D&D (2024) What is your oppinion of 5.24 so far?


I tried to follow the 5.24 news, but splitting it up into multiple chunks just lost me.
As far as I can see, low levels are a little bit easier and weapon "features" are fun.

Anything else important that you guys know?

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My opinions: the new rules are not very different than the old ones, but almost all the changes are better. For people who are brand new to DnD it will make sense to only use the new rules because they're better. For people who already owns all the old books and don't want to re-buy nearly the same book, they may hold out with the old rules. It's going to cause a TON of confusion having multiple rulesets, because they aren't really backwards compatible like WotC pretends, but both have pros and cons to use moving forward so we'll continue seeing both.


Let's see. Given that we've only seen a little bit of what's going to be released, we won't really know. My quick impressions?
  • I don't see any issue with using existing modules other than some potential balance issues, but you've always had to do balance on a party by party basis anyway. I'm assuming that will be better with the new MM, they've stated that they're revising monsters from the MM to keep the same CR but make them more of a challenge.
  • Using old and new classes together probably isn't a huge issue, although most classes got a bump to their core. Some, like the monk, have seen pretty significant changes.
  • I don't see any problem using old subclasses (especially the later ones like those from XgtE) with the new classes. Apparently there will be some conversion guidelines.
  • In general there's been a slight power bump to all the classes with a nod towards more versatility outside of combat for the fighter.
  • For core rules, I'm not sure we know enough. There are some things like drinking a potion as a bonus action that I've already been using as a house rule for a while. I don't think we really know yet.
  • Some spells have been tweaked.
  • The new books have a lot of art and have higher page count.
  • Core books still the same $50 as the 2014 books which is kind of amazing considering inflation.
Until we get the new rules that's the short version without going into details about specific classes. Personally I've already preordered and I'm looking forward to the new rules. After 10 years the rules could use a tune up.

Hope that helps!

Prettt much just continues to be 5e, small tweaks, great art, same old same old.

FYI, we have been using playtest and 2014 classes in the same adventures without issues.

My DM ran some numbers and found from a combat perspective they average out about the same, so any adventures from all of 5e should work just fine. We don’t really focus to much on combat so we didn’t notice any difference in play.


Prettt much just continues to be 5e, small tweaks, great art, same old same old.

FYI, we have been using playtest and 2014 classes in the same adventures without issues.

My DM ran some numbers and found from a combat perspective they average out about the same, so any adventures from all of 5e should work just fine. We don’t really focus to much on combat so we didn’t notice any difference in play.

Always good to hear from people that have actually been using the playtest rules. I would have liked to, it just didn't make sense for my groups.


I think folks are underestimating how much of a damage bump martial classes, in particular, got. So I think DMs will have to adapt to that after watching their players demolish what would previously have been a challenging encounter. Hopefully the new CR rules will help, though we have seen little of them so far, so it’s tough to say.

Old adventures will work, but will need balancing, though as others have pointed out, you always have to adjust for each party, anyway.

Monks will be the new hotness.

I think folks are underestimating how much of a damage bump martial classes, in particular, got. So I think DMs will have to adapt to that after watching their players demolish what would previously have been a challenging encounter. Hopefully the new CR rules will help, though we have seen little of them so far, so it’s tough to say.

Old adventures will work, but will need balancing, though as others have pointed out, you always have to adjust for each party, anyway.

Monks will be the new hotness.

But: every martial now played is one spellcaster less. So probably the increase in damage/power is mainly for low powered groups anyway.

And to be honest, I would welcome my party doing more damage at times.

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