Pathfinder 2E Paizo announced Tian Xia World Guide, Character Guide, and the Season of Ghosts adventure path.


So, did anyone pick the World book up?

I was surprised to see it was $80!!! Still picked it up though because the art and writing is so good.

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So, did anyone pick the World book up?

I was surprised to see it was $80!!! Still picked it up though because the art and writing is so good.
Honestly, I think it is a good thing for companies to start charging accurate prices for their books. if that is what a Pathfinder 2E books costs to produce and make a little profit for the company, I am okay with that.


So, did anyone pick the World book up?

I was surprised to see it was $80!!! Still picked it up though because the art and writing is so good.
I'm still running my Kingmaker PF2 game, but I have to admit that the Remaster has zapped a lot of my enthusiasm for the game. It's muddied the waters and confused things. 3PPs aren't using it, it's only partly implemented online, other stuff isn't being updated at all.
I'm likely only getting Paizo stuff in PDF Humble Bundles now.


Half-breed, still living despite WotC racism
So, did anyone pick the World book up?

I was surprised to see it was $80!!! Still picked it up though because the art and writing is so good.
$80? I forgot how much this stuff costs for non-subscribers.

Yeah I got it. It's very good. There is one culture in there that seems a bit "on the nose" as a North Korea proxy, but it's less "copy-paste direct than some discussion of it implied. Once I read it I was fine with it.

We've only 1 book left before everything that needs a remaster update has had a remaster update. So there's no rational reason for concerns there. The game works just fine.

Tian Xia's World Guide and the Season of Ghosts were both well done from my perspective. I have high hopes for the Tian Xia Player's Guide though it will be a while till it comes out. The Remaster did shake up the schedule a bit - which can be 100% blamed on WotC being [censored] [censored]s. But Paizo handled that like champs and used it as an opportunity to clean house on some minor but annoying system issues on a schedule not too different from that of D&D 3.0 -> 3.5, but more delayed so people can budget things in.

Tian Xia will provide for a whole new continent to set games in, and I'm very tempted to try doing that. By the time of the Tian Xia Player's Guide it's a certainty I will be looking to run or play in such a game.


I'm still running my Kingmaker PF2 game, but I have to admit that the Remaster has zapped a lot of my enthusiasm for the game. It's muddied the waters and confused things. 3PPs aren't using it, it's only partly implemented online, other stuff isn't being updated at all.
I'm likely only getting Paizo stuff in PDF Humble Bundles now.
I was considering the Remaster to be my "off-ramp", but my players have been liking Pathfinder so much and were excited about the changes being made, so I guess I'm still in.

Having a hard time adjusting to all the name changes though.


I was considering the Remaster to be my "off-ramp", but my players have been liking Pathfinder so much and were excited about the changes being made, so I guess I'm still in.

Having a hard time adjusting to all the name changes though.
I have one foot in and one foot out - which I don't like. The adventure is original PF2, all the characters made with original PF2. Foundry has updated to Remaster, so spells, classes, etc, have changed.
Last session, my wizard player was "well, Foundry decided I'm not a universalist wizard anymore. Now I have to relearn the spell system.'


I have one foot in and one foot out - which I don't like. The adventure is original PF2, all the characters made with original PF2. Foundry has updated to Remaster, so spells, classes, etc, have changed.
Last session, my wizard player was "well, Foundry decided I'm not a universalist wizard anymore. Now I have to relearn the spell system.'
You don't have a legacy option in Foundry? When Remaster dropped for Fantasy Grounds, it let you pick whether to move on or not.


You don't have a legacy option in Foundry? When Remaster dropped for Fantasy Grounds, it let you pick whether to move on or not.
I could be wrong, but I think if you update to the latest version of Foundry, you must update Pathfinder to the remaster. If I stopped updating Foundry, I could stay with the legacy version, but eventually all my stuff would stop working - probably in a month or so because of how fast development happens there.


I could be wrong, but I think if you update to the latest version of Foundry, you must update Pathfinder to the remaster. If I stopped updating Foundry, I could stay with the legacy version, but eventually all my stuff would stop working - probably in a month or so because of how fast development happens there.
That's too bad, and feels weird. But I can't find the bandwidth to learn foundry, even though I have heard it is a good implementation of both PF2E and SWADE, so I have been sticking with FG.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
That's too bad, and feels weird. But I can't find the bandwidth to learn foundry, even though I have heard it is a good implementation of both PF2E and SWADE, so I have been sticking with FG.
Thats too bad because Foundry is the best out there. Yes, IMO of course.

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