D&D (2024) Which subclasses “should” have been in 2024

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Crown-Forester (he/him)
With how they have it right now however I think they have a great opportunity to have all of the "dark" subclasses in one book.

Barbarian: Beast
Bard: Whisper
Cleric: Death
Druid: Spore
Fighter: ???
Monk: Long Death ???
Paladin: Oathbreaker
Ranger: Monster Hunter ???
Rogue: Phantom
Sorcerer: Shadow
Warlock: Undead
Wizard: Necromancer
Probably Spirits over Whispers. I like the Ranger Monster Slayer choice here – they're the one HUNTING the other Monsters. Monk would need heavy revisions to Long Death, and it's more of a campaign setting monastic tradition… I'd love a proper shadowy Fighter subclass. Eberron's Bone Knight?


Crown-Forester (he/him)
I think they should have given us a fifth subclass for each and included the Artificer and its 4 subclasses alongside a brand new one.

Artificer – something akin to Exploring Eberron's Forge Adept.
Barbarian - Path of the Storm Herald.
Bard - College of Eloquence.
Cleric - Knowledge Domain.
Druid - Circle of the Shepherd.
Fighter - Arcane Archer.
Monk - Warrior of the Sun.
Paladin - Oath of the Crown.
Ranger - Horizon Walker.
Rogue - Scout.
Sorcerer - Shadow Sorcery.
Warlock - Undead Patron.
Wizard - School of Transmutation.


The fighter should have been

Champion (Simple Choice) vs Battlemaster ("Complex" Choice)
Eldritch Knight (Exotic Dabbling into magic) vs Gladiator (Exotic Dabbling in Unconventional Style)

The Druid should have been
  1. Land Earth
  2. Sun
  3. Moon
  4. Stars
  1. Land Earth
  2. Sun
  3. Moon
  4. Sea


TBH, I don't know if I would make a change. I love having the Psionics in core now, each class got a good spread of abilities.

And while I'd like a Storm or Divine Sorcerer because I think they need the work ... given that we have the Sea Druid and Celestial Warlock, I prefer not having that overlap. Maybe the Shadow Sorcerer instead of Clockwork, but I like the symmetry of Chaos and Order in the Sorcerer.

If I had to make one swap though, I'd jump over to the Rogue and say Swashbuckler in over the Assassin. The Soulknife has some of the darker, edgier character space of the Assassin anyway, and we should be able to buckle some swashes in the core.


Literally anything including empty space or an 1948 Sears catalog page in place of Champion. But preferably something non-magical like Gladiator or Samurai (probably with the cultural name filed off). Or a second try at Purple Dragon Knight

Voidrunner's Codex

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