a separate from/different form of supernatural power to "spellcasting"). And do/would want them presented as their own, separate, form of "powers"...a la, "divine/arcane/primal."

So, that would require/I would have preferred to see a "Psychic" core class (of whatever title/name)... which, then, could contain your "Psi-Warrior" - fightery subclass; "Soulknife" - roguey subclass; "Mindwitch/Psion/whatever you term it" - "magey/castery" psi-sorcerer "mental powers character" subclass; and a 4th one...presumably some kind of clericy/supportery/healery of some name.

Then the non-magic guys, could have their non-magicky/super-powered, subclasses.

This would STILL not make the game remotely equitable between classes that use magic and those that don't. BUT it would make it slightly better (1/3rd-ish to 2/3rds-ish) than the current 1/8th of classes/subclasses for the ENTIRE LIST that don't use magic somehow.

Something akin to:
NON-MAGIC: Barbarian (most subclasses)/Fighter/Ranger (most subclasses)/Thief/Monk (some subclasses)
PARTIAL MAGIC: Bard/Cleric/Paladin/Warlock/Monk (some subclasses)/Psychic (some subclasses)/Barbarian & Ranger (1 subclass each)/Druid (1 subclass)
FULL MAGIC: Druid/Mage/Psychic (some subclasses)/Cleric (1 subclass)
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Maybe I should shake the trees a little.

Barbarian: Ancestors, Beast, Wild Heart, Storm Herald
Fighter: Rune Knight, Eldritch Knight, Psi Knight, Echo Knight (or Arcane Archer)
Monk: Shadow, Elements, Mercy, Sun Soul
Ranger: Beast master, Swarmkeeper, Fey Wanderer, Gloonstalker
Rogue: Arcane Trickster, Phantom, Soul knife, night blade (new: shadow infused rogue like Gloonstalker and Shadow monk)

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Maybe I should shake the trees a little.

Barbarian: Ancestors, Beast, Wild Heart, Storm Herald
Fighter: Rune Knight, Eldritch Knight, Psi Knight, Echo Knight (or Arcane Archer)
Monk: Shadow, Elements, Mercy, Sun Soul
Ranger: Beast master, Swarmkeeper, Fey Wanderer, Gloonstalker
Rogue: Arcane Trickster, Phantom, Soul knife, night blade (new: shadow infused rogue like Gloonstalker and Shadow monk)
I started typing the same, then decided to avoid the controversy.

Still, it's a good point: to make it as an adventurer in a high magic setting, you gotta level the field a little to your advantage. If any creature you may face past level 3 are somehow magicaly infused, you gotta have some magic too.


Crown-Forester (he/him)
I still reckon, if you have 8 schools of magic and only 4 wizard subclasses, don't try to work out the "best" schools of magic, just pivot. Scribes, War Magic, Bladesinger, and ... I'unno, Elementalist or something, but not just "half of the schools".
Yeah, but I feel like Evocation Magic as the default kinda has to be there. Illusionist, Diviner, and Abjurer were chosen less because of their popularity and more because of how these archetypes fill niches not filled or less filled by other classes. We don't need Bladesinger in the book if Eldritch Knight, Warlock Pact Boon: Blade, and Bard College of Valour are in the book. Divination Magic fills the same niche as Knowledge Domain Cleric, so it was going to be one or the other (both sort of approach the other power source's themes but stay firmly within Arcane and Divine, respectively). Without Knowledge Domain, we kinda need Divination Magic. Abjuration is your Defense Mage. I'd argue this is present to complement/contrast with Evocation Magic's pure Offense Mage, especially given that Sorcerer and Warlock are essentially Offense Mages too. Illusion is there because if you're ever going to consider a secondary Wizard trope, Illusionist is the definitive choice after Evoker.

I still think we should have gotten all 8 subclasses for both Wizard and Cleric, but maybe those will catch up in a Rules Expansion next year just because they're so iconically important.


I really wish there was a way to condense all the different wizard schools down into one subclass and then go another route for the other three - maybe an Artificer who focuses on making items such as potions, scrolls and wands (separate from the Artificer class), order of scribes and a "delver" who is a kind of indiana jones/laura croft who combines book spellcasting and a bit of "athletic rogueishness".

Also, the thought about not revolving the cleric around domains seems like it would have had a lot of potential. Have domain something akin to the Warlock's patron in that it give set spells, and then go for some meaty tropes - the crusader (the typical chain-mail wearing, mace wielding cleric who turns undead), the shaman (calls on spirits and some barbarian abilities and forgoes heavy armor), shukenga (calls on "small gods" and has elemental themed spells) and the cloistered cleric (gives up the armor and weapons for powerful spells and abilities).


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
I really wish there was a way to condense all the different wizard schools down into one subclass and then go another route for the other three
i'm quite surprised they haven't done it really, it shouldn't be all that complex given that a good few of the spell school subclasses repeat traits verbatim save for the individual school involved, just put in a list of features for each of the schools at the apropriate levels and 'pick the feature associated with your specialised spell school', you could maybe do the totem barb thing where you can pick different school boons at different levels, or rework the old specialised/forbidden design of 3e(i think) as a subclass basis.
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