D&D (2024) What is your oppinion of 5.24 so far?

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I think folks are underestimating how much of a damage bump martial classes, in particular, got. So I think DMs will have to adapt to that after watching their players demolish what would previously have been a challenging encounter. Hopefully the new CR rules will help, though we have seen little of them so far, so it’s tough to say.

Old adventures will work, but will need balancing, though as others have pointed out, you always have to adjust for each party, anyway.

Monks will be the new hotness.
I expect that the revised monsters will account for the higher baseline damage output. But, there will be a brief period between the PHB and MM releases when people are using the original monster stats with the new PC rules and may find encounters easier than they expect.


hopefully not just by bringing the worst up but also by reigning the best in
They definitely are. They nerfed many of the most egregious nova damage abilities - divine smite, conjure animals, great weapon master / sharpshooter, assassin surprise and surprise in general, etc
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But: every martial now played is one spellcaster less. So probably the increase in damage/power is mainly for low powered groups.
How do you figure? Martials are already disproportionately popular. And they all got significantly stronger. Martial classes are already the strongest DPR overall.


Positive so far.

I'm in favor of the changes made so far on the player's side, I think the 2024 classes have all seen significant QoL changes that will improve the table experience.

I am hoping that we will see more of the same on the DM's side. Easier to run, monsters that can challenge the PCs without being sacks of HP.


I think it's pretty good stuff. I've been playing with the playtest stuff in multiple games for quite awhile, and we've always had a few fully-2014 characters, as well as some hybrid characters (with the new classes but old species or subclasses) and everything has worked perfectly smoothly. It's no bigger deal than adding a houserule or two.

I don't think that the monsters will need more HP to deal with the "more reliable damage" (I think that it's more that then that the new Classes deal more damage.) The monsters just need to also deal more reliable damage. This will make combats fast and furious, which is what I think we all want (generally).

Otherwise, the most exciting thing IMO about the new books will be the new layout. I think that part will be a gamechanger.
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Martial classes are already the strongest DPR overall.
For some reason people seem to think "martial/caster divide" means that casters do more damage even though martial classes (plus paladins) generally already do the highest damage. It's going to be really lopsided after martials all get buffed (except paladins).

I still think though that it will be far easier for DMs to balance encounters - if overall damage goes up but nova damage gets nerfed, then everything is much more predictable which makes it easy to balance


My opinion is “wait and see”. I have preordered the books on DDB and would like to get the alt cover hard copies, but I will want to read them before I use them.

I don’t know yet if I will switch over fully or just cherry pick stuff I like.

I can say that I’m not a fan of a lot of the new art, especially the redesigned dragons.


I ran multiple games where my players were using most of the playtest packets. Based on those tests & what little we have seen of the exclusively player focused reveals we've seen in recent weeks "19 out of 20 toddlers polled wanted more candy. You should see the candy options we're including! Polls don't lie!" is the most succinct summary coming to mind. There are a lot of potentially improved areas in the rules that are currently just holes & things not revealed or hinted at, some of those could improve the vibes wotc is putting out.

How do you figure? Martials are already disproportionately popular. And they all got significantly stronger. Martial classes are already the strongest DPR overall.
If the barbarians, fighters and rogues at your particular table are the "strongest DPR by far" then chances are they are reasonably optimised. Their DPR performance will probably be going down in D&D 2024, since there are only a few high DPR options that high martials have to be locked into, and those have been reduced in power or removed.

They should however be more fun to play, as they get more out of combat capabilities, and some more tactical options in combat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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