D&D 5E What PC species should return for 5ed?

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I'm super surprised that there has never been a plant people playable, especially with how beloved leshy's are in pathfinder. I guess that goes with the lack of any plant based druid subclass, despite that being the most obvious missing druid theme.

Also it's odd how we've got multiple cat species playables, but no dog or wolf species playables. I know for a fact that a certain community would be all over those.

The wilden from PH3 4th were plant-like feys, but true "plant humanoid" were the hamadryad(4th Ed, Heroes of Feywild) and the volodni (Unapproachable East). Leshy are from Paizo's Pathfinder but they are too cute to be not mentioned here.

This time WotC worries too much each new PC specie was... right for merchandising.


A suffusion of yellow
Shardminds - Crystal Constructs
Dromites - chitinous pyschic halflings (Antmen)
Darfellan - Orca people
Lupins - Wolf people
Brownie - or just give us Tiny Gnomes
Willowisp - my willowisp psion Zazu was amazing

or bring on Savage Species 5e


Crown-Forester (he/him)
Cactusfolk from Thunder Junction, if only because they're abso-effing-lutely amazing. And we need more plant people. Wilden/Killoren were dope.

I really want a crossover book with Outlaws of Thunder Junction. It's a crossroads of planes due to the Omenpaths connecting them with places like Ravnica, Ixalan, Innistrad, Theros, and Strixhaven, and it's the Weird Wild West. The only sentient species native to the plane are the Cactusfolk, and the new planar colonists and settlers thought they were just cacti. It's a crime world, and an Indian Jones type world due to some of the lost ruins of the Fomori Giants' Coin Empire being on the plane too.

Voidrunner's Codex

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