D&D (2024) What is your oppinion of 5.24 so far?


Cry havoc! And let slip the pigs of war!
My opinion is “wait and see”. I have preordered the books on DDB and would like to get the alt cover hard copies, but I will want to read them before I use them.

I don’t know yet if I will switch over fully or just cherry pick stuff I like.

I can say that I’m not a fan of a lot of the new art, especially the redesigned dragons.
I went from no way! to yes! To wait and see…

Or most likely, half in and half out.

The art is really good but a lot is not to my taste (of the samples I have seen). I really like the covers though!

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A suffusion of yellow
I tried to follow the 5.24 news, but splitting it up into multiple chunks just lost me.
As far as I can see, low levels are a little bit easier and weapon "features" are fun.

Anything else important that you guys know?

It looks to me like a further Disneyfication of DnD. 5e was already the easymode and it's become even more that.
The only good thing is martial are now better fighters than wizards.

I think it's gone too far into pandering to player power fantasies but I could be wrong...


Still undecided. It looks like the change are significant but made of many small blink-and-you’ll-miss-them changes, which is something I dislike. Let’s see if those changes are worth the hassle….


As someone who has GMed/Played Pathfinder 1st since it was launched over continuing with D&D, this new D&D 5.5 has me hooked to come back. I can't really comment on the 2014 version as my experience is limited, but 5.5 has me stoked again - a feeling that has been missing for several years.


I can say that I’m not a fan of a lot of the new art, especially the redesigned dragons.
I mean, fair enough, but I hope you don't mind me saying: I usually find that argument (beyond just "I don't like this art" and into "I don't like this edition because of its art") to be very strange. It reminds me of when people were complaining about 4e Tieflings having too thick tails. It always makes me think, "So don't use that art!"

OTOH, I really enjoy how they've embraced making PC species widely varied these days (rather than the aforementioned 4e art with a specifically chosen edition-style). They've embraced it for PCs - now they just gotta embrace it for monsters!
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