Release Quick Gen Things Found Volume 1 Fantasy Items [Ennead Games]


Quick Gen Things Found Volume 1
Fantasy Items

Things that could be found in many places

When exploring a location, such as a set of ruins, or a dungeon, you might come across things. These could be item deliberately left behind in a rush to escape, forgotten things, or even something that has been broken and left as rubbish.

This quick generator gives you two d100 tables that, when the results are combined, gives you 10,000 possible combinations for concepts, quick descriptions or ideas for things that might be found in various fantasy-genre locations like dungeons, castles, rooms and more!

These items are typically mundane, or non-magical or special, and can be found in other settings and genres as well - They add flavour to a room description or even help to give you a seed of an idea -e.g. Just why is this pile of pink dust here?

Example output includes:
  • Bizzare Mop
  • Pink Backpack
  • Weird Mirror

Regular Price - $1.99
Discounted Price - $1.00

Discount expires 22nd July 2024

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