Stormlight rpg


So, the Words of Radiance Backerkit has now passed $20 million from 75 thousand backers, with a week left to go. Should pass that Smartwatch campaign soon, leaving only Brandon Sanderson's last Kickstarter as a larger ceowdfuniding campaign from the main platforms.

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Alright, final day of the BackerKit for Words of Radiance now, with $22 million pledged by 91 thousand backers to become the second biggest crowdfunder in hiatory...after Brandon Sanderson's Las outing. Atill nearly 50 thousand people following the campaign who haven't pledged yet, so it could swing high by the end here.

So, again, following on these record setting numbers, the Stormlight RPG campaign this late Summer should be interesting.


So, again, following on these record setting numbers, the Stormlight RPG campaign this late Summer should be interesting.
sounds like it won’t need my help ;)

Given your description of the magic system, I am curious what it will look like in the TTRPG

Sanderson's signature across the board is "Hard Magic": he makes systematic magical rules that apply logically, consistently and with interesting implications that tend to delight ad they unfold. High-end magic users basically are scientists or havkers who figure out how the physics of magic work, and then get to use them in absurd action setpieces that have solid internal logic. Should work well for a TTRPG.

I fear it will be a lot more open (describe your spell effects) than establishing systematic rules however, would be more interested in the latter


sounds like it won’t need my help ;)

Given your description of the magic system, I am curious what it will look like in the TTRPG

I fear it will be a lot more open (describe your spell effects) than establishing systematic rules however, would be more interested in the latter
Apparently, it will be a Skill check style system, so a bit more improv focused for sure.


So, we got a bit of an explanation of the core mechanics from one of the designers. Seems to be primarily a d20 D&D style, but with a d6 "Plot Die" similar to the weird dice from Edge of the Empire (a lot of FFG vets on the design team, I believe):

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