Stormlight rpg


What is cosmere?
The Cosmere is the shared continuity between different planets in a fantasy multiverse that make up the novels of Brandon Sanderson, one of the best selling writers on the market these days. Think the "Brandon Sanderson Literary Universe," sort of like Stephen King's implied metasetting, or the Great Wheel cosmology of D&D.

The Stormlight Archives is his giant epic novel series at the center of his ongoing multiverse Shennanigans. the second novel, Words of Radiance, is the highest rated book of all time according to Goodreads reviews (highest rated book, period, not with any qualifiers for genre or anything else). The Stormlight Arcvives beat out Middle Earth as r/Fantasy favorite book series of all time recently, as well. The biggest Kickstarter of all time was Brandon Sanderson's "Secret Novels" project (4 novels he wrote in his spare time in the pandemic when he wasn't working on his publishing contract obligstions), at $45 million raised, and three of those no els were Cosmere stories with direct ties into the Stormlight Archives.

There is an RPG for the game that is getting a crowdfunder later this year, with a rulebook, world setting guide, and Adventure campaign. Should be big.
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Some details on the game below, designed by a lot of Fantasy Flight Games veterans, seems a bit of a hybrid of a d20 approach with the narrative approach of the FFG Star Wars game from the same lead designer. Sounds like the magic ( Surgebinding") will be a Skills roll based improv system.

Big time production values on display.




Stormlight Archives are my favorite Sanderson but I could still only make it through 2 1/2 books. Because Shallan. Ugh.

Note that is about 120 hours on audio.
About halfway through a re-read of Rhythem of War on audiobook right now (AKA "Epic Fantasy Die Hard"). Also getting in on the leather-bound copies now. Very, very good books.

Part 5 of Oath ringer is certified crazypants Bananas, very worthwhile to finish that for the climax(es).

Shallan is actually one of my all-time favorite fantasy characters, her brain is a bag of cats and Pattern is a delightful counterpoint.


The Words of Radiance Backerkit is now at $16 million from 52 thousand individual backers.

The Stormlight miniatures last year got $4 million on Kockstarter, but minis are more niche.

The RPG campaign is going to explode when it hits.

The Cosmere is the shared continuity between different planets in a fantasy multiverse that make up the novels of Brandon Sanderson, one of the best selling writers on the market these days. Think the "Brandon Sanderson Literary Universe," sort of like Stephen King's implied metasetting, or the Great Wheel cosmology of D&D.

The Stormlight Archives is his giant epic novel series at the center of his ongoing multiverse Shennanigans. the second novel, Words of Radiance, is the highest rated book of all time according to Goodreads reviews (highest rated book, period, not with any qualifiers for genre or anything else). The Stormlight Arcvives beat out Middle Earth as r/Fantasy favorite book series of all time recently, as well. The biggest Kickstarter of all time was Brandon Sanderson's "Secret Novels" project (4 novels he wrote in his spare time in the pandemic when he wasn't working on his publishing contract obligstions), at $45 million raised, and three of those no els were Cosmere stories with direct ties into the Stormlight Archives.

There is an RPG for the game that is getting a crowdfunder later this year, with a rulebook, world setting guide, and Adventure campaign. Should be big.
Wow… I never heard of them.


The Words of Radiance Backerkit is now at $17 million, and tracking to end over $30 million by the time all is said and done.

Again, the Stormlight RPG is going to be an explosion when it hits crowdfunding.

Anon Adderlan

Yeah, I'd suggest everyone get their crowdfunding out of the way before it hits as it's likely to take all the oxygen out of the room for years after.

Voidrunner's Codex

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