Paid Convention Games?

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Some of us are good GMs, and even not freaks. 😡

Obviously, or I wouldn't keep going, but wow do I hear so many convention horror stories that make me think "Where do they dig up these people?". I still say we need a national database so people can rate their GMs at conventions.


Obviously, or I wouldn't keep going, but wow do I hear so many convention horror stories that make me think "Where do they dig up these people?". I still say we need a national database so people can rate their GMs at conventions.
I actually specifically decided to start running at cons because I had a few very meh to bad games and was like, "well, at least if I run games someone is going to be able to have a good time."

Because I am humble like that.


Obviously, or I wouldn't keep going, but wow do I hear so many convention horror stories that make me think "Where do they dig up these people?". I still say we need a national database so people can rate their GMs at conventions.
I did log a complaint about that GM with the con organizers. Have no idea if it had an impact.

Thomas Shey

Obviously, or I wouldn't keep going, but wow do I hear so many convention horror stories that make me think "Where do they dig up these people?". I still say we need a national database so people can rate their GMs at conventions.

Though unless open gaming is no longer a thing, that won't entirely make the problem go away.


I doubt it. Unless you were running a "teen+" WEG Star Wars game
Oh, yeah. That kind of thing is exactly how I run my Star Wars games! Holy smokes. Are you sure it wasn't Call of Cthulhu, Kult, or FATAL?

Yeah. It's better to just quit Warhammer at that point. I gave up after the constant cycle of rules changes got to be too much.
That's kind of where I am right now. I've got the money and I'm painting models up like they're going out of style, but the frequent rules changes are leaving me a bit baffled.
WTH? Why is it always the worst sort of freaks that end up running games at conventions. We really need some sort of national rating system in place for convention GMs.
I think they tend to stick out in our memories because they are so unusual. When you have enough gaming events happing across the country/world even a miniscule number of games like that are going to seem like a lot. Not that I'm a frequent convention attendee, but I've never run into anything like that. I've been in a few bad con games, but that's just because the GM was doing a terrible job not because they were jerks. Oh, some terrible players too.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
FFG former HQ event center tried the 10 bucks to play but get back in store credit. Almost killed the business.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Those of you complaining about spending $15-20 for an event are missing the fact that you're already spending close to $200 per event just to attend the con in the first place.
We are not missing that fact. That fact is why paying more on top of it can get annoying.

I have no general issue in paying to play. Every few weeks, I'll pay to join a one shot on Start Playing. That is straight up pay for a seat at 4-6 hour game. I usually pay around $30 per session.

I pay for sessions at my new favorite LFGS, which is a nominal $5. Now, they give you a coin for $5 store credit. But I always give the coin to the DM.

I guess I'm not used to paying per game ticket for a Con where I already paid for a Con badge. But, again, I've only been to a smaller local con for the past 10 years. It will be interesting to see which games charge extra at Gamehole Con.


Is this a common practice these days? And who, precisely, pays an additional $12 to play a Shadowdark gauntlet or M&M game?
This is a regional thing, or perhaps not charging is a regional thing. All of the West Coast conventions that I know of only charge for the badge. I assume that the badge cost is less when there is a per-seat cost for each game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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