Question on Saves -- 3 Saves

With the knowledge you have, do you believe this is a good representation of the Saves in-game?

  • Yes, sounds good.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No, get rid of them and use the Stats for Saves instead.

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Try something else...

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I don't know enough about the Saves/System to answer.

    Votes: 2 10.5%


I am creating a TTRPG, and have decided to go with 3 Saves
  1. Acumen - a combination of Dexterity & Intelligence
  2. Endurance - a combination of Strength & Constitution
  3. Willpower (may change to Ego) - a combination of Wisdom & Charisma
My game doesn't use the 6 Classic Stats however, but to give you an idea of what each Save represents that is how I laid it out for you folks.

Thanks in advance for the answers & participation!

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3e and Pathfinder kept the saves simple by limiting the number of saves down to three- Fortitude. Reflex and Will. So, three saves works for me.

the big one the seems to be missing is Agility - used for dodging, balance, acrobatics type movement
Dexterity could be split into Manual Dexterity and Agility. The former would be how good you were with your hands while the latter would cover the dodging, the balancing and tumbling.


What does Acumen cover? Dex + Int gives me the idea its hand eye coordination type stuff?

the big one the seems to be missing is Agility - used for dodging, balance, acrobatics type movement
Agility is a Stat.

The game uses the approach of the GM decides which Stat to use for the roll.

With that in mind, Agility is used for dodging attacks and could be used for an array of Skill tests. But for example a Fireball or Lightning Bolt or Trap would use an Acumen Save.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Is this set up for SAD classes? Like the rogue will use dex for acumen, but the wizard will use intelligence?

Voidrunner's Codex

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