Stormlight rpg


Yeah, I'd suggest everyone get their crowdfunding out of the way before it hits as it's likely to take all the oxygen out of the room for years after.
Yeah, I guess we can safely call this hyperbole. I have no idea how big this will be, going by @Parmandur’s 3M on day one (or more), it should make 10M (or more).

That would put it into Avatar TTRPG territory.

While that would be huge, it is not going to make much of a dent for other KS. I would not want to run mine at around the same time, but that is maybe a three month block, not ‘years to come’.

Avatar had barely any impact on other KS hauls, going by it being funded in 2021, a year that had 10 more KS that exceeded 1M which combined almost made double the Avatar money, and that also holds true if you look at the 12 months after the Avatar KS instead.

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Anon Adderlan

I guess we can safely call this hyperbole.
Perhaps a tad ;)

That would put it into Avatar TTRPG territory.
More like #HarryPotter territory.

While that would be huge, it is not going to make much of a dent for other KS. I would not want to run mine at around the same time, but that is maybe a three month block, not ‘years to come’.
You forget the part where people tend not to buy outside their fandom, slow their purchasing of alternatives when committed to a multi-year campaign, and the indie market tends to exchange the same $1 among themselves.

Avatar had barely any impact on other KS hauls, going by it being funded in 2021, a year that had 10 more KS that exceeded 1M which combined almost made double the Avatar money, and that also holds true if you look at the 12 months after the Avatar KS instead.
And yet creators are making 30% less now and the dichotomy between the haves and have nots is only set to get bigger.


Perhaps a tad ;)
perhaps ;)

More like #HarryPotter territory.
did not see a TTRPG there that was relevant for this

You forget the part where people tend not to buy outside their fandom, slow their purchasing of alternatives when committed to a multi-year campaign, and the indie market tends to exchange the same $1 among themselves.
yeah, that is absolutely reflective of the next 10 KS of the year (same year or following 12 months) making combined double what the lead did. Clearly no more money to go around…

The multi-year campaign is as true for Avatar as here. Wasn’t it Avatar where people wondered on this forum recently whether anyone has ever seen it in play? Seems that it mostly went to Avatar fans, not RPG fans

And yet creators are making 30% less now and the dichotomy between the haves and have nots is only set to get bigger.
more projects means more smaller projects too, as there is no infinite money, agreed. That still does not mean there is overall less money or that the impact of a large project on the overall market has changed since 2021 / Avatar, where I’d say an impact was not measurable


The Cosmere is the shared continuity between different planets in a fantasy multiverse that make up the novels of Brandon Sanderson, one of the best selling writers on the market these days. Think the "Brandon Sanderson Literary Universe," sort of like Stephen King's implied metasetting, or the Great Wheel cosmology of D&D.

The Stormlight Archives is his giant epic novel series at the center of his ongoing multiverse Shennanigans. the second novel, Words of Radiance, is the highest rated book of all time according to Goodreads reviews (highest rated book, period, not with any qualifiers for genre or anything else). The Stormlight Arcvives beat out Middle Earth as r/Fantasy favorite book series of all time recently, as well. The biggest Kickstarter of all time was Brandon Sanderson's "Secret Novels" project (4 novels he wrote in his spare time in the pandemic when he wasn't working on his publishing contract obligstions), at $45 million raised, and three of those no els were Cosmere stories with direct ties into the Stormlight Archives.

There is an RPG for the game that is getting a crowdfunder later this year, with a rulebook, world setting guide, and Adventure campaign. Should be big.
Thanks, I had never heard of it.

What’s the genre and flair? Says fantasy but there seems to be sci-fi elements.


Thanks, I had never heard of it.

What’s the genre and flair? Says fantasy but there seems to be sci-fi elements.
The Cosmere meta-settong runs a pretty wide gambit in terms of vibe and subgenre, but it is pretty firmly fantasy: he is building towards a Star Wars/Spelljammer esque space fantasy future, but there is s variety. Mistborn is like Oceans Eleven, the Way of Kings (which this RPG will be inspired by) is a feel-good underdog sports story with magical power armor and magic (Sanderson compares the plot to The Mighty Ducks or Remember the Titans).

Sanderson's signature across the board is "Hard Magic": he makes systematic magical rules that apply logically, consistently and with interesting implications that tend to delight ad they unfold. High-end magic users basically are scientists or havkers who figure out how the physics of magic work, and then get to use them in absurd action setpieces that have solid internal logic. Should work well for a TTRPG.

He has even formulated this in "Sanderson's First Law of Magic" as follows: "An author’s ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic."


That someone better
That would put it into Avatar TTRPG territory.

While that would be huge, it is not going to make much of a dent for other KS.

I agree.

And I'll go even further...

The Avatar RPG's only impact on the RPG' hobby is as a trivia question for getting a ridiculously well funded KickStarter.

Not only will it be no different to find people to play it a few years from now as any other small press RPG. It's not even that big of a deal now.

The Avatar RPG's KS success was mostly due to tapping into an audience outside of the typical RPG sphere.

Collectors and fans bought it to have it. Yes, the KS made a lot of money, but that does not mean that those sales will translate into a long term player network.

That being said; I can't hate on the hustle, well played by Magpie for cashing in.

But it is going to be essentially the same thing all over again with the Stormlight rpg.

Just with less millions...


I agree.

And I'll go even further...

The Avatar RPG's only impact on the RPG' hobby is as a trivia question for getting a ridiculously well funded KickStarter.

Not only will it be no different to find people to play it a few years from now as any other small press RPG. It's not even that big of a deal now.

The Avatar RPG's KS success was mostly due to tapping into an audience outside of the typical RPG sphere.

Collectors and fans bought it to have it. Yes, the KS made a lot of money, but that does not mean that those sales will translate into a long term player network.

That being said; I can't hate on the hustle, well played by Magpie for cashing in.

But it is going to be essentially the same thing all over again with the Stormlight rpg.

Just with less millions...
The Avatar RPG is for sale in Target, so, no, it has been quote the success beyond the Kickstarter.

And Stormlight has a chance to reach a wider audience, we will see.


That someone better
Sure, and as such has made a pretty big splash on the RPG scene, contrary to your rather strange assertion to the contrary.

No one said it didn't make a splash.

I readily admit it:
...a ridiculously well funded KickStarter. ...Yes, the KS made a lot of money ... I can't hate on the hustle, well played by Magpie for cashing in.

You are objecting to assertions I have not made.

There is a term for that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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