Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for a long, long year.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mick Jagger!
Over time, I began to remember that what made Greyhawk special to me was that Greyhawk was a setting of hooks, but not answers. Were DMs were free to put their own material in. That every table had a different Greyhawk, and that was fine. Moreover, that Greyhawk not only was full of mysteries and unexplored areas in the Flanaess (the main map area), but the rest of Oerik was yours to fill in.
And that's what I want for the next generation of gamers. A setting to make their own. I don't want it to be encumbered by the cruft of too much lore, and too many strictures. Make Greyhawk the setting you want it to be.
My favorite settings are the ones with lore and story to them. Dragonlance is my favorite, followed by the Forgotten Realms. Really, I like a lot of settings.
Greyhawk had always felt like it was lacking something to me. Story, cohesion. I think I missed the point. I mean, I had heard it could be a sandbox world, but I don't think it clicked with me.
Plus, it felt like it was "Garweeze Wurld" (to borrow a phrase). I always felt like if I was to do anything with Greyhawk and I ever discussed it on an online forum, I would be told that I'm "doing it wrong" since it would be more up-to-date with 5e rules and have my own take on things.
For some reason, I now feel like I can make Greyhawk my own. I mean, I always could, but something about the presentation feels like Gary Gygax himself is giving me permission and saying, "It's yours now." And maybe that's okay.
Summary: Dragonhelm is in some weird headspace about Greyhawk for some reason, but feels like he can now make Greyhawk his own.