D&D General The Greyhawk Pantheon: How Greyhawk Approaches Deities (& Demigods)


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Wastri's entry mentions the "Sacred Polystery". Does anyone know what a polystery is? I can't find a definition.
It's probably just a monastery with poly- applied as a prefix rather than mona-? The implication, since monastery comes from living alone or a hermit's cell, may be that instead of living in individual cells, the Hopping Prophet's amphibiophile followers live in group settings or frog piles.

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I’m curious about why you don’t seem to want to write Thariz… err… “that guy’s” name?

I am just your friendly voice of warning.


That which shall not be named is that inchoate fear you have every night before the sleep takes you ... do not tempt it's wrath.

Once, a person depicted the nameless one as a Georgia O'Keefe painting on a module; the eternal darkness chose to destroy TSR as retribution.

Allow the name of the eternal darkness to pass your lips, and you will regret what little life you have left.

Do not summon doom by even thinking of that which shall not named, let alone letting those words form in your voice. For that way lies madness.

If you see someone beginning to voice those words, slap the voice from their piehole before they gain power. Slap them twice if they are a bard.

You know all of this to be true.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I'm glad the seeds of my blasphemy bought us another of your great Grayhawk posts! They're part of the reason why I'm excited about the Grayhawk reboot.


Thank you! Seriously.

I wrote a lot (a LOT) about Greyhawk in my earlier essays. And over time, all that writing about why Greyhawk was so awesome and why we needed to have it back really changed the way I thought about Greyhawk.

Over time, I realized that what made Greyhawk so awesome for me wasn't the way it had certain elements of "old school" play, or sword & sorcery, or "muscular neutrality," or ... a lot of the things that I assumed were hard-baked into the setting at the time.

It was that Greyhawk was so open-ended. That it was a campaign setting that people really made their own. That it was evocative (filled with empty spaces, and areas "off the map," and ancient destroyed civilizations) but not prescriptive.*

And that's what I want for everyone else. Don't play Greyhawk like I did. Make the Greyhawk that you want! If you find some of this stuff (like the pantheons, and the blurred like with divinity) helpful ... cool! If not, I know that you'll have something that you will find equally amazing and magical.

*As a reminder, the WoG 1983 boxed set was written by an "unreliable narrator." Which means that even though it is mostly rumors and adventure hooks, even the things within it can't be taken as absolutely true.


5ever, or until 2024
There is no god art in the boxed set.

Here is the Murlynd entry from Dragon 71:

View attachment 369379

Here is his entry from the Boxed Set:

View attachment 369380

View attachment 369381

Here is Wastri from Dragon 71:

View attachment 369385

Here he is in the boxed set:

View attachment 369386

View attachment 369387View attachment 369388
View attachment 369389
That’s perfect. Who knew how much the art added! But the write up’s are the same, and they are whacky…


I wonder, how many of Greyhawk's deities are ascended mortals or children of ascended mortals? Some deities - mainly lesser ones - are explicitly stated as such but how far up could they go? Rao seem a reasonable bet, for instance.


The EN World kitten
Wastri's entry mentions the "Sacred Polystery". Does anyone know what a polystery is? I can't find a definition.
It's the name of Wastri's divine realm, i.e. the fortress-temple that he resides in, located deep within the Great Swamp.

EDIT: I'll note that it was apparently renamed to the much more prosaic "Temple of the Prophet" in the late AD&D 2E supplement, The Scarlet Brotherhood.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I wonder, how many of Greyhawk's deities are ascended mortals or children of ascended mortals? Some deities - mainly lesser ones - are explicitly stated as such but how far up could they go? Rao seem a reasonable bet, for instance.

That's an interesting question!

I think that the issue is that .... things take time. So assuming a Greater Deity was once an ascended mortal ... it happened a long, long, long, long time ago. So long that the memory of it has been lost.

And it is not in the interest of a Greater Deity to keep the memory of their earlier mortal days alive.

Of course, it is also possible that while some deities are ascended mortals, other deities are ... not. I could name one, BUT I WON'T.

Thought you could get me, didn't you?


Getting lost in fantasy maps
Lore hounds might find it interesting to read Gary’s intentions regarding the EEG vs [shall not be named]. Oerth Journal 12 publishes Gary’s responses to questions that were on the old GreyTalk email list.

Also, EEG was supposed to have its own name.


As a reminder, the WoG 1983 boxed set was written by an "unreliable narrator." Which means that even though it is mostly rumors and adventure hooks, even the things within it can't be taken as absolutely true.
Exactly! That why it’s the Snow Barbarians etc., not the North Kingdom of Schnai etc.

To Pluffett and his audience, he called them what other folks around him called them. Germany, not Deutschland.

Each time someone messes with Greyhawk, another aspect of it is revealed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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