Campaigns in a nutshell. Adventures in a sentence.


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Summer's here and bugs are trying to get into the house again and I've reading about various invasive species. This has inspired some more twisted sci-fi scenarios in my warped mind.

Humans as vermin: To the highly advanced super aliens, humans aren't just mayflies, they're vermin like cockroaches, flies, or mice. Maybe the mere human presence in a system contaminates some resource the aliens need that humans aren't even aware of or human activity disrupts a higher dimension the aliens exist in that humans can't even perceive. The aliens thus seek to eradicate human presence because it's a mere nuisance. They do this with methods like setting traps with technology caches that are either immediately lethal or have a long term effect after the humans bring the tech back to a major population center, they use various sorts of extremely lethal biological or chemical agents to wipe out humans, create a retrovirus to sterilize humans, or bioengineer some sort of hyperpredator to hunt and kill humans.

Humans as invasive species: Human colonize a world that the super aliens want kept pristine. Maybe it's a nature preserve, or maybe it's part of a millions years long ecological experiment which has now been disrupted. Whatever the case, while it's an Earth-like world capable of human habitation and has no native sentient species with an advanced civilization, the human presence has greatly irked the aliens whom the humans aren't even aware of. So the humans have to be exterminated, whether directly destroyed by the aliens, or the aliens release some predator species to wipe them out (could be the predator from the previous example), or the aliens decide to overhunt and eat the humans into extinction. (A proposed method for dealing with invasive species is to eat them unsustainably and I thought it would be fun to include it here for the shock value.)
I was thinking of Eat the Invaders as I was reading your post.😁


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What if you jammed as many different horror cliches as possible into the setting of a single adventure or story? Like there's a camp, and it's actually a theater camp specializing in clowning and ventriloquism, and they're putting on a production of The King In Yellow, and it's built on the site of an old mental insitiution, that was itself built on top of an old burial ground, which during colonial times was used as a meeting place by a coven of witches, but the mental hospital was closed down after a patient claiming to be posessed by the devil murdered a bunch of the doctors


Staff member
What if you jammed as many different horror cliches as possible into the setting of a single adventure or story? Like there's a camp, and it's actually a theater camp specializing in clowning and ventriloquism, and they're putting on a production of The King In Yellow, and it's built on the site of an old mental insitiution, that was itself built on top of an old burial ground, which during colonial times was used as a meeting place by a coven of witches, but the mental hospital was closed down after a patient claiming to be posessed by the devil murdered a bunch of the doctors
You forgot:

1) the kid who got drowned in the camp’s lake because some teens who were having sex and thought he’d narc on them to the counselors. And now he’s reincarnated and killing horny camp attendees with his puppet, “Ol’ Stabby”.

2) The crazy old person who prophesies doom.

3) in an alternative to 1 (above), a young redheaded woman from the band camp across the lake has started killing horny teens from the clown camp with her flute. (“This one time, at band camp…OK, more than one time.”)*

4) bumbling local law enforcement officers

* “It’s OK, guys! She just wants her flute back!”

Adult Swim- Several Adult Swim shows lend themselves to adventures or settings:

The Heart She Holler - This show is basically a straight Ravenloft domain. The Roanoke Colony gets pulled into the mists because they offended the native gods, and somehow Virginia Dare ends up being the darklord. (edit: if used, cross reftence with the short story "Old Virginia" which also deals with the idea of Virginia Dare becoming a witch and surviving into the modern age)

Squidbillies - The Shadow Over Innsmouth explicitly describes the Deep Ones as "white trash". This is potentially a good source to mine if you want to explore that angle

Sealab - As noted elsewhere, usable as a sector of Alpha Complex for Paranoia

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Reimagined as rival party for D&D 3.5e with stats below

A blonde haired warlock wearing a bright red cloak and carrying an ornate mug, and followed by a brownish aerobics ball that moves of its own accord, run into the PCs while being chased by some angry people.

These are Warlock, Gorn Lord, and Mimic, a team of out-of-work adventurers of disreputable character. And is up to the PCs whether they want to intervene in the altercation on either end.

These are Warlock, Gorn Lord, and Mimic are petty criminals who make their livings commiting middling crimes or abusively half-assing some odd job or another; whether selling magic items of dubious quality, ransacking and looting, creating magic items no-questions-asked, blackmailing more villainous ne’erdowells, abandoning the person who’s hired them as bodyguards, framing a random patsy when they tire of an investigation, or simply working at a local tavern and stealing from the till.

HP 46 (13d6); Fiendish resiliance; DR 3/cold iron
Male Human Expert 1/Warlock 12
LE(LN) Meduim Humanoid (Human)
Init +0; Senses: Detect Magic; Listen +1, Spot +7
Languages: Comprehend Languages (written only); Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Infernal, Gnome
Resist: Fire 5, ????? 5
Fort +4 (0+4+0) Ref +4 (0+4+0) Wis +11 (2+8+1)
Speed: 30 feet, Fly 30 feet (good)
Ranged: Eldritch Hammer blast +9 (6d6)
Ranged: Brimstone blast +9 (6d6 fire plus ignition)
Base atk: +9
SA: Eldritch Blast, Invocations
SQ: Damage Reduction 3/cold iron, Detect Magic, Fiendish Resiliance, Imbue Item
Least- All-seeing Eyes, Beguiling Influence, Hammer Blast, Otherworldly Whispers
Lesser- Brimstone blast(?), Fell Flight
Greater- Dark Hand (See below)
Abilities: Str 11 Dex 11 Con 11 Int 18 Wis 12 Cha 10
Feats: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Investigator, Jack of All Trades (CAdv), Magical Aptitude, Master of Knowledge (HoH)
Skills: Bluff +6 (6inv), Concentrate +2 (2sk), Craft (Alchemy) +20 (16skill+4int), Craft (blacksmithing) +17 (13sk+4int), Craft (Weaponsmithing) +16 (12sk+4int), Diplomacy +8 (6inv+2syn), Gather Information +2 (2feat), Heal +5 (4sk+1wis), Intimidate +7 (1sk+6inv), Knowledge (Arcana) +27 (16skill+4int+1feat+6inv), Knowledge (architecture) +5 (4int+1feat), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10 (5sk+4int+1feat), Knowledge (gepgraphy) +5 (4int+1feat), Knowledge (history) +5 (4int+1feat), Knowledge (local) +5 (4int+1feat), Knowledge (nature) +5 (4int+1feat), Knowledge (nobility) +5 (4int+1feat), Knowledge (religion) +27 (16sk+4int+1feat+6inv), Knowledge (The Planes) +17 (6sk+4int+1feat+6inv), Search +16 (4sk+4int+2feat+6inv), Sense Motive +17 (+16sk+1wis), Spellcraft +24 (+16sk+4int+2feat+2syn) +26 with scrolls (+16sk+4int+2feat+4syn), spot +7 (1wis+6inv), Survival +1 (1wis) +3 on other planes or underground (1wis+2syn), Use Magic Device +18 (16sk+2feat) +20 with scrolls (16sk+2feat+2syn)

Eldritch Blast (Sp): The first ability a warlock learns is eldritch blast. A warlock attacks his foes with eldritch power, using baleful magical energy to deal damage and sometimes impart other debilitating effects.
An eldritch blast is a ray with a range of 60 feet. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target, allowing no saving throw. An eldritch blast deals 1d6 points of damage at 1st level and increases in power as the warlock rises in level. An eldritch blast is the equivalent of a spell whose level is equal to one-half the warlock’s class level (round down), with a minimum spell level of 1st and a maximum of 9th when a warlock reaches 18th level or higher
An eldritch blast is subject to spell resistance, although the Spell Penetration feat and other effects that improve caster level checks to overcome spell resistance also apply to eldritch blast. An eldritch blast deals half damage to objects. Metamagic feats cannot improve a warlock’s eldritch blast (because it is a spell-like ability, not a spell). However, the feat Ability Focus (eldritch blast) increases the DC for all saving throws (if any) associated with a warlock’s eldritch blast by 2. See page 303 of the Monster Manual.

Detect Magic (Sp): A warlock can use detect magic as the spell at will. His caster level equals his class level (12)
Damage Reduction (Su): Fortifed by the supernatural power fowing in his body, a warlock becomes resistant to physical attacks, gaining damage reduction 3/cold iron.

Deceive Item (Ex): A warlock has the ability to more easily commandeer magic items made for the use of other characters. When making a Use Magic Device check, a warlock can take 10 even if distracted or threatened.

Fiendish Resilience (Su): A warlock knows the trick of fendish resilience. Once per day, as a free action, he can enter a state that lasts for 2 minutes. While in this state, the warlock gains fast healing 1.

Imbue Item (Su): A warlock can use his supernatural power to create magic items, even if he does not know the spells required to make an item (although he must know the appropriate item creation feat). He can substitute a Use Magic Device check (DC 15 + spell level for arcane spells or 25 + spell level for divine spells) in place of a required spell he doesn’t know or can’t cast.
If the check succeeds, the warlock can create the item as if he had cast the required spell. If it fails, he cannot complete the item. He does not expend the XP or gp costs for making the item; his progress is simply arrested. He cannot retry this Use Magic Device check for that spell until he gains a new level.

Dark Hand
Greater Invocation
The warlock may use Telekinesis as the spell. Additionally they may make a free attempt to telekinetically grapple any creature they hit with eldritch blast

The other two members of the group refer to the warlock simply as “Warlock”. It is unknown if he really has no name or the others are simply too stupid to remember it. A scholar of all fields of study, Warlock is the brains of the group and its de facto leader. He also is usually the conscience of the group (relatively speaking), except for when he is plotting the murder of a romantic rival or building an unsavory magic item for an even more unsavory client. He tries to steer the group towards legitimate adventuring and/or employment rather than outright stealing, extortion, and fraud.


“Mimic”; Mimic Warshaper 1; Large Aberration (Shapechanger)HD 7d8+1d8+56; HP 92; Init +1; Speed 10ft; AC 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15; Atk +9 melee (1d8+4, 2 slams); SA adhesive, crush, morphic weapons; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid, mimic shape, morphic immunities; AL CN; SV Fort +11 (+2HD+7con+2class), Ref +5(+2hd+1dex+2feat), Will +2 (+5HD-3wis); Str 19 Dex 12 Con 24 Int 8 Wis 5 Cha 10
Skills and Feats: Climb +6 (2sk+4str), Disguise +10 (2sk+0cha+8rac), Escape Artist +2 (1sk+1dex), Listen +4 (3sk-3wis+2feat), Spot +2 (3sk-3wis+2feat); Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (slam)

Special Attacks:
Adhesive (Ex): A mimic exudes a thick slime that acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast any creatures or items that touch it. An adhesive-covered mimic automatically grapples any creature it hits with its slam attack. Opponents so grappled cannot get free while the mimic is alive without removing the adhesive first.
A weapon that strikes an adhesive-coated mimic is stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds on a DC 16 Reflex save. A successful DC 16 Strength check is needed to pry it off.
Strong alcohol dissolves the adhesive, but the mimic still can grapple normally. A mimic can dissolve its adhesive at will, and the substance breaks down 5 rounds after the creature dies.

Crush (Ex): A mimic deals 1d8+4 points of damage with a successful grapple check.

Morphic Weapons (Su): As a move action, a warshaper can grow natural weapons such as claws or fangs, allowing a natural attack that deals the appropriate amount of damage according to the size of the new form. These morphic weapons need not be natural weapons that the creature already posesses, for example, a warshaper polymorphed into an ettin (Large giant) could grow a claw that deals 1d6 points of damage, or horns for a gore attack that deals 1d8 points of damage.

If the warshaper’s form already has a natural weapon of that type, the weapon deals damage as if it were one category larger. For example, a warshaper who used wild shape to become a dire wolf (Large animal) could grow its jaw and snout, enabling a bite attack that deals 2d6 points of damage (as a for Huge animal), not the normal 1d8. A warshaper can change morphic weapons as often as it likes, even if it is using a shapechanging technique such as the polymorph spell or the wild shape class feature that doesn’t allow subsequent changes after the initial transformation.

Special Qualities:
Mimic Shape (Ex): A mimic can assume the general shape of any object that fills roughly 150 cubic feet (5 feet by 5 feet by 6 feet), such as a massive chest, a stout bed, or a wide door frame. The creature cannot substantially alter its size, though. A mimic’s body is hard and has a rough texture, no matter what appearance it might present. Anyone who examines the mimic can detect the ruse with a successful Spot check opposed by the mimic’s Disguise check. Of course, by this time it is generally far too late.

Morphic Immunities (Ex): A warshaper is adept at distributing her form’s vital organs around her body to keep them safe from harm. Warshapers are immune to stunning and critical hits.

“Mimic” is an unusually dumb mimic prone to taking on non-apropos disguises or accidentally disguising himself as the wrong thing. The Gorn Lord is fond of tricking him into turning into offensive shapes that enrage onlookers and even more fond of tricking him into doing the dirty work for its half-baked schemes. When out adventuring he has the useful quality of being able to get the others into hard to reach places

“The Gorn Lord”

The Gorn Lord; CE Intelligent Everfull Mug (Magic Item Compendium pg.160; A mug that can fill itself with cheap booze 3/day; base price 200gp); Int 9, Wis 6, Cha 7; Speaks Common; Sight 120 ft and hearing; 10 ranks in Bluff, 10 ranks in Profession(Cook);

Moderate Conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, Create Water;11700 gp

The Gorn Lord is a magical white stoneware tankard with a carved face and an elaborately wrought golden lid. The tankard is intelligent but has a reprehensible personality, and left to its own devices it will swindle people, verbally abuse people, make inappropriate advances towards women (despite not being anatomically correct), and attempt to trick people into injuring themselves. Its only useful trait, other than its ability to generate cheap alcohol, is its inexplicably extensive knowledge of cooking.
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Hiding in plain sight:

The local prison is actually run by the head of the city’s most powerful crime family. This lets them protect their own.

They make money from legitimate contracts to operate the prison, but also kickbacks & bribes to safeguard top operatives from other families who wind up incarcerated in the facility.

The prison also serves as a base of operations for family members who get busted as well. Certain inmates secretly get sent out on special missions. Clearly, any crime with a familiar M.O. is the work of copycats, because the usual suspects have the perfect alibi of being jailed.

Not Dead But Incarcerated - The PCs are either guards at a jail where a bunch of mythos cultists are being held, or else they are the cultists trying to use what spooky abilities are still available to them without their grimoires, artifacts, laboratories, etc. to break out

The Green Door- This is another one that is more like a short story I'm too lazy to write, but it might work for Toon. Basically the Green Door from H.G. Wells' "The Door In The Wall" is the same door which Christopher Robin lives behind in "Winnie the Pooh"

Sailed Away - Some kind of adventure set on a magic cruise liner. Like Spirited Away but instead of a spa it's a boat. Also, somehow work in a character who could be described as a "royal caribbean viking disney princess virgin" (a pun on several crisue lines)

Revenge of the Old Queen in Yellow - It Turns out that Richard O'Brien partially based the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Tne King In Yellow. A new audience participation script that heavily refrences this has been created by a fan, and if it becomes popular than the first screening audience to unanimously use the new script will be drawn into Carcosa. (This idea was inspired by a short cthulhu mythos story that I read which was named after a line from RHPS ("River of Night's Dreaming"), not by anything in particular in the story, but just by the fact that it was a Carcosa related stort named after a Rocky Horror line)

Dark World of Fungoid Gardens Blues - The PCs need to get their brains back from the mi-go. Their bodies are currently running on remote. Basically Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues but with the cthulhu mythos

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