Tell Me About DC20


#WotC has no clue why D&D is successful, which is why they keep repeating the same mistakes they made with 4e and relying on brand recognition,
what 4e mistakes are they repeating? To me it looks like if they are making mistakes, those mistakes are basically the opposite of the 4e ones

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Unofficial DC20 Roll20 Character Sheet

Hey everyone!

I have created a functioning character sheet within Roll20 for the DC20 Sample Rules that are on the Kickstarter. It is pretty bare bones, but does have some auto calculations and configured rolls.

You can find it on my github page:


If I am asked to remove this then I will private the repo.

If you want to use it, then whoever makes the game will need a Pro subscription with Roll20 to be able to add the custom character sheet.

You can add the custom character sheet by doing the following:

  • Go to the home page of your game, then click Settings and Game Settings.
  • Change the Character Sheet Template to Custom.
  • Go to the link above, click sheet.html, and then copy all of the code (or you can click the button beside RAW at the top right of the code to copy it all).
  • Go back to roll20 and paste it in HTML Layout.
  • Go back to the link above (or you can hit the back button on the previously opened page), click sheet.css, and then copy all of the code (or you can click the button beside RAW at the top right of the code to copy it all).
  • Go back to roll20 and paste it in CSS Styling.
  • Then go to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.

You should have access to this character sheet inside the game now.

I made some updates to the sheet.

1. Added Dark Mode.
2. Fixed Awareness.
3. Added the ability to add custom languages.
4. Added Armor, PDR, and Class specific PD and MD.


One of the friends in my group suggested we try DC20.

After reading playtest, it feels kind of bland. On the one hand, it simplifies some stuff (prime stat, only 4 stats with only modifiers). On the other hand, it complicates stuff (more actions, more out of turn actions, more skills). I just can't find appeal in it. It looks like good source to mine for interesting house rules, but overall, as it's own game, it just doesn't sit well with me.


It just hit $2mil. Apparently, a GM's Guide and Monster Manual is also coming out in later kickstarters to make up the holy trinity. I'd rather wait for all 3 core books to drop before investing in it.


what 4e mistakes are they repeating? To me it looks like if they are making mistakes, those mistakes are basically the opposite of the 4e ones
WotC is publishing a game the poster doesn't like. Just as they did with 4E. ;)

It's the same mistake WotC always makes... not publishing the specific product each person individually wants, LOL.


Apparently, a GM's Guide and Monster Manual is also coming out in later kickstarters to make up the holy trinity.
what is this based on? Core book sounds like it is at least covering PHB and DMG. Not sure about MM, as there is also a Monster Starter Pack with some monsters and rules for creating them.

The KS also includes

  • DC20 Magic Item Collection PDF: This will have a variety of Magic Items of all power levels. Everything from weak items that you can hand out early, all the way to weapons, armors, and trinkets, of immense power!
  • DC20 Advanced Guide Collection PDF: This will have tons of tips, tricks and tools to help you create, run, and build out DC20 Sessions and Campaigns
which sounds like DMG stuff

  • DC20 Monster Collection PDF: This will have a wide range of Monsters of all types and levels that you’ll be able to build campaigns and encounters around.
which sounds like the MM

So where does this idea that there will be a separate DMG and MM in future KS come from?

I am not saying you are wrong, but I do want to understand what you base this on.
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what is this based on? Core book sounds like it is at least covering PHB and DMG. Not sure about MM, as there is also a Monster Starter Pack with some monsters and rules for creating them.

The KS also includes

  • DC20 Magic Item Collection PDF: This will have a variety of Magic Items of all power levels. Everything from weak items that you can hand out early, all the way to weapons, armors, and trinkets, of immense power!
  • DC20 Advanced Guide Collection PDF: This will have tons of tips, tricks and tools to help you create, run, and build out DC20 Sessions and Campaigns
which sounds like DMG stuff

  • DC20 Monster Collection PDF: This will have a wide range of Monsters of all types and levels that you’ll be able to build campaigns and encounters around.
which sounds like the MM

So where does this idea that there will be a separate DMG and MM in future KS come from?

I am not saying you are wrong, but I do want to understand what you base this on.

It's in the FAQ of the Kickstarter:


Voidrunner's Codex

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