Level Up (A5E) Powerful Attacker Question


OK so to be clear you're saying that if you're poisoned, attacking a prone foe, and power attacking it's a wash? I'm not disagreeing- I don't know what to think here
You couldn't Power Attack. Basically you either do or do not have Advantage/Disadvantage. Saying having them both "cancels them out" is a bit inaccurate - their effects cancel each other, but you still have the condition. It's why you can't stack advantage.

Poisoned - Disadvantage
Attacking a prone foe - Advantage
Net result - standard roll

You would still "have disadvantage", so you can't declare a powerful strike.

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You couldn't Power Attack. Basically you either do or do not have Advantage/Disadvantage. Saying having them both "cancels them out" is a bit inaccurate - their effects cancel each other, but you still have the condition. It's why you can't stack advantage.

Poisoned - Disadvantage
Attacking a prone foe - Advantage
Net result - standard roll

You would still "have disadvantage", so you can't declare a powerful strike.
This is RAW-accurate, by my reading. I don't necessarily like it, however. I know this has been discussed elsewhere, just my 2 coppers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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