Is there any genre or theme that the TTRPG medium does not work for?


A suffusion of yellow
Sounds great. But I was specifically referring to the true crime genre where the crime and the investigation are real and therefore progress along a specific path. If you exaggerate elements and give PCs freedom to explore its no longer ‘true’ crime, and probably approaching poor taste.

Have you seen GURPS Cops? its very realistic, very gritty and not something I would want to play, but it does get into the nuisances of real police investigation, arrest and criminal prosecution. It can and has been done

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I'm just not necessarily sold that sort of genre would be particularly bad in a game as long as everyone had buy-in. After all, we tend to have certain expectations of what genres properly are represented in graphic novels and such in this country, but a much wider range are done that way in Asia. There's a lot of embedded expectations about how an RPG plays out, and that colors what genres its used for, but that doesn't tell me it couldn't be successfully and effectively used for others if people were genuinely interested in trying.
Yeah, when you look at videogames like Unpacking, it's clear that there is a place for interactive experiences that are about bringing emotional depth to seemingly-mundane activities. I think there are more narrative-focused RPGs that could pull this off effectively for an interested group of players.

Voidrunner's Codex

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