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Paizo just put out their monthly update on their Organize Play for this month. In addition to their new errata policy, there were a few updates, reminders, and adventure releases.
These Pathfinder and Starfinder updates all dropped in my inbox overnight--press releases announcing Starfinder Drift Crisis, Knights of Lastwall, Abomination Vaults, and Shadows at Sundown. These include a year long 'meta event', a high fantasy knightly sourcebook, and more. Starfinder Drift Crisis is a 'year long meta event' including a hardcover sourcebook, a pair of adventure paths, and...
The Starfinder Society, the organized play arm of the Starfinder roleplaying game, is launching its fifth season in May. Linda Zayas-Palmer, Organized Play Managing Developer, and Jessica Catalan, Starfinder Society Season Developer, talk about the Starfinder Society, the state of the Starfinder galaxy, and what’s to come!
Hello my lovelies and welcome to yet another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! Today we take on the Starfinder Tech Revolution—the second gear-focused supplement to grace our tables in recent times. What Guns & Gears hoped to do to Pathfinder 2E, Tech Revolution hopes to do to Starfinder: namely, a huge technological kick in the pants! Without further ado, let’s crack into it.
Paizo's Erik Mona has delivered the keynote address for Pathfinder and Starfinder via Gen Con Online. You can watch it below.
Paizo has joined the likes of WotC, Chaosium, EN Publishing, and many other publishers in launching a community content program at DriveThruRPG which grants access to much of its IP for both Pathfinder and Starfinder. Like WotC's DMs Guild, the royalty is 50% of the proceeds. Today at Gen Con, we announced a new way for members of the Pathfinder and Starfinder communities to create content...
Hello my hearties and welcome back to another installment of the PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEWS! We’re jumping a bit ahead on our backlog this edition and tackling the relatively-recent Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Manual, Paizo’s latest little gift to fans of their swashbuckling space fantasy game. Have I been consuming exclusively pirate media recently? Yes. Will it be affecting the descriptions I...
Hello again my lovelies, it’s time for another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! The running theme on these has been catch-up and clean-up, and this edition is no exception. We’re finishing off the Devastation Ark Adventure Path with today’s review of Starfinder Adventure Path #33: Dominion’s End!
Hello again my lovelies and welcome back to another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! We’re still doing a bit of catch-up, and this edition is continuing from our previous review with the Devastation Ark Adventure Path. Today we’ll be digging into part 2 of 3: Starfinder Adventure Path #32: The Starstone Blockade!
Welcome back to another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! First on the docket is part one of the Devastation Ark Adventure Path: Starfinder Adventure Path #31: Waking the Worldseed!
Hello again buckaroos, it’s time for another PAIZO PRODUCT ROUNDUP! Today we’re taking a look at three products for the price of one: the RUINS OF GAUNTLIGHT ADVENTURE PATH, the LOST OMENS ANCESTRY GUIDE, and the STARFINDER ALIEN ARCHIVE 4. There’s more to say about the Adventure Path, so let’s start there!
Howdy again my hooligans and buckaroos! We return once again to a new Paizo product review, this time with We’re No Heroes, the first entry in the latest Starfinder Adventure path Live Free or Die. There’s a fair bit of ground to cover, so let’s get started!
If you're looking for a good Christmas gift for a Paizo fan (or for yourself!) both Starfinder and Pathfinder 2E are available in Pocket Edition format. Both books (528 and 640 pages respectively) are softcover. The Starfinder book is $19.99 and the Pathfinder 2E book is $29.99. Sizewise, you'd need a fairly large pocket; they're about 6.5 inches by 8.5 inches, and fairly hefty. But they're...
Hello my hooligans and buckaroos, and welcome back to the PAIZO NEWS ROUNDUP! We have a special edition of the Roundup this time around as we dive into the latest release of Starfinder on Alexa, the first foray into interactive audio adventure on your home Alexa device. Today we’re taking a look at episodes 4-6 of the Dead Suns Adventure Path, which for those keeping track at home will get us...
Hey howdy, y’all, it’s time to dig into yet another PAIZO REVIEW! This go-round, we’re taking a crack at the Starfinder Starship Operations Manual. This promises to be a truly excellent supplement necessary for every down-on-their-luck smuggler, ace spacefighter pilot, and megalomaniac space emperor. Let’s get started!
The pandemic-mandated online version of Gen Con is going on right now, and many companies traditionally use the event for big releases. The fact that it's online isn't holding Paizo back as they release their new products, including the Advanced Player's Guide for Pathfinder and the Starship Operations Manual for Starfinder. The Advanced Player's Guide includes new four classes -- the...

This Week in TTRPG


Knave 2e offers great resources for any OSR style game.
A great small sandbox for old school gaming.
Increases the magical nature of Shadowdark.
Space stations, pirates, and fungi make a mix of horror and adventure.

Dungeons & Dragons

The UK's Royal Mail is following the US Postal Service in releasing 50th Anniversary D&D stamps.
Tell him no if you like—just be ready for the unexpected if you do.
D&D historian Ben Riggs delved into the facts.
"Largely a new class!"
Give your players some puzzles they can really get a grip on.
Free League’s campaign for The One Ring and Lord of the Rings 5e coming in August

Industry News

DEI grants for publishers and retailers open for applications
Backerkit crowdfunding for new community streaming service is live
The ENNIE Awards are pleased to announce this year's nominees.
A third party may have accessed customer names, emails, IP addresses, and last 4 digits of CC#s

Voidrunner's Codex

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