Campaigns in a nutshell. Adventures in a sentence.


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Cult cults- Call of Cthulhu game incorporating elements of things like the SubGenius mythos, the Dark Carnival/ICP mythos, the Scumdog/GWAR mythos, and creepypasta meme characters like Zalgo and Slenderman. The SubG and ICP mythoi could be unified via SubG's brief refrences to murderous clowns in its eschatology (see "Revelation X" and "Let's Visit the World of the Future"), and GWAR could be synthesized with the regular mythos through the implication that Lloigor and Loi-Goi are the same entity
This would be a blast to be a part of!

Also, the Beyhive and the Swifties get revealed to be in supernatural thrall to the singers they worship.

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Hogwash From The Stars - Call of Cthulhu but the twist is that while the aliens all exist the various gods aren;t actually real, they're just a superstition brought to the Earth by the Mi-Go and Starspawn

This would be a blast to be a part of!

Also, the Beyhive and the Swifties get revealed to be in supernatural thrall to the singers they worship.
Which totally goes with the Subgenius dogma that most mainstream musocal acts are tools of the conspiracy (I think that's on Media Barrage 3 (edit: excuse me, Media Barrage 2))
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Staff member
Hogwash From The Stars - Call of Cthulhu but the twist is that while the aliens all exist the various gods aren;t actually real, they're just a superstition brought to the Earth by the Mi-Go and Starspawn
That could be a very Arthur C. Clarkian/Stargate/Star Trek type campaign.

Sermon to the Birds- An alien probe lands in an out of the way part of the Earth (possibly Antarctica) and starts assimilating the wildlife. Building up quite a sizable base of operations before anyone stumbles upon it

Baby Blocks - Toon paranormal investigation adventure in which the characters eventually discover that all ancient stacked block structures (the pyramids, stonehenge, etc) were all created by some kind of cosmic space baby

The King In Yellow - Narrative roughly follows the plot and premise of In The Mouth of Madness except it's set in the late Victorian period, the book is The King In Yellow and the movie is a play

King **** of Turd Mountain - the PCs face off against the demon lord of manes (the lowest caste of demon and exemplified by a correspondingly low power demon prince) in an abyssal layer made of dung

(did I say some of these before?)

Oh This Height and Fiery Speed!- Call of Cthulhu. Ithaqua the wind god is featured. But the twist here that will throw the players off is that Ithaqua is not depicted as being in any way associated with cold, but instead is associated with heat. deadly, fiery, heat

Cult cults- Call of Cthulhu game incorporating elements of things like the SubGenius mythos, the Dark Carnival/ICP mythos, the Scumdog/GWAR mythos, and creepypasta meme characters like Zalgo and Slenderman. The SubG and ICP mythoi could be unified via SubG's brief refrences to murderous clowns in its eschatology (see "Revelation X" and "Let's Visit the World of the Future"), and GWAR could be synthesized with the regular mythos through the implication that Lloigor and Loi-Goi are the same entity
If you use this, you could print out some of the newspaper clippings reprinted in this article, the ones with titles like "Nude ritual dancer put on probation" and "Police Bewildered by Bizarre Tunnel Ritual", to use as props


Brave Chicken Warriors - Toon adventure. The characters are caught up in a military showdown between forces led by Colonel Sanders on the one side and forces led by General Tso on the other side

The Sandwich Horror - Toon adventure parodying Call of Cthulhu. Miskatonic's place in the plot is relapced by a culinary school. There's a bunch of rare forbidden cookbooks with names like "The Omnomnomicom" "The Canape Scriptures" "On the Filleting of the Sole" and "The Song of Yeast". A dish comes to life and starts attacking people after someone tries one of the recipes. The PCs must scour the forbidden cookbooks for a sauce that can subdue the monster and then they must gather the obscure ingredients to make this such sauce
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The OG Call of Cthulhu - Call of Cthulhu adventure where the PCs are caught up in the april 1 1925 insanity epidemic from the eponymous short story

The Call of Carter- Call of Cthulhu campaign but instead of being set on Earth it's set on the planet Yaddith (where Randolph Carter ends up towards the end of The Gate of the Silver Key). Carter himself (posessing Zkauba) appears in the campaign as a villain

The Church of Yith - Yithians pulling a scam like the inspired from Eberron or the dragon blooded from Exalted where they fake at being arhats


Staff member
Call of THU & LOO Sectors: PARANOIA! adventure in which the PCs are caught up in an insanity epidemic in THU and LOO sectors because hallucinogenic compounds contaminated food supplies from the vats.

Scary hilarity ensues.

BTW I apologize if I'm clogging up this thread but I've been reading a lot of horror fiction and it keeps giving me ideas (honestly half of these adventure ideas are more like story ideas thatnI'm too lazy to write)

The Valkyries Out of Time - The PCs are warriors and soldiers from all different parts of history whose minds have been pulled back in time by the Great Race of Yith and conscripted to help fight the Flying Polyps. Optionally death in this scenario could be run Paranoia style with a whole mess of spare bodies waiting in the wings, due to the Yith fleeing the time period and the theoretical presence of feral cones uninhabited by Yith. Also, playing with the time travel angle they might end up being in multiple places at once; the next battle occurs concurrently with the one they just fought but in a different place; a possible eventual twist could be that there are actually significantly fewer warriors then there appear to be. And of course the whole thing is futile; the Yith are just using them to cover their escape and/or the Yith are fighting the war despite knowing that they lose due to philosophical or technobabble* related reasons

*EDIT: Suggested philosophical technobabble: Tine can't be changed. But the upshot of this is that if you're willing to try anyway you usually won;t have to. Anything bad happening to you would cause a paradox and therefore can't happen. The exception is when absolutely everything goes wrong, including the remediation effort that would otherwise make misfortune paradoxical. But you still have to attempt it knowing it will fail in order to get the effect elsewhere, because a willingness to attempt remediation is how the the other misfortunes are made paradoxical
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Staff member
BTW I apologize if I'm clogging up this thread but I've been reading a lot of horror fiction and it keeps giving me ideas (honestly half of these adventure ideas are more like story ideas thatnI'm too lazy to write)

The Valkyries Out of Time - The PCs are warriors and soldiers from all different parts of history whose minds have been pulled back in time by the Great Race of Yith and conscripted to help fight the Flying Polyps. Optionally death in this scenario could be run Paranoia style with a whole mess of spare bodies waiting in the wings, due to the Yith fleeing the time period and the theoretical presence of feral cones uninhabited by Yith
Don’t apologize!

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Summer's here and bugs are trying to get into the house again and I've reading about various invasive species. This has inspired some more twisted sci-fi scenarios in my warped mind.

Humans as vermin: To the highly advanced super aliens, humans aren't just mayflies, they're vermin like cockroaches, flies, or mice. Maybe the mere human presence in a system contaminates some resource the aliens need that humans aren't even aware of or human activity disrupts a higher dimension the aliens exist in that humans can't even perceive. The aliens thus seek to eradicate human presence because it's a mere nuisance. They do this with methods like setting traps with technology caches that are either immediately lethal or have a long term effect after the humans bring the tech back to a major population center, they use various sorts of extremely lethal biological or chemical agents to wipe out humans, create a retrovirus to sterilize humans, or bioengineer some sort of hyperpredator to hunt and kill humans.

Humans as invasive species: Human colonize a world that the super aliens want kept pristine. Maybe it's a nature preserve, or maybe it's part of a millions years long ecological experiment which has now been disrupted. Whatever the case, while it's an Earth-like world capable of human habitation and has no native sentient species with an advanced civilization, the human presence has greatly irked the aliens whom the humans aren't even aware of. So the humans have to be exterminated, whether directly destroyed by the aliens, or the aliens release some predator species to wipe them out (could be the predator from the previous example), or the aliens decide to overhunt and eat the humans into extinction. (A proposed method for dealing with invasive species is to eat them unsustainably and I thought it would be fun to include it here for the shock value.)
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