The 3.X Martial Arcanist Database


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Edited OP to clarify.

Those PrCls listed definitely suit martial arcanists, but don't necessarily have armored casting. For example, A Ftr4/Bard4/EK4 will be able to cast in armor just as easily as if he were just a Ftr6/Bard6, but he'll have more spells and a higher BAB.

Eventually, I may separate the inherently armored casting PrCls from the ones that merely facilitate being a martial arcanist...but some will be tricky, like the Enlightened Fist.

Take edk and abj champ OR take edk and using craft wondrous item, craft youself a robe that gives you AC.

Theres this non-wotc publication called 'Abjuration. Shielded by Sorcery' by Mongoose publishing. In it, theres a feat called Abujurative that gives you +4AC as a supernatural power and apprently, being an abjuration, is boosted by the abjurant champion. :D

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I think that would be the Battlesmith PrC.

Actually, I'm pretty sure the Runesmith (RoS 118) is the prestige class beign sought. It is only available to dwarves, but you can prep your spells in rune form, the mechanics of which is that it no longer has a somatic component, and instead gains an additional material component (the rune). So, full armored spellcasting with no level penalty on the spells! You get the benefit at the class's 1st level AND it has full caster progression.


First Post
I've been trying to make the pale master prestige class work for a melee based wizard, seeing as a lot of the perks of the prestige class are useful in close combat. All the touch spells, the undead traits, strength bonus from the arm graft, etc.

My character is only just starting the palemaster levels, base levels were 1 fighter/5 wizard, so I can't really tell you how it performs.

What are your thoughts.


Staff member
Don't know the Pale Master that well, but my gut feeling is that almost any martial arcanist can benefit from feats like Arcane Strike.

And you'll definitely need some kind of combat feats- what arms & armor are you using? What feats do you already have?
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Staff member
And actually, if you want some REALLY good answers to your question, foggman, try re-posting it in the Legacy Forum.

More people will see it there...more people with good info about the Pale Master in particular.


First Post
And actually, if you want some REALLY good answers to your question, foggman, try re-posting it in the Legacy Forum.

More people will see it there...more people with good info about the Pale Master in particular.
Oh I did post over there, and yea I got quite a bit of good feedback. Here is the thread if you are interested.

I just thought I'd bring up the pale master with you to see if perhaps you had ever tried it out. Anyway have a look at the thread if you want. We talked about quite a few spells, feats, character options, etc. Thought you might be interested.

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