Tell Me About DC20

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Since ability scores don't matter in wielding weapons and casting spells why bother with them in combat? Just use proficiency and be done with it.
Yeah, and even out of combat, if all a stat does is boost a specific set of skills, then why not just move that bonus into the skill system? Like if the goal is designing the kind of character you want and not being forced to stick to stereotypes, why even have the skill groups like that? Like why not just have people choose which skills they get whatever bonus to individually? Why are the stats still here? It's like he wanted to kill a sacred cow, but stopped part way through.


The way I like to look at the Prime Modifier is that it represent you being good in your Class. If you are a high Might or Agility Wizard, it doesn't automatically mean that you use your high Might or Agility to cast spells. It can mean that if you want, but it can also just mean that you are a really strong or agile Wizard. The Prime modifier is just a modifier showing that you are an experienced adventurer that knows what they're doing.


I'm surprised at how much money they've made so far. They're soaring towards $2mil. Is that normal for 5E Alternates?

What if you had a gish-type character - does that mean you have Stamina and Mana points?


I'm surprised at how much money they've made so far. They're soaring towards $2mil. Is that normal for 5E Alternates?
I don’t think there is a normal, but if there were it would be maybe 400-500k imo, so no, it is outside that range. I am surprised by its haul too

I'm of the opinion that the success of this reflects that there is a growing fanbase of players that are frustrated with a company clinging to the non-sensical sacred cows 50 years on, instead of improving on the game. In fact IMO the best thing WotC did for the hobby was threaten to take away the OGL because it kickstarted this mass of creativity.


I'm of the opinion that the success of this reflects that there is a growing fanbase of players that are frustrated with a company clinging to the non-sensical sacred cows 50 years on, instead of improving on the game.
there is always some interest in more drastic change, just do not expect that from WotC at this point in time. For them drastic change has mostly risk / downsides right now. They will look at changes when the game has run its course in its current form, not near peak popularity.

DC20 has 12k backers, let’s be generous and say they get 25k by the end of the KS. Let’s further say after the KS they double that to 50k. That makes maybe 250k players, WotC has around 25M players I believe. That puts DC20’s player base at 1% of WotC’s. That is a success for DC20, but not a reason for WotC to change course

Voidrunner's Codex

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