Pathfinder 2E Never give up on PF2

Thomas Shey

Drifting off topic from PF2e, but yeah, that was the thing when learning to run CoC for the first time. There's so many skills and not wanting to stop the game each time to review the sometimes subtle differences between them was a little annoying. It's like the differences between the different senses related conditions in PF2e (undetected, invisible, unnoticed, etc.). I get them now, but as a new GM it took a few times seeing them in play to remember the differences and be able to quickly resolve the mechanic.

Some of the social skills were particular problem children back in the day. "Debate, Orate and Fast Talk" were not exactly things that had clear borders. Though the harder edged ones always seemed strange, at least the weapon skills specifically pointed at other mechanical things that they related to.

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