Do any other old school gamers hate the term grognard?


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I was reading various threads today and the word "grognard" came up a couple of times and, for some reason, the last time I saw it it really grated on my nerves even though it never had before. I am aware of the origins of the word, from Napoleon's Old Guard to today's usage in gaming, which seems to have different meanings for different people. Maybe it's just because I am a grumpy old man;) but sometimes I feel that (not all) users of the word seem to mean nothing more than "that grumpy old person who is unwilling or unable to adapt to newer games and/or playstyles".
When self-applied or used in the right groups, it’s a little self-deprecating but pretty gentle chide about being old and a bit crusty. And I think that’s OK. But for those who use it contemptuously, you know it’s coming from a bunch of callow noobs and greenhorns who wouldn’t know a Panzer IV from a Panzer V and probably think a panzershreck is voiced by Mike Myers in some animated movie.

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Doing the best imitation of myself
The issue I have with "Grognard" is when it's applied as a pejorative to other people. I do see people claiming the title, and that's fine. When someone describes some attitude about gaming as being something grognards do and that means it is backwards or worthy of scorn, I take issue.
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How is choice different from "willingness"?

I suppose that wasn't very clear use of language on my part. It's probably best to just pretend I removed "willingness" from my post, but I'll leave it there now that you've called me out on it :)

In my head, I was thinking about some of the gray area between pure preference and inability. But that's probably a much more pedantic conversation than is needed for this thread. So far. Suffice to say, I view grognardism to be about preferences.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
The term doesn't bother me. It's does have that pejorative-from-an-outsider vibe like nerd and geek used to have.

I've been playing since Moldvay Red Box Basic. But I also play/run lots of other RPGs as well as current editions of D&D, so I don't self-identify as in the group.


I had never heard the term until twenty years ago on these very forums where I was accused of being a "neckbearded grognard." That I read it as grog-nard too probably didn't help. It doesn't bother me these days. At 50 years old I take it meaning a long term gamer and nothing else.

Greg K

I have no problem with the term. I enjoy a lot of different games. However, since Crawford has taken over the direction of D&D, I have found myself becoming more of a grognard toward D&D- especially, with regards to the new subclasses and many (but not all) of the changes/additions to specific base class and 2014 subclasses.

Omak Darkleaf

Oath of Sloth
I try not to make everything about me, but I'm guessing that it was this post of mine that annoyed you, @Hex08 . If it was I who offended you, I apologize. It was not my intent to use the word as a pejorative. Although my post did not make this explicitly clear, the gamers who I used the term to describe, aged 50-65, had all cut their gaming teeth with AD&D, and I thought the term appropriate given the fact that, in my anecdote, they and I were waxing nostalgic about AD&D rules. What I did not make clear is that, in the post's context, I consider myself a "grognard" too (if not even more so). I see now how my poor wording could make it seem that I positioned myself as an other, a non-grognard, judging grognards. That was not my intent. But, regardless of my intent, I now understand that the word I used carries negative connotations for some, and I'll be more careful with its use in the future.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Nope. There was a time the flames were waxed greatly over D&D in particular, but that seems to have subsided. Only a few really spit on the ground as they curse out grognards it seems. Over time what gorg is or isnt will change too. Expect more flares up every so many years.

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