RPG Evolution

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Adults gamers are always pining for more time to play. What happens when they retire?
RPGs aren't just a pastime. They can create lifelong adult friends.
Immunity to a form of damage in D&D has serious implications.
The rules for a fair-play whodunnit can make for a fun investigative adventure.
Yeah, it's as bad as it sounds.
Something's rotten in Barbieland ... and in RPGs too.
We had such a good time at our last con that we decided to refine our cosplay at Terrificon next.
I finally got a chance to attend a convention in my home state. It's been a while!
Mary Queen of Scots' tumultuous reign makes for an exciting campaign.
High level characters can beat most traps. What to do?
Dead Space draws from two major influences: Alien and The Thing. Both are great resources for sci-fi horror games.
Want to shake up your campaign world? The Sea Peoples obliterated Bronze Age nations in 150 years.
Pits and other obstacles tell a lot about a party's power level.
Game of Thrones can't beat the real life adventures of the last Roman Empress.
Believe it or not, there's people who don't like games. At all.
Mental Health Awareness month is a good reminder that we can all use a little help sometimes.

This Week in TTRPG


Knave 2e offers great resources for any OSR style game.
A great small sandbox for old school gaming.
Increases the magical nature of Shadowdark.
Space stations, pirates, and fungi make a mix of horror and adventure.

Dungeons & Dragons

The UK's Royal Mail is following the US Postal Service in releasing 50th Anniversary D&D stamps.
Tell him no if you like—just be ready for the unexpected if you do.
D&D historian Ben Riggs delved into the facts.
"Largely a new class!"
Give your players some puzzles they can really get a grip on.
Free League’s campaign for The One Ring and Lord of the Rings 5e coming in August

Industry News

DEI grants for publishers and retailers open for applications
Backerkit crowdfunding for new community streaming service is live
The ENNIE Awards are pleased to announce this year's nominees.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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