The EN World kitten
It's meant for bards (having bardic knowledge as a prerequisite, though there's an option for the DM to waive that in favor of Knowledge (history) 2 ranks), with +9 levels of arcane spellcasting ability increases (out of a 10-level PrC).Thanks for that!
I never picked up that product- what’s the classes’ shtick?
To summarize, it's a class that's about knowing the city so well that you have intuitive insight on how it's "supposed" to be, and have similar knowledge about creatures in and around it. The major class ability is Urban Savvy, which lets you make a Knowledge check against certain types of creatures to learn their abilities (more than a typical Knowledge check would grant you) as well as gain bonuses against them. You also can gain Urban Empathy (use a Knowledge check to improve attitudes, instead of Diplomacy or wild empathy), Continuing Education (bonuses to Knowledge checks and bardic knowledge), and Eyes of the City (gain low-light vision, improved if you already have it, and a check to realize that someone or something is in disguise, magical or mundane).