Paid Convention Games?

Thomas Shey

If I'm that determined to get into a specific game at a con then I wouldn't have scheduled anything else in that slot anyway.

And given that at something like GenCon the dealers' hall and auction stores are can't-miss fallbacks (during the day anyway), I've always got something fun to do. :)

The key phrase is "during the day". Lots of games at the cons I was at were scheduled in the evening. And honestly, you can only spend so much time prowling the dealer's room.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Just found out GenCon Online is dead, so this is now a moot point for me. :(

I already took the days off at work -- I really looked forward to the chance to be a player for three days each August -- so I guess I'll find some online open table games to sign up for, as well as recruiting to run two games that weekend as well.

Just found out GenCon Online is dead, so this is now a moot point for me. :(

I already took the days off at work -- I really looked forward to the chance to be a player for three days each August -- so I guess I'll find some online open table games to sign up for, as well as recruiting to run two games that weekend as well.
"We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better then he was. Better, stronger, faster."

Gen Con Online refugees are massing under the Good Games Good Cause banner. Discord link available upon request. Website coming soon.


Victoria Rules
The key phrase is "during the day". Lots of games at the cons I was at were scheduled in the evening. And honestly, you can only spend so much time prowling the dealer's room.
Last time I went (2016) I was in the dealers' hall just about every minute it was open and still didn't see everyone's stalls.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
When I play in events at conventions they are typically systems or settings that I'm looking to try out. If there was a ticket cost associated with these events, I'd be reluctant to try something new.
I'd probably be more likely to pay. What I'm not interested in paying for is a game of D&D or Pathfinder. Luckily, creators and fans of less popular game systems are incentivized to not add additional barriers to getting people to try their games.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site has DM reviews, if memory serves.
It does, but it make more sense because these are more static accounts. It is like Uber, Thumbtack, Rover, and similar platforms for independent service providers.

I am sure that if a Convention get enough complaints, or even one very serious complaint, they would blacklist that DM in future years, but I don't think there are many practical options beyond that.

Perhaps they could have some "verified DM" program or collaborate with a site like StartPlaying, but that would mainly work for pro DMs and would result in much higher per-game charges, I would think. Personally, I would much rather put up with the occasional creep than lose the volunteer DM community culture that most gaming conventions are built upon.

That said, I guess I've been lucky. I have no DM horror stories from conventions. I've experienced a few annoying players over the years, but nothing serious. Nothing to make me walk away from the table or even feel the need to say anything to them.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I can't say that it's particularly helpful, but it's better than nothing. A written review only tells you so much, assuming they're legit.

One person's fantastic GM can be another's snoozefest can be another's nightmare.

There are IMO better ideas out there for GM reviews/screens but they'd have to be implemented 😆
It is only helpful if there are several, consistently critical reviews and no good reviews. Just like Yelp, Amazon, and other online reviews, you develop a level of sophistication when interpreting bad reviews. I can't be the only person who was looked MORE favorably on a restaurant or service provider based on the bad reviews (you may be incensed by X, but I like X, or I think X seems reasonable).

What I find most helpful on StartPlaying are where the DM states their play styles and, even more importantly, their write up for the specific game session or campaign. I think I am pretty good at sussing out whether a GM will be a good fit as I've never had a bad DM on StartPlaying. Since I only play one shots, I've played with many DMs and have yet to have a bad experience with a DM. Occasionally there are some annoying players, but since it is a one shot, but that has had more to do with different preferred play styles or players with aspergers. I just adjust my play style and make the best of it.

Thomas Shey

It is only helpful if there are several, consistently critical reviews and no good reviews. Just like Yelp, Amazon, and other online reviews, you develop a level of sophistication when interpreting bad reviews. I can't be the only person who was looked MORE favorably on a restaurant or service provider based on the bad reviews (you may be incensed by X, but I like X, or I think X seems reasonable).

I can't say I've done that, but I do look at the nature of the complaints because A) Sometimes you'll see people who will really downrate something for the most trivial things, and B) Sometimes the problem is just something that adds up to "I happened to get a bad example, so clearly the whole thing is bad)". Or, honestly, C) Problems that are legitimate but unlikely to be an issue for me.

The sort of GMing behavior that prompted this is more in the "About one time in three it tries to burn my face off" kind of review.


CR 1/8
It is only helpful if there are several, consistently critical reviews and no good reviews. Just like Yelp, Amazon, and other online reviews, you develop a level of sophistication when interpreting bad reviews. I can't be the only person who was looked MORE favorably on a restaurant or service provider based on the bad reviews

"GM Jiminy, who ran our demo game of Frumious Fantasy, was absolutely amazing! The system was solid and his mastery of it was unimpeachable. He was a respectful, fair, and imaginative referee, and gave everyone a fun and engaging game we won't forget! HOWEVER one of the plastic end caps on my chair was MISSING, so my chair was rocking back and forth a little the whole time, which was mildly annoying.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
"We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better then he was. Better, stronger, faster."

Gen Con Online refugees are massing under the Good Games Good Cause banner. Discord link available upon request. Website coming soon.
This is the first I've heard about this, but I'm definitely interested in hearing more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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