Question on Saves -- 3 Saves

With the knowledge you have, do you believe this is a good representation of the Saves in-game?

  • Yes, sounds good.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No, get rid of them and use the Stats for Saves instead.

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Try something else...

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I don't know enough about the Saves/System to answer.

    Votes: 2 10.5%

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Yes, I understand that, but is the intent that every class will have X in one stat or the other achieving roughly the same save score?
No, that isn't the intent.

The Roles the characters have do add bonuses to certain Stats, which could effect the Saves, but every Save shouldn't end up similar.

10 is the base line, and it could go as low as 6 if you have 2 really bad Stats that modify it, or as high as 16 if you have 2 really good Stats that modify it.

I just looked into 4e, I had no idea they did something similar to exactly what I described.

I played 4e once at a con with a pre-generated character, so I had no idea how they worked 100%.



I don't believe in the no-win scenario
No, that isn't the intent.

The Roles the characters have do add bonuses to certain Stats, which could effect the Saves, but every Save shouldn't end up similar.

10 is the base line, and it could go as low as 6 if you have 2 really bad Stats that modify it, or as high as 16 if you have 2 really good Stats that modify it.

I just looked into 4e, I had no idea they did something similar to exactly what I described.

I played 4e once at a con with a pre-generated character, so I had no idea how they worked 100%.

I think you will want to consider the impact of stat gen/bump. Some class combinations (are you going to allow multiclass?) could be rock solid in defense department, while others could suffer the spread.


Guide of Modos
I am creating a TTRPG, and have decided to go with 3 Saves
  1. Acumen - a combination of Dexterity & Intelligence
  2. Endurance - a combination of Strength & Constitution
  3. Willpower (may change to Ego) - a combination of Wisdom & Charisma
My game doesn't use the 6 Classic Stats however, but to give you an idea of what each Save represents that is how I laid it out for you folks.
Not enough info. You're not using 6 Classic Stats, and not posting in a D&D forum, so even though everyone's (?) heard of a save(ing throw), it could mean just about anything, and have any interactions with other rules. Like a "save" means different things between D&D editions. You'll get better output from us if you give us better input.


Yes, I understood that you want defenders to roll. What I meant is that switching between attackers rolling and defender rolling is trivial and does not change the fundamental of the systems. Hence the similarity between your proposal and 4e which has 3 defenses which are based on stats in the same way.
My mistake.

I think you will want to consider the impact of stat gen/bump. Some class combinations (are you going to allow multiclass?) could be rock solid in defense department, while others could suffer the spread.
The Stat bonuses granted by each Role are halved in this case, and this choice is made at character creation.
The game doesn't do Levels, it is EXP for Traits that expand upon the character.

Not enough info. You're not using 6 Classic Stats, and not posting in a D&D forum, so even though everyone's (?) heard of a save(ing throw), it could mean just about anything, and have any interactions with other rules. Like a "save" means different things between D&D editions. You'll get better output from us if you give us better input.
What do you wish to know?


Victoria Rules
Use something else.

Go 0-1-2e and have the save type be determined by what is being saved against rather than by anything to do with the character saving. In other words, saves vs poison are different than saves vs a spell vs saves vs death, etc.

The saving character can then add whatever relevant stat bonus might apply.


Guide of Modos
What do you wish to know?
Are you building an OGL? 5RD? If not, we need to know what a save is and how it relates to most of your other combat rules.

To illustrate, I could tell you that Modos RPG characters can make three different "saves": Parry, Concentration, or Willpower. But you don't really know when to roll those, where the numbers come from, how to increase them, or how they differ from the Parry, Concentration, or Willpower defenses unless you know the other rules involved.

Voidrunner's Codex

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