D&D (2024) Which subclasses “should” have been in 2024


Alright so all the classes (and subclasses) have been announced.

So where did WOTC mess up? Which “essential” subclass was given the shaft?

However to keep this fun and fair, you have to choose a subclass you would have dropped. The “4 subclasses per class” rule still applies.

To start, I’ll stay I would have swapped the light cleric and put in the thunder domain. I think life and light often are lumped into the same “goody goody” gods, and my players have always loved thunder, its the most common cleric I’ve seen at my table.

So what are yours?

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Alright so all the classes (and subclasses) have been announced.

So where did WOTC mess up? Which “essential” subclass was given the shaft?

However to keep this fun and fair, you have to choose a subclass you would have dropped. The “4 subclasses per class” rule still applies.

To start, I’ll stay I would have swapped the light cleric and put in the thunder domain. I think life and light often are lumped into the same “goody goody” gods, and my players have always loved thunder, its the most common cleric I’ve seen at my table.

So what are yours?
I would have put the psionic subs in a separate book. Swashbuckler, shadow sorcerer and rune knight form feel more iconic. Likewise, necromancer over abjurer.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Swashbuckler over Soulknife
Cavalier over Champion
Ancestral Guardian over Zealot
Shadow over Clockwork
Horizon walker over Fey warden
Conquest over Heroism
Tempest over Trickery
Necromancer over Illusionist
Dragon Ascendant over 4E
Blade over Dance
Wildfire or Spore over Stars
Unleash over Celestial


Steeliest of the dragons
4 non-magic, non-psychic subclasses of Fighter.
4 non-magic, non-psychic subclasses of Thief(Rogue).
3 non-magic, non-psychic subclasses of Ranger.
3 non-magic, non-psychic subclasses of Barbarian.
3 (maybe 2) non-magic, non-psychic subclasses of Monk.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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