I have to admit this thread is starting to make my head spin. It looks like we have a bunch of people DMing a game that they are just not having fun with. As someone who has discussed how I'm not always happy with 5E, I think the moment it crosses from "well that's annoying but I had a great time" to "this was terrible," it's time to move to another system.
For me, that's my attitude with 3.5. The last time I ran it, I said "never again". And I played it at the same levels where I dropped it and vowed never to play it again. In this case, our DM moved the game to 5E and everyone is having a great time. Yes, there are all of the issues we have with 5E, but we leave the session wanting to come back next week.
Maybe it's the fact that I occasionally play PF2 in person so I see the GM dealing with everything, or maybe it's all our games being VTT in 5E, but I simply cannot see what's going on. But that's me, and not any of the other posters, and so I think ... why not move to another game? Maybe it's just that my 5E experience is recently mixed in with Daggerheart and Feng Shui 2, but I think, to sort of quote The Dark Tower, "There are other games than this."
I guess my assumption is that D&D is a game that people love and they don't want it to change to something they don't like as much. As someone who loved 4E, I can sympathize with that. So am I missing something? I suspect that a lot of it is that there are some folks I have on mute discussing things and it's making the discussion less clear. If that's the reason, feel free to say, "just eat your soup, gramps," and move on.