Caverns of Thracia Returns! Now live!

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Went with the 5e main book and the two adventures.

I'm really looking forward to seeing GG's 5e conversion of this classic. Considering running it as a Greek Mythology/Bronze Age/Theros campaign for my group. We are about a year (or less) away from finishing the excellent OAR #6, Temple of Elemental Evil, so the players should be ripe for a change of pace.


I crit!
Went with the 5e main book and the two adventures.

I'm really looking forward to seeing GG's 5e conversion of this classic. Considering running it as a Greek Mythology/Bronze Age/Theros campaign for my group. We are about a year (or less) away from finishing the excellent OAR #6, Temple of Elemental Evil, so the players should be ripe for a change of pace.
Oh! Theros would be cool.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
#10 needs to be Starstone by Northern Sages. Ripe for expansion n update

If it's less well-known that Palace of the Vampire Queen, I don't think it's got much of a shot at an OAR.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Can anyone speak on the other content included? I know some of this is new to this bundle, but it sounds some of the content is also content being ported from previous editions. I'd love to know how much it'd be worth to spend the extra money to get all in the 5e bundle.
One of the adventures was written for Runequest. While conversion isn't going to be impossible, it's arguably a brand new adventure. I never played it back in the day, though.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Went in for the books package (print and PDF) for DCC. I figure I can convert as needed to other systems.
I went the 5e book package for the same reason, it can be converted- I'd love to do some DCC but 99% of what I run right now is 5e since it seems to be difficult to get newer players to accept a system where they'll be playing weaker characters

Voidrunner's Codex

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