The 3.X Martial Arcanist Database

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Danny, I think this thread would be easier to find (if not already known and bookmarked) if it had the 3E/3.5 brown tag thing on it.

Edit: maybe not a good idea to change the tag. Everybody who already bookmarked this would go to a dead link I think.
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Staff member
Don’t know if I can edit it to add the tag. And as you suggest, it may affect people’s bookmarks.

Heck, it might mess up the link in my sig.

So I’ll just leave it as is.


Hi Danny, I found another one. It's a 20 level class called the 'The Adventurer Class' from Bards and Sages here:

The Adventurer Class - Bards and Sages | d20/OGL | . Julie Ann Dawson is the author/designer.

It's basically a more playable version of the UA generic expert class with some minor spellcasting thrown in as an option. Or maybe a bard with less spells and no singing.

You can pick up either arcane or divine spells (you choose) up through 3rd level spells (via feats) and there are additional feats that reduce arcane spell failure by percentage points. There are also leadership related and weapon focus type feats.

Also, medium BAB and the saves are non-standard.
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Hi Danny, found another one.

It's called Primal Heroes: The Knave, from Bloodstone press.

It's on at Primal Heroes: The Knave.

It's an ala carte version of the bard and rogue. You can pick and chose what stuff you want. So you can be an arcane caster (limited to 6th level spells), cast in light armor, get evasion, sneak attack, etc., but not have to play the fiddle or do stand up comedy.

There's a limited spell list that depends on your character's outlook.


Voidrunner's Codex

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