D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D


Morkus from Orkus
The 1e DMG organization layout makes this some work to find it.

The 1e DMG combat section starts on page 61 with the attack tables on page 73. The rule explanations on attack modifiers is on page 28 in a noncombat section on Armor, Armor Class & Weapons between sections on money and hirelings. So look for the reputed magical properties of gems and then keep going and you will find the AC stuff about 30 pages before the combat section.
Yep. The 1e DMG is the only one where the layout is worse than the 5e DMG.

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Page tabs were essential to make the 1e DMG usable at the table.

And/or just photocopying the most frequently-referenced pages.

Well, the 1e DMG is so well-grooved in my brain that even today, I know where everything is.

I am sure that brainspace could have been better filled with almost anything else, yet I know that on my deathbed, the last two things I will remember, even after I have forgotten my own name, are that I hate Bards, and exactly where the item saving throw table is located.


Even with having a lot of experience using the 1e DMG as my DMG throughout both the 1e and 2e AD&D eras and having read it cover to cover, I often find it hard to find stuff that I remember being in there. Its index sometimes helps, the PDF bookmarks sometimes help, and Control F sometimes helps, but I often have to hunt.


Well, the 1e DMG is so well-grooved in my brain that even today, I know where everything is.

I am sure that brainspace could have been better filled with almost anything else, yet I know that on my deathbed, the last two things I will remember, even after I have forgotten my own name, are that I hate Bards, and exactly where the item saving throw table is located.

After a bit of use, the DMG’s binding guided itself toward opening to the key pages.
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Welp, they were much better than Unearthed Arcana.

The binding for UA was made by the people who brought you Mission Impossible, and were guaranteed to self-destruct within the year.

Strangely, though all my friends’ UA’s seemed to have terrible bindings, the only problem with my original Unearthed Arcana was that some idiot did a bad job gluing in all those errata bits over the original text.

And cut up pages of my Dragon Magazine to do so.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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