D&D (2024) Which subclasses “should” have been in 2024

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Alright so all the classes (and subclasses) have been announced.

So where did WOTC mess up? Which “essential” subclass was given the shaft?

However to keep this fun and fair, you have to choose a subclass you would have dropped. The “4 subclasses per class” rule still applies.

To start, I’ll stay I would have swapped the light cleric and put in the thunder domain. I think life and light often are lumped into the same “goody goody” gods, and my players have always loved thunder, its the most common cleric I’ve seen at my table.

So what are yours?

Overall I am pretty happy with the subclass selections. I am exstatic that Fey wanderer and Glamour Bard are on there as these are two of my favorite subclass (less excited that the Ranger class may be unplayable for me). They also have my favorite subclasses for Fighter (EK), Rogue (AT) and Monk (Shadow). I never play Barbarians or Druids so 5 of 10 classes have my top choice.

Here is my rank ordered list of wants that are missing:

1. Enchantment Wizard (Get rid of Evocation)
2. Tempest Cleric (Get rid of Life)
3. Undead Warlock (Get rid of GOO)
4. Shadow Sorcerer (Get rid of Aberrent)
5. Bladesinger Wizard (Get rid of Divination)
6. Conquest Paladin (Get rid of Ancients)
7. Arcane Archer Fighter (Get rid of Psi-Knight)
8. Long Death Monk (Get rid of Open Hand)
9. Swords Bard (Get rid of Valor)
10. Whispers Bard (Get rid of Dance)
11. Death Cleric (Ger rid of Light)
12. Rune Knight Fighter (Get rid of Battlemaster)
13. Order Cleric (Get rid of War)
14. Undying Warlock (Get rid of Celestial)

If they made those changes they would probably have everything I would play.
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Probably Spirits over Whispers. I like the Ranger Monster Slayer choice here – they're the one HUNTING the other Monsters. Monk would need heavy revisions to Long Death, and it's more of a campaign setting monastic tradition… I'd love a proper shadowy Fighter subclass. Eberron's Bone Knight?
Yeah I couldn't think of anything really for monk and it has been a while since I really looked at long death monk. As far as fighter I would love a darker fighter subclass. So many "black knight" concepts for better with the Paladin.


Purging everything that has to do with psionics in favour of anything else would be my pick and an easy way of making room for some of the sorely missing subclasses (e.g. swashbuckler).

Most players make not distinction between magic and psionics snyway so it’s an utterly redundant concept. And to further pontificate this, there are the obvious arcane (wizard), divine (cleric), and primal (druid) domains. Where’s the psionuc domain? Or is it actually just a bunch of randon powers thrown in together with kitchen sink?

Purge! Purge! Purge it, I say! 😄


With how they have it right now however I think they have a great opportunity to have all of the "dark" subclasses in one book.

Barbarian: Beast
Bard: Whisper
Cleric: Death
Druid: Spore
Fighter: ???
Monk: Long Death ???
Paladin: Oathbreaker
Ranger: Monster Hunter ???
Rogue: Phantom
Sorcerer: Shadow
Warlock: Undead
Wizard: Necromancer
Swap whisper bard for spirits bard and WotC can take my money

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