D&D (2024) Which subclasses “should” have been in 2024

Greg K

  • Barbarian: I don't know, but something to replace the World Tree
  • Bard: I would have preferred they created a Cantor/Divine Bard, a Druidic/animal-friend Bard (for the Disney princesses), or even a College of Sea-Singer/Shanty Bard to include rather than adding the College of Dance and even the College of Glamour.
  • Druid: I am not a fan of the Circle of the Shepherd (I prefer at least one third party Shaman class for the concept), but I would have preferred it to Circle of the Stars.
  • Fighter: I would have preferred a Brawler/Pugilist, a Commander/Warlord or a Templar/Hospitaler (Divine half-caster) to the Psi-Warrior (Note: I would have also added a first level option similar to how the Cleric has the Divine Order choice and the Druid has the Primal Order, but the choice would have been for a Light Armored warrior that alters some features of the base class).
  • Monk: Drunken Master and Sacred Fist to replace both The Warrior of Mercy and The Warrior of Shadow
  • Paladin: I have no suggestions. I am mixed on the base class redesign and only a fan the Devotion and Ancients subclasses.
  • Ranger: I have no suggestions. I am mixed on the base class redesign and, conceptually, only a fan of the Beastmaster and Hunter subclasses.
  • Rogue: Instead of the Soulknife, I would have preferred the Scout, the Swashbuckler (despite prefering the Swashbuckler being a subclass for a light armored Fighter variant or a subclass for a new light-armored fighter class), an Acrobat, or even a Divine Trickster
  • Sorcerer: Rather than Aberrant Mind and Clockwork sorcerers, I would have preferred the Divine Soul, the Storm Sorcerer, or new subclasses for any of the following: Fey-Blood, Fiend (Demon) Blood, Fiend (Devil) Blood, an Ocean/Sea Blood, an Oracle Divine Sorcerer, or a Winter/Cold Blood (Elsa)
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I would swap out the gloomstalker for just about any other ranger subclass - maybe the swarmkeeper or the horizon walker.

With cleric and wizard, I would have preferred they take an entirely different approach.

For the cleric, I think having the subclasses tied to domains is a problem as there will never be enough then. I think it would have been better to have cleric subclasses be a little more generic - like an armored warrior priest and an unarmored invoker-style priest - and then maybe have a minor thematic bonus depending on patron deity. That way you can make a cleric of just about any deity right out of the PHB. No need to wait for WotC to come up with more thematically appropriate subclasses later on or, worse yet, never get one that's a good fit (e.g. Nature is not a good fit for a winter-themed deity like Auril, but WotC never gave us an ice/snow/winter domain).

For the wizard, I'd have preferred something similar: subclasses focused around different types of wizards (a war/battle mage, a scholarly mage, and so on). Maybe also a specialist who gets a choice of some minor benefits depending on their chosen school rather than a separate subclass for each one. This again would solve the issue of not being able to fit everything everyone wants into the PHB.
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I still reckon, if you have 8 schools of magic and only 4 wizard subclasses, don't try to work out the "best" schools of magic, just pivot. Scribes, War Magic, Bladesinger, and ... I'unno, Elementalist or something, but not just "half of the schools".
I like this idea. Then a year later they could release a magic supplement with wizard schools, more spells and maybe alternate magic rules.

Barbarian: cut World Tree, put another new non-magical subclass in there instead
Bard: not sure which I'd cut, but a bard subclass based on actual singing is about a decade overdue
Cleric: no complaints
Druid: looks ok actually, Sea is really a weather druid which was kind of a gap before
Fighter: cut Psi Warrior, add in Cavalier or Samurai
Monk: no complaints
Paladin: cut Glory, add Redemption
Ranger: I'd be tempted to cut Gloom Stalker (i think it was popular because it was overpowered, and not sure this will remain the case if 2024 reins it back) but not sure what I'd replace it with
Rogue: cut Soulknife, add in a social rogue subclass, combination of the best bits of Mastermind and Inquisitive. I'd even put Swashbuckler in the place of Arcane Trickster, though I suspect that'd be a minority view
Sorcerer: no need to cut anything, just fix clockwork so it's actually based around clockwork and devices and getting your power from magitech, rather than generic 'law magic'
Warlock: I'm sad that the Undead patron didn';t make it in, but not sure what I'd cut for it
Wizard: no complaints

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