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Recent & Upcoming Releases

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Paizo released information on in-person and online events
Phunny Plush toys for Tuku and Gourd Leshy coming in Octobert
Paizo shows off an alignment-less version of divine warrior class
PaizoCon lived up to its calling as a "celebration of all things Paizo" with new product reveals for Pathfinder, Starfinder, a board game crowdfunding announcement, and more.
The final DLC for the game, A Dance of Masks, due on June 13
Pre-orders open for painted foam sculpture
As part of a Twitch stream on Tuesday, April 16th, Paizo announced a host of products all connected to the War of Immortals meta-event, including the death of a core deity.
If you've wanted to try Pathfinder Second Edition but haven't, r/Pathfinder2e will be hosting Beginner Box Days for free this week.
BKOM and Paizo announce the release date for Pathfinder: Gallowspire Survivors.
Catalyst Game Labs and Paizo are partnering to announce Runefire, a cooperative deckbuilding game. Paizo just announced that they will be partnering with Catalyst Game Labs- publisher of Battletech and Shadowrun- to publish Runefire, a cooperative deckbuilding game based on the Pathfinder roleplaying game. A crowdfunding campaign will be run this year, with behind-the-scenes details to be...
Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to run tabletop RPGs. Here are some adventures to run and celebrate the season this Valentine’s Day.
In a special Lunar New Year livestream, Paizo revealed more of the content in the Tian Xia World Guide and Tian Xia Character Guide. In a livestream today, Paizo revealed more content in the upcoming Tian Xia World Guide and Tian Xia Character Guide. These two books are the next two in the Pathfinder Lost Omens line, focusing on Tian Xia: a continent of Golarion inspired by Asian folklore...
Pathfinder Player 2, Curtain Call Adventure Path, and the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest are set to make the convention the biggest event of the year. When the doors open on August 1st, fans will find a whole slew of new releases waiting for them at Gen Con. Pathfinder Player Core 2 Pathfinder Player Core 2 will significantly expand on the options for players. This 320-page rulebook...
Paizo's annual convention will include local in-person events.
Paizo's Humble Bundles have helped bring comics to kids and teens in hospitals in the US and the UK by choosing Comicbooks for Kids!
Paizo is collaborating with TYPE40 to launch the Wayfinder Compass on Kickstarter.

This Week in TTRPG


Knave 2e offers great resources for any OSR style game.
A great small sandbox for old school gaming.
Increases the magical nature of Shadowdark.
Space stations, pirates, and fungi make a mix of horror and adventure.

Dungeons & Dragons

The UK's Royal Mail is following the US Postal Service in releasing 50th Anniversary D&D stamps.
Tell him no if you like—just be ready for the unexpected if you do.
D&D historian Ben Riggs delved into the facts.
"Largely a new class!"
Give your players some puzzles they can really get a grip on.
Free League’s campaign for The One Ring and Lord of the Rings 5e coming in August

Industry News

DEI grants for publishers and retailers open for applications
Backerkit crowdfunding for new community streaming service is live
The ENNIE Awards are pleased to announce this year's nominees.
A third party may have accessed customer names, emails, IP addresses, and last 4 digits of CC#s

Voidrunner's Codex

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