Question on Saves -- 3 Saves

With the knowledge you have, do you believe this is a good representation of the Saves in-game?

  • Yes, sounds good.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No, get rid of them and use the Stats for Saves instead.

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Try something else...

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I don't know enough about the Saves/System to answer.

    Votes: 2 10.5%

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Are you building an OGL? 5RD? If not, we need to know what a save is and how it relates to most of your other combat rules.

To illustrate, I could tell you that Modos RPG characters can make three different "saves": Parry, Concentration, or Willpower. But you don't really know when to roll those, where the numbers come from, how to increase them, or how they differ from the Parry, Concentration, or Willpower defenses unless you know the other rules involved.
It is its own game. A roll under system with degrees of success.

So for a Save to succeed you need to roll under its Attribute Number.

The player rolls ANYTHING when the Game Master tells them to.
Usually an Acumen Save when confronted with a Surprise or Trap or an AoE of some sort.
An Endurance Save against environmental things such as Hunger, Thirst, Fatigue, Poison, Disease, long strenuous bouts of activity.
And Willpower to shield one's mind from Influence, Domination, Taunts, etc.


Guide of Modos
It is its own game. A roll under system with degrees of success.

So for a Save to succeed you need to roll under its Attribute Number.
OK, cool. How is an Acumen save different from an Agility roll? Or, why can't an Acumen save just be an Agility roll?

With what we know, @overgeeked has a good point: you don't need to muddy the rules-water with saves.

In D&D 5, for example, the "saving throws" are just defensive skills that aren't listed under each ability. "Saving throw" is probably maintained as a game term for Sacred Cow purposes, because keeping it doesn't make the game any easier to understand.


OK, cool. How is an Acumen save different from an Agility roll? Or, why can't an Acumen save just be an Agility roll?
Acumen is different as it encompasses your mind as well. Each save has two opportunities to make it good or great (I mean they could end up bad, too, if both Stats that happen to correspond with a Save are just really terrible), with Acumen using both Agility and Knowledge.

Agility I could see as more active defense, Roll vs Roll. Roll to Attack vs Rolling to Dodge (degrees of success).

Where as a Save such as Acumen could be more passive, Roll vs Static Difficulty.

Yea, I guess Acumen could just be Agility, but I like the two Stats per Save dynamic.
Maybe you're real Agile and can dodge all of the stuff, or maybe you're real Knowledgeable and have great environmental awareness using it to your advantage. Or perhaps you have both going on and almost never get caught off guard.

It worked in 3.5 and others but why saves at all? Why not a skill check or something similar.
There are no Skills, just Stats and Saves.


As long as i get to be the frog
Will be fine.

Just note that classes with abilities keying off dex and int will have overall worse defenses than those keying of dex and Wis or dex and str. *as examples

Voidrunner's Codex

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