Paizo Paizo Pricing Update, New Releases, War of Immortals Playtest Wrap-Up, Partnerships

Updates on Paizo's pricing changes and sustainability practices, new releases, War of the Immortals Playtest wrap-up, and new partnerships.

Updates on Paizo's pricing changes and sustainability practices, new releases, War of the Immortals Playtest wrap-up, and new partnerships.


Paizo Pricing and Sustainability Update​

It's that time of the year where companies are looking at the economic factors of inflation and adjusting prices accordingly. Starting October 25th, Paizo will be raising their prices on their PDFs and print books. So now is the time to fill in any gaps you have in your collection.

Bounties and Quests will be going up to $5.99 from $4.99, while all Society scenarios will be standardized at $8.99 regardless of level. Special interactive scenarios will increase to $19.99.

As for print products, the price changes will go into effect for products rolling out in April of 2024, as well as reprints of older products. For a full list of prices, you can check out their blog. These new prices will not effect the first printings of the hardcover core books as they are essential to Pathfinder players and Paizo wants to hold the line on those as long as possible to reduce the barrier of entry for new players.

One thing Paizo has been doing in the background is use soy-based ink in all of their products. In addition to ecologically friendly inks, they will be changing to PSC-certified paper. This is a mix of new and recycled paper, but you shouldn't be able to tell the difference in paper quality. They will also be making some more sustainable changes to their shipping supplies as well.

New Releases​

It's the end of the month and that means new releases! Physical releases have already dropped with Organized Play Scenarios releasing on October 25th.
  • Starfinder Enhanced is a 192-page hardcover that has revised fundamentals like core classes and starship combat. This can be used in conjunction with the existing system. It also includes scalable equipment, new spells, new versions of the classes, and 12 playable species.
  • Pathfinder Adventure: Rusthenge is a standalone adventure that takes characters from the nearby village of Iron Harbor to the ruins below Rusthenge. There are new magic items, character backgrounds, and monsters to be found.
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path #196:The Summer That Never Was (Season of Ghosts 1 of 4) takes the characters to the town of Willowshire to observe the festival know as the Season of Ghosts. Only this year, something goes wrong and you wake up in the woods with your town in dire need of heroes.
  • Pathfinder Lost Omens Travel Guide Special Edition presents the highlights of the Inner Sea region pointing travelers to what to see and what festivals are the best.
  • Starfinder Society Scenario #6-08: Lost Revelry tasks the characters unraveling the mystery of a silent Vigilance, a vessel sent to investigate the reappearance of the Revelry after the stabilization of the Drift. What cold malevolence is spreading its despair through the Pact Worlds?
  • Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-05: The Island of the Vibrant Dead starts with Marcon Tinol interrupting a lecture. A strange new ghoul named Ghessa has arrived on the Island of the Vibrate Dead and her story isn't adding up. It's now up the the characters to travel to the island and dig into her story.
  • Starfinder Society Scenario #6-09: Ridgerock Rescue sees the Strafinders hot on the trail of Ongie, an engineer on the run from the corporate overlords that have ruled Ongie's hometown of Braerton: the Mongers. The Starfinder Society suspects the Mongers go by another name: the Organization. It's now up to the Starfinders to save Ongie and all of the information she possesses.

War of Immortals Playtest Wrap-Up​

After sifting through feedback, the team at Paizo will be going back and improving bit and pieces of the animist and the exemplar.

There is talk of the animist's practices being a bit too complicated so they're looking to either trim out some unnecessary complexity or replacing them with invocations, but nothing is decided yet. Vessel spells will be getting some stricter limitations. They are also talking about significantly expanding the number of apparitions available.

The exemplar will be getting a bit a a tweak to stabilize the changing of focus between offense and defense. To this end, the team are looking to increase the defenses a bit and give them a wider range of abilities for each of their ikon types. Domain spells will be removed from the class, but might make a reappearance as an archetype later. With the removal of spells, there is a bit more room to make epithets a bigger part of the class.

Partnership Announcements​

Paizo has partnered with RPGMatch, allowing fans of Paizo games to unlock a badge for their RPGMatch profile.

Savagesparrow Studios has announced their Live, Laugh, Leshy Kickstarter. This will feature four enamel pins of Dandelion, Cactus, Gourd, and Fungus Leshies with more to be unlocked through stretch goals.

If trivia is your thing, Pathfinder Lore Masters Trivia Game is now available for iOS and Android. Challenge your friends or just immerse yourself in the rich lore of the Pathfinder universe.

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Dawn Dalton

Dawn Dalton


It's so strange that they're releasing Starfinder "Unchained" while playtesting Starfinder 2e and with the knowledge that it's going to be completely incompatible with the existing line.
I'll be surprised if it cracks double digits in sales.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
It's so strange that they're releasing Starfinder "Unchained" while playtesting Starfinder 2e and with the knowledge that it's going to be completely incompatible with the existing line.
I'll be surprised if it cracks double digits in sales.
There are a good number of folks that do not want a SF2E. There are many APs still out there that will be compatible with a SF Enhanced option. I think the potential is limited, you are correct, but I don't think this will go unsold either.

It's so strange that they're releasing Starfinder "Unchained" while playtesting Starfinder 2e and with the knowledge that it's going to be completely incompatible with the existing line.
I'll be surprised if it cracks double digits in sales.
Is it so strange to buy stuff for a system when you know the updated edition is being worked on?

We likely won’t see SF2e until summer 2025. That is plenty of time to use SF Enhanced for a campaign or 2, more if your group doesn’t plan to switch to 2e.

There are a good number of folks that do not want a SF2E. There are many APs still out there that will be compatible with a SF Enhanced option. I think the potential is limited, you are correct, but I don't think this will go unsold either.
The SF community seems pretty dedicated so guessing there won’t be much of a drop in sales for it, though I wonder how future books will sell once the proper playtest gets underway. So far we’ve just seen a couple classes, if I’m not mistaken.


Is it so strange to buy stuff for a system when you know the updated edition is being worked on?

We likely won’t see SF2e until summer 2025. That is plenty of time to use SF Enhanced for a campaign or 2, more if your group doesn’t plan to switch to 2e.
Hey, I'll admit I'm strange. :)
I just can't imagine that this will appeal to enough people to warrant a full release.

Hey, I'll admit I'm strange. :)
I just can't imagine that this will appeal to enough people to warrant a full release.
We’re a couple of strange people then. :cool:

Thinking about it, I’m guessing the SF Enhanced project was planned with a lot of the work done prior to January’s OGL situation. PF2e is too new to just scrap it and go to 3e, so we get the Remaster. I’m not sure how heavy of a lift de-OGLifying SF1e would be so the 2e plan might just be the best way to approach that situation and since so much work had been put into Enhanced, might as well just go ahead with releasing it. The new edition is already announced so it’s not like they’re being deceptive in marketing it. They have subscription data to work with for how many people might want it, so they’re not moving ahead blindly here.
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When Pathfinder 3rd Edition finally happens I can only imagine it will be smallest edition change since AD&D 1 -> 2. Like, PF2 is an extremely solid system. That is why they are making SF2 entirely compatible with it. Hell, I can imagine a timeline in which there is no PF3 or SF3 per se because the 3rd Edition is a single game from the get go.

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