D&D (2024) What is your oppinion of 5.24 so far?


Still undecided. It looks like the change are significant but made of many small blink-and-you’ll-miss-them changes, which is something I dislike. Let’s see if those changes are worth the hassle….
Clearly you'll have to decide for yourself, but IMO the changes are hands-down worth it. I'm sure that there are more changes that I would like to see, but to me, this is a good enough start to make it worth the change.

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I mean, fair enough, but I hope you don't mind me saying: I usually find that argument (beyond just "I don't like this art" and into "I don't like this edition") to be very strange. It reminds me of when people were complaining about 4e Tieflings having too thick tails. It always makes me think, "So don't use that art!"
For me, the art is a big part of the appeal. If I like the art, I can get excited about playing that game. If I don’t, I find it harder to be enthusiastic.

And while I can use other art I like better to illustrate characters and monsters during play, it’s kind of hard to ignore the art when it’s printed in the book you are reading and plastered all over the promotional material.

OTOH, I really enjoy how they've embraced making PC species widely varied these days (rather than the aforementioned 4e art with a specifically chosen edition-style). They've embraced it for PCs - now they just gotta embrace it for monsters!


I can say that I’m not a fan of a lot of the new art, especially the redesigned dragons.
Certainly this is largely going to cone down to taste, but as somebody who has loved 5E art since day 1...I really dig the new look, and how much effort they put into this new art. The Spell chapter looks like it will be sick.


Certainly this is largely going to cone down to taste, but as somebody who has loved 5E art since day 1...I really dig the new look, and how much effort they put into this new art. The Spell chapter looks like it will be sick.
I like some of the new art. That halfling wild magic sorcerer with the prosthetic arm is awesome.

I think it’s mainly the dragons. I just think they look hideous and ridiculous. I much prefer the 3.xe / OG 5e designs. Rest assured I will not be using the new dragon art at my table.


For me, the art is a big part of the appeal. If I like the art, I can get excited about playing that game. If I don’t, I find it harder to be enthusiastic. And it’s kind of hard to ignore the art when it’s printed in the book you are reading.
I mean, I agree entirely on the principle - I primarily flip through each new book just to look at the art - but I mean about the specifics of that art. IF I don't like, say, how "THICC" the silver dragon is, I just assume that silver dragons in my game are thinner. Or (like my earlier example) if Tieflings have too big of tails or horns, then MY tiefling does not need to.

I mean, I understand you not liking the specific redesigns on the dragons, but are you really saying that you don't like, say, this art:

I mean, that's the new Red Dragon in action. Don't get that dragon-pamphlet preorder perk, by all means.


As the Red Dragon is (for the most part) relatively unchanged, maybe this is a better example. I'm not sure if I like the new Black Dragon design, myself - but I do think that this looks pretty awesome. I wouldn't want ALL black dragons to look like this guy, but an individual black dragon? I could see it:



Ehhh. Maybe. :unsure:
The worst have been raised, but we won't know if the best have been reigned in until we see the changes made to the spells that were making the best the best.
At least some of them had been.

Conjure Animals/Fey/ect... has been completely reworked and Spiritual Weapon has concentration.

And I would be very shocked if they did nothing to force cage and simulacrum.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Too many fiddly bits and the lost of many of our favorite kits makes me iffy on 5.24, but I still pre ordered the books. I think the improvements are generally good; so after a good read through, I'll decide which I'll keep.


It looks to me like a further Disneyfication of DnD. 5e was already the easymode and it's become even more that.
The only good thing is martial are now better fighters than wizards.

I think it's gone too far into pandering to player power fantasies but I could be wrong...

Good thing as DM I have infinite dragons. Actually there are a lot of ways to quickly and easily beef up monsters to make them more of a threat. Examples include adding a +2 to attack modifier, advantage to attack, max out damage or ... well any number of other options including adding attacks or powers I think are thematically appropriate. But this is ground well trod. Difficulty and level of challenge is up to the DM.

Don't be a slave to the encounter calculations in the book or the daily XP budget and the issues have gone away for me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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