Release To all our gamer friends: Cyber Age Hostilities just released!


Immortal Empires RPG for Mature Players
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Subrosa Games is happy to announce that Cyber Age Hostilities, an Immortal Empires expansion/standalone rulebook is now available here! It is full-color 8.5" x 11" 170 pages of 27 new Vocations, hundreds of new character Traits and Flaws, bot generation, open weapon system/generation, hard science, fantastical science, and is perfectly compatible with the Immortal Empires' core rulebooks The Storyteller's Codex and The Adventurer's Rulebook (and you'll need these books if you're wanting to add magic and ancient races to your technologically advanced setting). All of our books are available through us directly at or amazon or Noble Knight.

As you may know, you can run any style of game in the Immortal Empires system (from prehistoric through the Galactic Age), vampires, zombies, monsters, robots, mass combat, senators, etc., even though the rulebooks start you in either a very magical Romanesque or a very hostile Cyber Age (both parallel worlds, so you can take from our real history / tech and insert it into your Story).

The Immortal Empires system was developed by a group of stalwart hard-playing game masters who have tried just about every game there is, and who were tired of games getting more and more watered down and "easy" to play. We wanted something that [1] made immersive role-playing a reality and [2] had at least 100 different ways to tweak a player character and avoided the cookie-cutter warrior/mage/rogue paradigm. We also wanted to make a game that appealed to adults young and old who enjoy the challenge of minds via Machiavellian intrigue, strategic plotting, and subterfuge. While you can certainly run hack'n'slash in Immortal Empires, more experienced Storytellers will definitely run an open world filled with ambitious villains aspiring to be Emperors or CEOs at all -- even the players' -- costs. Do any of your players have what it takes to become Immortal and/or CEO of all CEOs/Emperor?

In keeping with the Immortal Empires high-level game play, Cyber Age Hostilities player characters can also achieve immortality. There's no cap on Immortal Power Levels. And if you'd like to run a Steampunk game that morphs into the Cyber Age, we recommend our other expansion book: Steampunk Machinations.

It truly is a kick-ass game with adult language and mature themes -- we pull no punches, and we hope you'll join us. Here's the amazon link: Cyber Age Hostilities.

Thanks for reading our post, even if you don't order anything. We're just happy to be able to offer our great alternative.

Most Sincerely,
The Immortal Empires Team

Cyber Age Backcover:
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