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Recent & Upcoming Releases

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Paizo released information on in-person and online events
PaizoCon lived up to its calling as a "celebration of all things Paizo" with new product reveals for Pathfinder, Starfinder, a board game crowdfunding announcement, and more.
Pathfinder Player 2, Curtain Call Adventure Path, and the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest are set to make the convention the biggest event of the year. When the doors open on August 1st, fans will find a whole slew of new releases waiting for them at Gen Con. Pathfinder Player Core 2 Pathfinder Player Core 2 will significantly expand on the options for players. This 320-page rulebook...
This will be the final season of the Starfinder Society to use Starfinder First Edition. Paizo just announce the title and metaplot theme for Starfinder Society Year 7: the Year of Era's End. With Starfinder Second Edition playtesting this fall, this will be the bombastic end to Starfinder Society First Edition. This is a time to celebrate the end of Starfinder First Edition. Time to...
Season 7 goes out with an adventure on a machine planet and a bunch of ancestries made available.
The Pathfinder and Starfinder publisher's online convention coming in May 2024
Updates on Paizo's pricing changes and sustainability practices, new releases, War of the Immortals Playtest wrap-up, and new partnerships.
Prices are going up in 2024 for Pathfinder and Starfinder products.
Catching up on all the Pathfinder Remastered previews, Starfinder Mystic class Field Test, Stream schedule, and Organized Play updates.
This week, Paizo gave us some insights into the playtest for the new animist and exemplar classes as well as some new releases.
Pathfinder Gallowspire launches into Steam Early Access today, Pathfinder and Starfinder Society on Foundry VTT, and September Organized Play updates.
Aaron Shanks, Paizo’s Director of Marketing, discusses how the impact of recent events has shaped the company.
Thurston Hillman and Jenny Jarzabski share what we can expect in the next few years from Starfinder.
As part of the keynote presentation for Gen Con 2023, Paizo announced Starfinder 2nd Edition.
Paizo announces a new partnership with TableTopTown and a rundown of new releases.
Jim Butler gave a behind-the-scenes look at what's happened over the last year as well as a look ahead.

This Week in TTRPG


Knave 2e offers great resources for any OSR style game.
A great small sandbox for old school gaming.
Increases the magical nature of Shadowdark.
Space stations, pirates, and fungi make a mix of horror and adventure.

Dungeons & Dragons

The UK's Royal Mail is following the US Postal Service in releasing 50th Anniversary D&D stamps.
Tell him no if you like—just be ready for the unexpected if you do.
D&D historian Ben Riggs delved into the facts.
"Largely a new class!"
Give your players some puzzles they can really get a grip on.
Free League’s campaign for The One Ring and Lord of the Rings 5e coming in August

Industry News

DEI grants for publishers and retailers open for applications
Backerkit crowdfunding for new community streaming service is live
The ENNIE Awards are pleased to announce this year's nominees.
A third party may have accessed customer names, emails, IP addresses, and last 4 digits of CC#s

Voidrunner's Codex

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