D&D (2024) So what's happening with Ranger?

What is the 2024 Synthesis Ranger?

  • Favored Enemy A

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Favored Enemy B

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Other Favored Enemy

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Natural Exporer A

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Natural Exporer B

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Other Natural Explorer

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Tireless A

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Tireless B

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Other Tireless

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Nature's Veil A

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Nature's Veil B

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Other Nature's Veil

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Foe Slayer A

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Foe Slayer B

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Other Foe Slayer

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • This poll will close: .


It's planar teleportation so level 2 is too low.
Ah. I was thinking just regular teleport. Chasing them down even if they run.

Maybe have it 30' at level 2.
60' and don't need line of sight at level 3.
Anywhere on this plane at level 4.
Aywhere on any plane at level 5.

Gloom Stalker's Mark​

2nd level Illusion
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 90 feet
Target: A creature that you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: 1 hour
Classes: Ranger
You choose a creature you can see within range and mystically mark it as your quarry. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target and magical darkness spreads in a 5 foot radius centered on the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack. The darkness last until the start of your next turn or until you end it as a reaction.

If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to mark a new creature.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your Concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain your Concentr⁠ation on the spell for up to 24 hours.
Though note that the new Gloomstalker does not see though darkness, so you can get disadvantage on your second attack. No save Blind is pretty potent though.

Also, perhaps marks in general should last until the target dies, or you take a long rest. Seems more fitting that way, and actually makes use of Tireless.

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I sometimes wish magical attacks didn't have to be spells; the original Ranger had one unique thing in its combat design, and that was how at higher levels, the Hunter could replace its attack with a new kind of attack (Whirlwind, for example). I would have loved leaning into this flavor, where the Ranger can customize their Attack, Reaction, Magic, and Survival options to suit what they think might be coming up the next day. This would also make designing things like Beast Master flat out easier -- you could have a special attack that is you and your beast + the beast's actual turn, etc etc. It also maps to all of the subclasses easily if embraced; the Horizon Stalker could have a teleport-slash, the gloomstalker can make a special attack when hidden or in darkness, etc etc.

Then by expanding the spells lists and making the Ranger a prepared caster + giving the ranger a special reaction they can swap out, you could have had a really interesting half-caster IMO. At higher levels, you could also make it so you can spend spell slots when you do one of your special Ranger Attacks, which lets you make another normal weapon attack as part of that action, or it could amplify damage.

Likewise, if they went to the Artificer and gave it a real spellstrike (put a spell with a casting time of 1 action into a weapon as a bonus action, then attack a creature and on a hit, spell triggers), I think the Paladin - Ranger - Artificer trio would just be so sick IMO.


I sometimes wish magical attacks didn't have to be spells; the original Ranger had one unique thing in its combat design, and that was how at higher levels, the Hunter could replace its attack with a new kind of attack (Whirlwind, for example). I would have loved leaning into this flavor, where the Ranger can customize their Attack, Reaction, Magic, and Survival options to suit what they think might be coming up the next day. This would also make designing things like Beast Master flat out easier -- you could have a special attack that is you and your beast + the beast's actual turn, etc etc. It also maps to all of the subclasses easily if embraced; the Horizon Stalker could have a teleport-slash, the gloomstalker can make a special attack when hidden or in darkness, etc etc.

Then by expanding the spells lists and making the Ranger a prepared caster + giving the ranger a special reaction they can swap out, you could have had a really interesting half-caster IMO. At higher levels, you could also make it so you can spend spell slots when you do one of your special Ranger Attacks, which lets you make another normal weapon attack as part of that action, or it could amplify damage.

Likewise, if they went to the Artificer and gave it a real spellstrike (put a spell with a casting time of 1 action into a weapon as a bonus action, then attack a creature and on a hit, spell triggers), I think the Paladin - Ranger - Artificer trio would just be so sick IMO.v
  • careful attack
    • Bonus: advantage to attack but do not add ability mod to damage
  • circling strike
    • Bonus: beast companion can move 10 feet when you attack
  • fading strike
    • Bonus: you can disengage if you hit with finesse or ranged weapon
  • hit and run
    • Bonus: disengage if you attack with a melee weapon
  • hunter's teamwork
    • Bonus: you have advantage if 2 or more allies are within 5 feet of the target
  • marauder's rush
    • Move: You move in a straight line to the enemy and add Wis mod to damage
  • nimble strike
    • Bonus: you can move 10 feet if you attack with a melee weapon
  • predator strike
    • Attack: beast companion attacks instead of you
  • shield of blades
    • Bonus: you get +2 AC if you are wielding 2 weapons
  • throw and stab
    • Attack: Replace 1 attack with 2 thrown attacks with a thrown weapon
  • twin strike
    • Action: Attack 2 times but do not add ability modifier to damage
  • warning shot
    • Reaction: you can attack your target with a ranged weapon if it moves
  • whirlwind
    • Action: attack all enemies within reach
  • volley
    • attack all enemies within 5 feet of a point

  • careful attack
    • Bonus: advantage to attack but do not add ability mod to damage
  • circling strike
    • Bonus: beast companion can move 10 feet when you attack
  • fading strike
    • Bonus: you can disengage if you hit with finesse or ranged weapon
  • hit and run
    • Bonus: disengage if you attack with a melee weapon
  • hunter's teamwork
    • Bonus: you have advantage if 2 or more allies are within 5 feet of the target
  • marauder's rush
    • Move: You move in a straight line to the enemy and add Wis mod to damage
  • nimble strike
    • Bonus: you can move 10 feet if you attack with a melee weapon
  • predator strike
    • Attack: beast companion attacks instead of you
  • shield of blades
    • Bonus: you get +2 AC if you are wielding 2 weapons
  • throw and stab
    • Attack: Replace 1 attack with 2 thrown attacks with a thrown weapon
  • twin strike
    • Action: Attack 2 times but do not add ability modifier to damage
  • warning shot
    • Reaction: you can attack your target with a ranged weapon if it moves
  • whirlwind
    • Action: attack all enemies within reach
  • volley
    • attack all enemies within 5 feet of a point
Some of these are good, some of these are too simple, but you get the idea. There's a lot more we could push into this space as well and having spell slots to amplify your Special Attacks and Reactions would be super cool imo. I think Half-Casters are coolest when their spell slots typically do something magical but not strictly spell-related.


Some of these are good, some of these are too simple, but you get the idea. There's a lot more we could push into this space as well and having spell slots to amplify your Special Attacks and Reactions would be super cool imo. I think Half-Casters are coolest when their spell slots typically do something magical but not strictly spell-related.
I literally just converted all the 4e ranger at-wills


Most 4E powers more the mess out of me! It's the same reason I can't get into PF2E. Great concepts, but the early powers are all snore fests IMO.
Nature of the beast.

Early stuff can't be complex as you are learning.
Later stuff is complex and unwieldy unless you cut the early stuff

What if Volley and WWA were ranger only weapon masteries?

Nature of the beast.

Early stuff can't be complex as you are learning.
Later stuff is complex and unwieldy unless you cut the early stuff

What if Volley and WWA were ranger only weapon masteries?
Hmmm unique weapon masteries + cool spell attacks (actual spells I guess, since Paladin smite is being made into a spell too) could be something to spice up the design of the half-casters. Maybe push the envelope and get them the more magical Weapon Arts from Elden Ring tbh.


I'm a little concerned with Ranger 2024. Because for two reasons:

1 - The Ranger's evolution revolves around the Hunter's Mark magic then what happens if a wizard casts the dispel magic or silence spellon the Ranger?

2 - What happens if a player wants to use another spell that uses concentration, for example Swift Quiver?

For my game sessions I made small changes to Ranger that I personally found more effective than the versions of d&d 5e and d&d 5e 2024


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