Pathfinder 2E Paizo announced Tian Xia World Guide, Character Guide, and the Season of Ghosts adventure path.


I wonder if this got delayed now since the Core Remastered set got announced.
Currently these are all on track for their current releases, but a couple things may release slightly sooner than expected (though the way Paizo spoke about it those may be unannounced things).

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Not gonna lie, but my enthusiasm for all things Pathfinder is on hold until I see how this shakes out.
Just want to see a system be stable for the next year or so.

Not gonna lie, but my enthusiasm for all things Pathfinder is on hold until I see how this shakes out.
Just want to see a system be stable for the next year or so.
Erik Mona said the July rulebook release, Rage of Elements, will already reflect the upcoming changes so probably safe to say the Tian Xia material will also reflect the upcoming rulebook changes. Guess we'll see in July.


Erik Mona said the July rulebook release, Rage of Elements, will already reflect the upcoming changes so probably safe to say the Tian Xia material will also reflect the upcoming rulebook changes. Guess we'll see in July.
Yeah. I guess that means Rage of Elements is also on my "wait and see" list.
Until I know what the new changes actually entail, I'm going to refrain from buying anything from Paizo unless it's on a Humble Bundle. Not until the ink from every word is dried on the pages of these revisions (July 2024).

Yeah. I guess that means Rage of Elements is also on my "wait and see" list.
Until I know what the new changes actually entail, I'm going to refrain from buying anything from Paizo unless it's on a Humble Bundle. Not until the ink from every word is dried on the pages of these revisions (July 2024).
I guess that depends what you play and will need to run it. From what I've gathered in other threads, you play 5e so not sure any potential changes to 2e are going to limit your ability to mine ideas (assuming that's what you buy PF2e books for). I don't know, maybe I'm remembering your posts wrong or you're fortunate enough to be able to play 2 games at once. (I know it's hard to convey tone in forum posts, but this wasn't intended to come off as insulting or critical of you.)

Personally I'm more interested in Rage of Elements than I previously was to see what might be different, particularly how do they handle NPC descriptions in the absence of alignment.


I guess that depends what you play and will need to run it. From what I've gathered in other threads, you play 5e so not sure any potential changes to 2e are going to limit your ability to mine ideas (assuming that's what you buy PF2e books for). I don't know, maybe I'm remembering your posts wrong or you're fortunate enough to be able to play 2 games at once. (I know it's hard to convey tone in forum posts, but this wasn't intended to come off as insulting or critical of you.)
Nah. I run two weekly games: 5e (Curse of Strahd) and PF2 (Frozen Flame). The PF2 game is probably the one I most need adventure content for. I'm not especially a fan of the AP format Paizo uses (the stories are a little too complex for me to wrap around my brain).

Nah. I run two weekly games: 5e (Curse of Strahd) and PF2 (Frozen Flame). The PF2 game is probably the one I most need adventure content for. I'm not especially a fan of the AP format Paizo uses (the stories are a little too complex for me to wrap around my brain).
Ok, that makes sense then. Running my first Paizo AP now (Abomination Vaults) so haven't really formed an opinion overall on their material. I like what I see in AV though.

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