D&D 2E A bunch of 2e PDFs seem to have bumped up in price


Albeit some of the worst and most garbled OCR you will come across.

I've messaged them back to clarify my point just in case it was missed. Yes, I can download the old version and it is still available for sale on their site.
Yeah I just looked and see both versions now, with the exact same Shannon Applecline commentary. The old one had been removed for a while.

It is not like this is even an alt cover version of the product, it seems to just be two scans of the same book.

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Purveyor of AD&D
In addition to price hikes previous purchasers are no longer automatically entitled to updated scans as had been customary before.

I purchased this a while ago:-

However there is now another listing available:-

Exactly the same book but the new listing looks to be an updated scan with POD available. When I contacted customer support I was told:-

Some of my older purchases have been updated several times over the years so it was a shock to see that they now seem to have a different policy in place. If there is a new scan available than this makes me a little unhappy at not getting the new version as the old scan is not very good.

This is the type of activity that encourages Sailing the Seven Seas. I thought they were above this bush league behavior. People should be quite wary of their purchases.


And the second email to customer support has yielded a result - they have admitted that this was an error (not sure if it was theirs or WOTC's) and they are fixing things.

I have always had a swift to issues from their customer support in the past which is why their initial communication on this issue was a bit jarring.
Good to see it's getting resolved.

What's strange about the newer version is this part:
File Last Updated:
February 22, 2018

This title was added to our catalog on March 06, 2024

I was under the impression that the 'updated' date was when the file was actually updated on DTRPG's systems.


And the second email to customer support has yielded a result - they have admitted that this was an error (not sure if it was theirs or WOTC's) and they are fixing things.

I have always had a swift to issues from their customer support in the past which is why their initial communication on this issue was a bit jarring.
Glad they're fixing it. If they were knowingly selling two versions of exactly the same book - basically hoping people would buy the same product twice once they realized a better scan was available - that would seriously shake my faith in DTRPG as a fair dealer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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