Pathfinder 2E Paizo announced Tian Xia World Guide, Character Guide, and the Season of Ghosts adventure path.


That's too bad, and feels weird. But I can't find the bandwidth to learn foundry, even though I have heard it is a good implementation of both PF2E and SWADE, so I have been sticking with FG.
Understandable. I tried FG back in the day and gave up on it. Then during the pandemic, I had to game, so I learned Roll20. I dove into Foundry for a better experience than Roll20.
Fantasy Grounds just didn't feel intuitive. Then they came out with Unity, and I didn't want to buy it again.

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Thats too bad because Foundry is the best out there. Yes, IMO of course.

Understandable. I tried FG back in the day and gave up on it. Then during the pandemic, I had to game, so I learned Roll20. I dove into Foundry for a better experience than Roll20.
Fantasy Grounds just didn't feel intuitive. Then they came out with Unity, and I didn't want to buy it again.

I don't doubt that Foundry is good. Lots of folks like it, and when i watch videos of folks using it, it look great. But I am heavily invested in FG, so I don't want to re-buy everything for Foundry. Plus, I am an old surveyor becoming an engineer and have been in college for years to get there and I just don't have the extra brainpower to learn both Foundry and structural analysis...


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I don't doubt that Foundry is good. Lots of folks like it, and when i watch videos of folks using it, it look great. But I am heavily invested in FG, so I don't want to re-buy everything for Foundry. Plus, I am an old surveyor becoming an engineer and have been in college for years to get there and I just don't have the extra brainpower to learn both Foundry and structural analysis...
I kinda hear you. There is a surprising amount of stuff for free with Foundry. I am still only 50 bucks in. Wasnt too hard for me to learn. Of course, if you are talking about making coded changes for custom development then yeah thats a lot of time investment. However, i've had to do very little becasue everytime I start, I decide to do a quick search and find somebody beat me to it. Free upgrades galore.

I don't doubt that Foundry is good. Lots of folks like it, and when i watch videos of folks using it, it look great. But I am heavily invested in FG, so I don't want to re-buy everything for Foundry. Plus, I am an old surveyor becoming an engineer and have been in college for years to get there and I just don't have the extra brainpower to learn both Foundry and structural analysis...
From context of your posts, I'm guessing you're about my age so yeah that does sound rough. I'm not sure how engaged your players are, but I found myself having to put in a bit more effort for Foundry to be able to answer the player's questions when we first started using it. The first month or so was rough, but it's been pretty smooth in the year since once everyone figured out how it works.

I could be wrong, but I think if you update to the latest version of Foundry, you must update Pathfinder to the remaster. If I stopped updating Foundry, I could stay with the legacy version, but eventually all my stuff would stop working - probably in a month or so because of how fast development happens there.
I haven't used it, but I think this module would address your issue if you wanted to stick with legacy material. I know I had read there was a plan to have an alternate legacy support setup that wouldn't be updated for folks that wanted to stick with the OGL version.

And yeah... the pain of the name game is real. This spreadsheet can help if you're stuck.


From context of your posts, I'm guessing you're about my age so yeah that does sound rough. I'm not sure how engaged your players are, but I found myself having to put in a bit more effort for Foundry to be able to answer the player's questions when we first started using it. The first month or so was rough, but it's been pretty smooth in the year since once everyone figured out how it works.
I'm turning 49 in a few days. I literally go to college with kids my son's age. I will finally get my civil engineering degree next May. Then, maybe, I will try something different re VTT.


Doing the best imitation of myself
Honestly, I think it is a good thing for companies to start charging accurate prices for their books. if that is what a Pathfinder 2E books costs to produce and make a little profit for the company, I am okay with that.
I see what you're saying, and I agree with you ... but, there's a counterpoint that I think needs to be made here.

When I see a book with a price of $80, it's well out of what I'd call my casual purchase range. It's totally reasonable that this needs to be the price, but I simply can't justify the purchase. And I know that I am pretty well-off, so I know that I can afford it, it just hits a price point where I need to think I'm going to use this book regularly. And I'm just not. I'd read it, and then it would go away on my bookshelf. That's, as my doctor said about chicken alfredo, too rich for my blood.

And there are a lot of products and services that are in this range. Even though the book needs to be that price for Paizo to make money, it is going to limit the audience. And I suspect that a year from now I'll be able to get it in a Humble Bundle like a lot of the other products I'd purchased previously.

And this is a much bigger discussion than just Paizo, so I'll cede that they aren't doing something wrong. But as we all know, you can do nothing wrong and still lose. Will they? Don't know. Hope not.


I see what you're saying, and I agree with you ... but, there's a counterpoint that I think needs to be made here.

When I see a book with a price of $80, it's well out of what I'd call my casual purchase range. It's totally reasonable that this needs to be the price, but I simply can't justify the purchase. And I know that I am pretty well-off, so I know that I can afford it, it just hits a price point where I need to think I'm going to use this book regularly. And I'm just not. I'd read it, and then it would go away on my bookshelf. That's, as my doctor said about chicken alfredo, too rich for my blood.

And there are a lot of products and services that are in this range. Even though the book needs to be that price for Paizo to make money, it is going to limit the audience. And I suspect that a year from now I'll be able to get it in a Humble Bundle like a lot of the other products I'd purchased previously.

And this is a much bigger discussion than just Paizo, so I'll cede that they aren't doing something wrong. But as we all know, you can do nothing wrong and still lose. Will they? Don't know. Hope not.
I get you. But it doesn't help Paizo to lose money on every sale, either.


Doing the best imitation of myself
I get you. But it doesn't help Paizo to lose money on every sale, either.
Exactly. And I don't want them to. I will just throw out there that there needs to be a better way to get books that are not essential core must-haves into people's hands.

And of course, if Paizo makes a bunch of money on this book, good on them! It just won't be my money. Most likely they'll get more of what they have been getting from me, in the form of PDFs and Foundry modules.

Voidrunner's Codex

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