Are our tastes set?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I’ve been thinking a lot lately, about D&D, editions, and tastes. I’ve noticed that, while I love the mechanical purity of B/X, the weirdness of 1e, the balance of 4e, and so forth, my tastes always seem to come back to 2nd edition. I mean, I love all the editions, but 2e was my first real embrace of D&D, and I end up judging every other edition by it, even when other editions are better and just as fun (which is really frustrating, of course).

If you you had just one D&D version you could play the rest of your life, with the group of your choice, would it be the one that brought you to the dance, or would it be a different version?
For official D&D? Probably 1e for play, personally. I would take the 2e catalog all day long for reading and inspiration, but for play 1e is the best official version for me, with 5e or BECMI tied for second. And yes, 1e and the "B" in BECMI were my first introduction to D&D, so evidence for your theory continues to accumulate.

Now, ask me about other D&D-adjacent games, and that's a different story...

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
If you you had just one D&D version you could play the rest of your life, with the group of your choice, would it be the one that brought you to the dance, or would it be a different version?
Noooo. I started with 1E and life's too short to go back to combat matrices and saving throw charts.

I will always love AD&D flavor, though, and it influences how I've run 2E, 3E, Castles & Crusades and now 5E and Shadowdark.

If I had to pick one system for the rest of my life, for all purposes? I'd hate making that choice, honestly, but it'd probably be Shadowdark, since I can (and do) homebrew up all the stuff I miss from other versions.


Noooo. I started with 1E and life's too short to go back to combat matrices and saving throw charts.

I will always love AD&D flavor, though, and it influences how I've run 2E, 3E, Castles & Crusades and now 5E and Shadowdark.

If I had to pick one system for the rest of my life, for all purposes? I'd hate making that choice, honestly, but it'd probably be Shadowdark, since I can (and do) homebrew up all the stuff I miss from other versions.
Out of curiosity, have you found or yourself created non-random character development stuff? it seems to me that is the hardest sell for Sahdowdark -- which I adore -- as an ongoing campaign foundation.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Out of curiosity, have you found or yourself created non-random character development stuff? it seems to me that is the hardest sell for Sahdowdark -- which I adore -- as an ongoing campaign foundation.
I definitely have heard that from some of my players. It's one of the reasons we alternate between 5E and Pirate Borg/Shadowdark, each of which has a great deal of randomness involved in character power.

Generally speaking, I think you can probably just let players pick talents for their Shadowdark characters, but probably not the same one twice (even if allowed by RAW) until they've picked all the other options and, since that will almost certainly provide a modest power boost, I would treat the group as one level higher than it actually is, in terms of dungeons you throw at them, etc.


I started around 1977 with AD&D 1E as a high schooler, and I played AD&D 2E with my kids, but 3.5 is where I ended up and where I fully intend to stay. I literally have enough 3.5 material to last me the rest of my gaming life, with a group of players who likewise saw no need to move on to 4E or 5E. So it's 3.5 for my group and for me (with four completed campaigns that went through 20 levels each, and two more currently ongoing campaigns looking to do the same).



I started around 1977 with AD&D 1E as a high schooler, and I played AD&D 2E with my kids, but 3.5 is where I ended up and where I fully intend to stay. I literally have enough 3.5 material to last me the rest of my gaming life, with a group of players who likewise saw no need to move on to 4E or 5E. So it's 3.5 for my group and for me (with four completed campaigns that went through 20 levels each, and two more currently ongoing campaigns looking to do the same).

Out of curiosity, how much extra material are your using (both official and 3PP)? And are you running homebrew settings/adventures, or published stuff?


I write my own adventures, but I use lots of material from the various sourcebooks (Libris Mortis, Manual of the Planes, Stormwrack, Serpent Kingdoms, etc.). My first two campaigns were set in a (heavily modified) Greyhawk, but by current one (and intended follow-on campaign) are on the same homebrewed world. Most of my 3.5 game material is from WotC, but I have several books from other publishers I use frequently (Book of Templates, The Tome of Horrors, etc.)



I write my own adventures, but I use lots of material from the various sourcebooks (Libris Mortis, Manual of the Planes, Stormwrack, Serpent Kingdoms, etc.). My first two campaigns were set in a (heavily modified) Greyhawk, but by current one (and intended follow-on campaign) are on the same homebrewed world.

How high level do you guys go. Lots of people like(d) 3.5 until 11th level or so and I am curious if you folks got past that hump.

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