CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Terigen Mists are the ones that cause Inhumans to get their powers. When they got released on the atmosphere in the 2010s, two things happened: Inhumans got a boost in population and it turns out that they are poisonous to anybody with an X-Gene.

The version of the Terigen clouds roaming Coreline would not have the “deadly to mutants” effect (seriously, it is one of the parts of that plot point I did not liked) and maybe become a more generic “potential superhero creator” effect (not everybody has the potential for powers to activate… on the other hand, Terigen Mists kill plain humans too, so that effect was also removed… thankfully… or at least when you are exposed to the Terigen cloud out there in an open field and not inside of the “gas chamber” that Inhumans like to use as an initiation).

The risk of walking out of your house in a very windy day and you get superpowers is a pretty odd issue. I guess is typical craziness of the setting.
Ok, i haven't read that comic arc.

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GDI Orca Mk Iv from 3rd Tiberium War/Kane's Wrath.
An upgraded version, Korhal version and one built by the Cylons.

Orca Mk IV
The Orca Mk IV is the latest in the Orca line used during the Third Tiberium War. Following a similar design to the Orca Fighter of the previous war, it has short stub wings behind the cockpit that holds the weapons, which are designed to carry multiple different types of weapons from twin 30mm cannons, Hellfire or Sidewinder missiles, or Hydra 70 unguided air-to-ground rockets.
About midway point two wings extend out and up, containing two get engines for forward thrust, and the ends of the wings contain VTOL contra rotating closed fans that allow NOTAR design (NO Tail Rotor) tail design, reducing weight and vulnerability of the tail fan being damaged. The Mk IV also includes inflight refueling and reloading capabilities when such a support craft is available, which allows the Mk IV to remain in flight and reduce the time before it can return to combat.
The Orca Fighter is 58.3 feet (12 squares) long, 48 feet (10 squares wide) at the edges of the turbofans, and the pilot has nine-tenth cover (9/10th) protected by an armoured canopy. Takes a full round action to enter and another full round to start the craft. The crew consists of the pilot and copilot/gunner. The Mk IV also has a pulse scanner to help detect stealth craft, and can be upgraded with sensor pods that can deploy remote sensors that can detect stealth units for a short time with their radius of operation.

Orca Mk IV (PL 5-6, VTOL Aircraft)
Crew: 2
Passenger: 0
Cargo: 50 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +0
Speed: 420 (42)
Defense: 6
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 48
Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 44
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Military Radio, Searchlight, GPS, thermo/nightvision, laser designator, Sensor Pulse, Sensor Pod, Inflight Refuel/Rearm, missile lock alarm, 1 weapon system from list below.
Note: If pilot has at least 6 ranks in Pilot and Aircraft Operation (Helicopters), as long as the craft moves gains +1 Dodge bonus to Defense. Missile launchers can be fire-linked, increasing damage by 50%, Reflex save by +3. Has VTOL capabilities, able to hover. +1 to attack rolls.




Dam Type

Range Incr

Rate of Fire


Hellfire Launcher (2) Optional




500 ft


3 missiles ea

30mm Cannon (2 fire-linked) Optional




150 ft

S, A

100 rds ea

Sidewinder Missiles (2) optional




1 mile


3 missiles ea

Hellfire (Air-to-Surface Missile)
The hellfire is an air-to-surface, laser-guided missile used primarily to destroy tanks. It can also act as an air-to-air weapon against helicopters and other types of aircraft.
When the hellfire missile hits its target, it explodes like a grenade or other explosive, dealing 15d6 points of damage to all creatures within a 15-foot radius (Reflex save DC 20 half). Because its explosive features a shaped charge designed to penetrate the armor of military vehicles, the hellfire ignores up to 15 points of hardness if it strikes a vehicle, building, or object. However, this applies only to the target struck, not to other objects within the burst radius.
Hellfire missiles have a minimum range of 100 feet. If fired against a target closer than 100 feet, it does not arm and does not explode (but it still deals 3d6 points of ballistic damage, and hardness is not reduced). Hellfire missiles can be fired only from a missile platform mounted on a vehicle. (This cost is already factored into military vehicles that regularly carry these missiles.) This platform provides a +2 equipment bonus on attack rolls made against targets that have been acquired by the aircraft's laser designator.
To fire the missile, one must first acquire the target with the aircraft's laser designator, which requires a full-round action. Someone else can acquire the target by using a portable laser designator (see below), which allows the helicopter to remain behind cover until it fires. After this target acquisition, firing the missile is an attack action. Once fired, a hellfire missile travels one range increment per round until it reaches the target, at which point, an attack roll must be made. A hellfire missile has enough fuel for 5 rounds of movement before crashing to the ground and exploding.

Sidewinder (Air-to-Air Missile)
The sidewinder is a short-range, air-to-air missile carried by aircraft, and it is used to bring down other aircraft. It has a heat-seeking guidance system that enables it to home in on the engine exhaust of other aircraft.
Sidewinder missiles have a minimum range of 500 feet. If fired against a target closer than 500 feet, it does not arm and does not explode (but still deals 3d6 points of ballistic damage). Sidewinder missiles can be fired only from a missile platform mounted on a fighter aircraft. (This cost is already factored into military vehicles that regularly carry these missiles.) This platform provides a +4 equipment bonus on attack rolls made against targets that produce a considerable amount of heat -- specifically the heat produced by the jet engines and turboprops that power most modern helicopters and planes. The sidewinder cannot be fired at targets that do not produce heat. They can be fired at hot targets on the ground (such as idling aircraft), but without the +4 equipment bonus.
To fire the missile, one must first acquire the target, which requires a full-round action. After the target is acquired, firing the missile is an attack action. Once fired, a sidewinder missile travels one range increment per round until it reaches the target, at which point an attack roll must be made. The missile makes a single attack roll each round until it hits or runs out of fuel (10 total rounds of movement).
When the sidewinder missile hits its target, it explodes like a grenade or other explosive, dealing 20d6 points of damage to all creatures within a 10-foot radius (Reflex save DC 20 half).

Sensor Pulse
The craft has a sensor system that emits a combination of several detecting methods, including Sonar, Radar, Lidar, and others. If the craft is moving at half speed gains a +5 to Computer Use/Search checks to detect any stealth objects. If the vehicle is stationary, gains a +10 bonus instead. Using the Sensor Pulse is a standard action and it reveals targets within a 5 mile radius for 1d4+1 rounds with a 2 round cooldown between uses, and the crew can rely the information to any allies it is in communication range with.

Sensor Pod
This device contains several small devices that function like the Orca's Sensor Pulse, allowing the craft to drop them and activate them immediately, or a short time later. The devices are 3 foot diameter spheres, with built in parachute to allow them to land safely. The devices have a +10 bonus to Computer Use/Search to detect any stealth items within a 500 foot radius for a maximum of 6 rounds, and can begin transmitting any detected stealth items immediately, or can be set to activate within 1 minute later in increments of 6 seconds up to 1 minute delay. Once activated and runs out of power, it releases an acid to self destruct, transmitting its data to the craft that released it, and up to 10 designated allies of the craft that released it, as long as all are within 30 miles of the sensor. Releasing a sensor is a standard action, which can be done while moving. The devices have 10 hit points, hardness 3, Defense 10, weighing 40 lbs. Sensor pod contains 10 of these sensor devices, replacements are PDC 20 Mil (+3) for 2.

Inflight Refuel/Rearm
The craft is designed with an extending arm that allows it to be connected to an aircraft that has refueling capabilities. The pilot must make a Pilot check DC 13 (plus any penalties for weather and other conditions) to fly into position and maintain the position for 5 rounds to refuel. If the refueling craft also has the capability to rearm, it can also rearm the Orca Mk IV.

Missile Lock Alert (PL5)
A passive sensor that ties into the radar detecting missiles with basic trajectory and momentum data of incoming missile attacks. The craft gains +2 to Defense against all Missile weapons

Orca Mk IV-B

This variant of the Orca Mk IV has some improvements and is assigned to elite or veteran units. It has improved targeting systems, payload of any weapons carried are doubled, has flares added for additional defense. Also these craft can mount railguns as an additional optional weapon.
Make following changes to Orca Mk IV to make an Mk IV-B:
Increase hit points to 51;
+2 to attack rolls with projectile weapons (30mm cannon, railguns), +3 with missiles against ground vehicles and structures, only +1 with missiles against aircraft;
Increase hardness to 12;
Can use Railguns as an optional weapon;
Ammunition for any equipped weapon is doubled (except the railguns);
If equipped with Sensor Pod can carry 20 sensor devices;
Add Flares (10 uses);
PDC +2 Mil (+3)




Dam Type

Range Incr

Rate of Fire


Railguns (2 fire-linked)




150 ft

S, A

Linked (1200 rds)

Flares are designed to distract missiles that seek their targets based on heat signatures, rocketing off in random directions to confuse targeting systems and draw away the missiles When activated (free action), the pilot can make an opposed attack roll against any incoming missile attack; if successful, the missile targets the flare instead.

Korhal Orca Mk IV
This Orca variant was created by techs and engineers using Dominion technology, using the Orca Mk IV as the base frame. The Korhal Orca Mk IV is fitted with improved environmental seals and life support, the weapons are replaced with those found on the Wraith, including the cloaking device, however it has a more limited operation time. The Korhal Orca can be modified with most of the same upgrades as the Wraith, except the reactors to increase the time of the cloak, but the bio-steel and other armour upgrades can be applied.

Korhal Orca Fighter (PL 5-6, VTOL Aircraft)
Crew: 2
Passenger: 0
Cargo: 30 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +0
Speed: 430 (40)
Defense: 6
Hardness: 15
Hit Points: 49
Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 46
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Military Radio, Searchlight, GPS, thermo/nightvision, laser designator. Cloaking screen. Environmental seal with 12 hours air.
Note: If pilot has at least 6 ranks in Pilot and Aircraft Operation (Helicopters), as long as the craft moves gains +1 Dodge bonus to Defense. Has VTOL capabilities, able to hover. +2 to attack rolls. Gemini missiles additional +2 vs aircraft, can't be used against ground targets, burst laser additional +2 vs ground targets, but -4 vs air targets, Autofire Reflex DC 17.




Dam Type

Range Incr

Rate of Fire


Gemini Missile Launchers (2 fire-linked)




500 ft


16 missiles ea

Burst Laser (2 Fire-linked)




200 ft

S, A


Cloaking Screen
This device wraps light and energy around the ship's hull, rendering the ship invisible to visual and electronic sensors. A cloaked ship has total concealment, to attack a cloaked ship attacker must guess in which square the ship currently is (through some means of sensors, or guessing), and even if accurate, there is a 50% chance the attack misses. Can't be used in conjunction with chaff, or any other fields.
The Korhal Orca Mk IV can only remain cloaked for 8 rounds under combat conditions, or 8 minutes while moving at cruising speeds, after which requires a 10 minute cool down.

Gemini Missiles
Gemini missiles are designed for use against other aircraft and starships. Against such targets they grant +2 to attack rolls, but suffer -2 and critical is only on a natural roll of 20, to attack targets on the ground.




Damage Type

Range Incr

Rate of Fire

Min Ship Size



Gemini Missiles






Mil (+3)

Burst Laser
The burst laser on the Wraith is a standard laser with semi and automatic fire capability, gains +2 to attack rolls against ground targets, plus the Reflex DC for the Autofire attack is 17 instead of the normal 15. If the autofire is used against a target of Huge size or more, and it fails the save, the target suffers double damage. Against airborne or space craft suffers -4 to attack rolls.
PDC: 30
Res: Mil +3

Cylon Orca
The Cylons managed to acquire the plans for the Orca Mk IV, making modifications to suit their needs, including replacing the cockpit with a techno-organic pilot brain similar to their Raiders. While many would think having an atmospheric only craft is counter productive, the Cylons have used them to blend in with forces that use similar craft to infiltrate and ambush. As atmospheric craft, they handle adverse atmospheric conditions better than the modern raiders in an atmosphere. Armed with weapons similar to the modern raiders, makes these craft a significant threat to even starships that have entered the atmosphere.

Cylon Orca (PL 6)
Crew: 1*
Passenger: 0
Cargo: - lbs
Init: +1
Maneuver: +1
Speed: 430 (42)
Defense: 19 (-4 size +7 class +6 Dex) +1 Dodge
Hardness: 20
Hit Points: 100
Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 49
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Military Radio, Searchlight, GPS, thermo/nightvision, laser designator, Sensor Pulse, Sensor Pod, Inflight Refuel/Rearm, missile lock alarm, weapons, VTOL capabilities, afterburners.
Notes: +2 to attack rolls when targeting ground targets. Dodge bonus +1 to Defense if moved at least 100 ft in round (stacks with +1 Dodge against selected target). Penalties from bad weather, strong wings, unusual atmospheric conditions are reduced by three-quarters (round down).
Attack: 2 fire-linked modified rail cannons +9 ranged (9d12/20) and 2 fire-linked modified rail cannons +4 ranged (9d12/20); or
CHE missiles +9 ranged (7d12/20x3, optional fire-link 10d12/20x3)




Dam Type

Range Incr

Rate of Fire


2 Fire-Linked Railguns




3000 ft


300 rds ea

Improved CHE Missile (optional fire-linked)

7d12 (10d12 firelinked)



18 missiles total

Sidewinder Missiles (2) optional




1 mile


3 missiles ea

Missile Lock Alert (PL5)
A passive sensor that ties into the radar detecting missiles with basic trajectory and momentum data of incoming missile attacks. The craft gains +2 to Defense against all Missile weapons

Paired Attacks
When two Cylon craft are attacking the same target from opposite sides in a crossfire, the Cylons can be up to 1500 ft from the target instead of the normal 1000 ft, both Cylons gain a +3 bonus instead of the normal +2. If two wings of raiders are in similar situation, also each deals an extra die of damage against the crossfire target.

Robotic Tactics
Cylons are robots, and as such, are programmed with multiple maneuvers and tactics as pilots. When performing stunts and any other Pilot checks when involved with another Cylon craft, all Cylon craft gain +3 to Pilot checks.

Organic Pilot
The Cylon craft is a techno-organic craft, with an organic brain and other components. The raider is capable of learning and adapting, can take on levels like an NPC. When destroyed, and a Resurrection is within range, the pilot can download their consciousness into a new raider body, allowing it to never truly die and continue to learn and attempt with each new lease on life.

As part of a move action, the pilot can make a Pilot check DC 10, increasing speed to 650 (65) instantly, the afterburners will remain active for 3 rounds, including the round they are activated, and the pilot suffers -4 to Pilot checks. The afterburners can be used a total of 10 times before requiring refueling.
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A quick NPC the party can higher at various levels, using standard NPC hiring charges. The race of the Archer can be any to fit the local population, typically those that live off the grid, or specialize in low tech ways, living more entuned with nature.

Archers are fighters that uses bows, trained in wilderness tracking and survival. Many offer their services as range combatants, wilderness scouts, trackers and guides.

Archer Low Level
Type: humanoid
Size: medium
CR: 1
Hit Points: 3d8 (20 hp)
Mas: 11
Init: +2
Speed: 35 ft
Defense: 14, touch 12, flatfoot 12 (10 +2 Dex +2 leather armour)
BAB/Grp: +2 / +3
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: Knife +3 melee (1d4+1), or Bow +4 ranged (1d8, 80 ft)
Special Attacks: Rapid Fire
Special Qualities: Keen Sight, Specialty Ammunition
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +5, Will +2
Reputation: +1
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +3, Craft (chemical) +2, Craft (mechanical)+2, Hide +4, Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Navigate +2, Search +2, Spot +2, Survival +2, Treat Injury +3
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light), Archaic weapons proficiency, simple weapons proficiency
Possessions: leather armour, knife, bow, 200 arrows, 50 specialty arrows, rations, personal items.
Organization: Single, pairs, squad (4), or larger formations (5, 12, 24).

Archers are ranged combatants and will move to stay at least 20 feet from any enemy so they can use their bow to strike. If they can't get out of melee range, they will draw their sword and use that to defend themselves. If they can fight from cover, they will. They will attack the nearest enemy at 20 feet away or greater. The archer will use their Rapid Fire attack in the first round, and every 3 rounds afterwards.

Rapid Fire
The archer will draw several arrows and can make 5 attacks with the bow in a row, typically at the same target, and if it is killed before all 5 attacks, then switches to the next closest target. Each attack is made at base attack bonus -3 (plus other bonuses).

Keen Sight (Ex)
The Archer is used to working in the dark and low light conditions. Can see twice as far in low light conditions than normal.

Specialty Ammunition
The Archer has number of specialty arrows, which they will use as situation dictates. The Archer has enough skills to make additional arrows given materials and time. The Archer will typically have 50 specialty arrows, consisting of 15 burning (+1d8 fire damage for 2 rounds), 5 net (Reflex DC 15 to be entangled a net, up to 1 medium sized creature), 15 acid (+1d6 acid damage for 2 rounds), 5 explosive (1d6 fire, 10 ft radius, Reflex DC 15 except target struck suffers damage automatically), 10 armour piercing (ignores 4 points of hardness/Defense from Equipment, deals 1d6 points of damage, critical 19-20x2). Low level Archer can replenish specialty arrows at a rate of 1d4 per day.

Archer Mid Level
Type: humanoid
Size: medium
CR: 5
Hit Points: 6d8 (39 hp)
Mas: 11
Init: +2
Speed: 35 ft
Defense: 16, touch 12, flatfoot 14 (10 +2 Dex +4 leather armour) +1 Dodge
BAB/Grp: +4 / +5
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: Knife +5 melee (1d4+1), or Bow +6 ranged (2d6, 80 ft)
Special Attacks: Rapid Fire, Death From Above
Special Qualities: Keen Sight, Specialty Ammunition
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +7, Will +3
Reputation: +2
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +3, Craft (chemical) +3, Craft (mechanical)+3, Hide +6, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Navigate +6, Search +4, Spot +5, Survival +4, Treat Injury +5
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light), Archaic weapons proficiency, simple weapons proficiency, Dodge
Possessions: leather armour, knife, bow, 250 arrows, 60 specialty arrows, rations, personal items.
Organization: Single, pairs, squad (4), or larger formations (5, 12, 24).

Archers are ranged combatants and will move to stay at least 20 feet from any enemy so they can use their bow to strike. If they can't get out of melee range, they will draw their sword and use that to defend themselves. If they can fight from cover, they will. They will attack the nearest enemy at 20 feet away or greater. The archer will use their Rapid Fire attack in the first round, and every 3 rounds afterwards. The mid level Archer can use specialty arrows in any of their special attacks.

Rapid Fire
The archer will draw several arrows and can make 5 attacks with the bow in a row, typically at the same target, and if it is killed before all 5 attacks, then switches to the next closest target. Each attack is made at base attack bonus -3 (plus other bonuses).

Keen Sight (Ex)
The Archer is used to working in the dark and low light conditions. Can see twice as far in low light conditions than normal.

Specialty Ammunition
The Archer has number of specialty arrows, which they will use as situation dictates. The Archer has enough skills to make additional arrows given materials and time. The Archer will typically have 50 specialty arrows, consisting of 15 burning (+1d8 fire damage for 2 rounds), 5 net (Reflex DC 15 to be entangled a net, up to 1 medium sized creature), 15 acid (+1d6 acid damage for 2 rounds), 5 explosive (1d6 fire, 10 ft radius, Reflex DC 15 except target struck suffers damage automatically), 10 armour piercing (ignores 4 points of hardness/Defense from Equipment, deals 1d6 points of damage, critical 19-20x2). Mid Level Archers also have 10 freeze arrows (+1d8 cold, on critical hit target make Fort save DC 15 or be slowed for 2 rounds). Mid level Archer can replace specialty arrows at a rate of 2d4 per day.

Death From Above
The Archer draws 10 arrows and targets a 10 foot diameter area, dealing 1d10 points of piercing damage, Reflex save DC 17 for half, as a full round action.

Archer High Level
Type: humanoid
Size: medium
CR: 9
Hit Points: 12d8+12 (85 hp)
Mas: 11
Init: +2
Speed: 35 ft
Defense: 19, touch 13, flatfoot 16 (10 +3 Dex +6 leather armour) +1 Dodge
BAB/Grp: +9/+4 / +11
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: Knife +10 melee (1d4+1), or Bow +12 ranged (2d8+5, 80 ft)
Full Attack: Knife +10 melee (1d4+1) and Knife +5 melee (1d4+1), or Bow +12 ranged (2d8+5, 80 ft) and Bow +7 ranged (2d8+5, 80 ft)
Special Attacks: Rapid Fire, Death From Above, One Shot One Kill
Special Qualities: Keen Sight, Specialty Ammunition
Saves: Fort +4, Reflex +10, Will +5
Reputation: +2
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +7, Concentration +6, Craft (chemical) +7, Craft (mechanical)+7, Hide +8, Listen +9, Move Silently +9, Navigate +11, Search +9, Spot +10, Survival +9, Treat Injury +8
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light), Archaic weapons proficiency, simple weapons proficiency, Dodge, point blank shot, mobility
Possessions: leather armour, knife, bow, 300 arrows, 80 specialty arrows, rations, personal items.
Organization: Single, pairs, squad (4).

Archers are ranged combatants and will move to stay at least 20 feet from any enemy so they can use their bow to strike. If they can't get out of melee range, they will draw their sword and use that to defend themselves. If they can fight from cover, they will. They will attack the nearest enemy at 20 feet away or greater. The archer will use their Rapid Fire attack in the first round, and every 3 rounds afterwards. The high level Archer can use specialty arrows in any of their special attacks.

Rapid Fire
The archer will draw several arrows and can make 5 attacks with the bow in a row, typically at the same target, and if it is killed before all 5 attacks, then switches to the next closest target. Each attack is made at base attack bonus -3 (plus other bonuses).

Keen Sight (Ex)
The Archer is used to working in the dark and low light conditions. Can see twice as far in low light conditions than normal.

Specialty Ammunition
The Archer has number of specialty arrows, which they will use as situation dictates. The Archer has enough skills to make additional arrows given materials and time. The Archer will typically have 50 specialty arrows, consisting of 15 burning (+1d8 fire damage for 2 rounds), 5 net (Reflex DC 15 to be entangled a net, up to 1 medium sized creature), 15 acid (+1d6 acid damage for 2 rounds), 5 explosive (1d6 fire, 10 ft radius, Reflex DC 15 except target struck suffers damage automatically), 10 armour piercing (ignores 4 points of hardness/Defense from Equipment, deals 1d6 points of damage, critical 19-20x2), 10 freeze arrows (+1d8 cold, on critical hit target make Fort save DC 15 or be slowed for 2 rounds), 10 stun arrows (Fort save DC 16 stunned for 1 round, fail by 5 or more unconscious for 1 minute), 10 fragmenting arrows (target square/target deals 2d4 slashing to 10 foot diameter area, Reflex DC 15 for half). High level Archer can replace specialty arrows at a rate of 1d10 per day.

Death From Above
The Archer draws 10 arrows and targets a 10 foot diameter area, dealing 1d10 points of piercing damage, Reflex save DC 17 for half, as a full round action.

One Shot One Kill
The high level Archer can, as a full round action, making a Concentration check DC 20, then make a ranged attack with their weapon. On a successful check, the attack deals +1 die of damage and on a critical strike deals x4 damage. For every 2 points beat the Concentration DC, increase critical threat range by 1 to a maximum of 16-20.


A few Arachnids from Starship Troopers

Mamma Rippler
The Mamma Rippler, is a large Bug seen guarding nests of Rippler eggs and is their source. They appear as much larger versions of the Rippler, with bloated thoraxes. While they can fly, they are slow, and generally avoid combat, but are capable of launching multiple chitin spikes. Their primary roles are to lay eggs of Ripplers and keep ample supplies of them. They lay multiple eggs at a time, and can force eggs to hatch faster than normal to create an army to protect them in an emergency.

CR 15;
Garguantuan aberration [Arachnid];
Hit Dice: 18d8+90; hp 234; Mas —; Init +6;
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 40 ft (16 squares) (good)
Defense 15, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (-4 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural);
BAB: +13/+8/+3; Grap +23; Atk +13 melee claw (2d6+2, 19-20x2, slashing), or +13 range spike (4d6, 19-20x2, piercing, 150 ft)
Full Attack: +13/+8/+3 melee claw (2d6+2, 19-20x2, slashing) and +8/+3 melee claw (2d6+1, 19-20x2, slashing), or +13/+8/+3 range spike (4d6, 19-20x2, piercing, 150 ft) and +8/+3 range spike (4d6, 19-20x2, piercing, 150 ft).
FS: 20 ft. by 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.;
SA: Deadly Pass, Induce Frenzy
SQ: darkvision 120 ft., DR 2; Armour Piercing, Lay Eggs, Force Hatching
AL: Hive;
SV: Fort +11, Ref +8 , Will +10; AP 0; Rep +5;
Ability Scores: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 2.
Skills: Climb +8, Hide +16*, Jump +6, Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Search +7, Spot +7, Survival +9 50
Feats: Weapon Finesse (Claws), Dodge, Improved Initiative, improved critical (claws)
Advancement: 20+ HD (Colossal).
Organization: 1 plus 2d10 eggs and 1d4 Ripplers and 1-2 Warriors typically. Can call reinforcements of additional Ripplers 1d4 every 1d6+6 rounds and 1d4+5 Warriors every 1d4+2 minutes.

Species Traits
Bonus Feat: Rippler gain Weapon Finesse (Claw) as a bonus feat,
Damage Reduction (Ex): Mamma Rippler bugs have tough exoskeletons that provide DR 2, and Natural armour bonus to Defense +6.
Skill Bonuses: Ripplers gain a +2 species bonus on Climb and Survival checks, gains +4 to Grapple checks made with the pincer.
Camouflage (Ex): Rippler bugs are bred so their exoskeleton colouring matches their environment, granting them +8 racial bonus to Hide checks.
Armour Piercing (Ex): The claws and spike are designed to puncture and rend armour, with each ignoring 3 points of hardness/DR, and 1 point of Defense from armour/natural armour.
Deadly Pass - Rippler Bugs can move their full aerial speed (a x4 move, 320 ft/64 squares) and gain a single attack action. To do this this they must fly in a straight line during the round in which they make their Deadly Pass. The target of this attacks suffers a claw attack, which take place when the bug sweeps past it on its flight path. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the claw attack hits during a Deadly Pass, it inflicts triple damage, and on a critical deals six times damage, due to the speed and force of the blow.
Lay Eggs (Ex): The Mamma Rippler lays 2d10 eggs every day, laying one egg as a full round action every 1d6 minutes, which take 1d4+3 days to hatch, which creates a half sized Rippler (half all stats and size), which takes 3 days to reach full size. However the Mamma Rippler can force the eggs into a hibernation state, causing them to remain dormant for up to 50 years when there is no need or resources are scarce.
Force Hatching (Ex): The Mamma Rippler can, as a full round action, force 1d4 eggs within 50 ft of it to hatch immediately, releasing a Rippler hatchling (half stats and size) that can act the next round.
Induce Frenzy (Ex): As a standard action, the Mamma Rippler can induce a frenzy in nearby Ripplers within 50 feet, for 8 rounds granting them +4 to all attack rolls and damage, increase all speeds by +10, but suffer -2 to Defense. The affected Ripplers do not die at 0 hit points, they only die at -20 hit points but not considered disabled and able to function normally, and upon their death, they explode dealing 3d6 piercing damage to a 10 foot radius.

Mamma Ripplers generally do not engage in combat, keeping several near them as guards to protect itself and any eggs. If engage in combat, it will induce a frenzy in any nearby Ripplers to quickly dispatch enemies, and if need by, can call reinforcements and force several eggs to hatch to provide immediate reinforcements, then it will escape with at least one or two other bugs with it as guards to a safe back up area as other reinforcements make their way to engage the intruders.
While escaping it will collapse tunnels behind it to slow down anyone following it.

Worker bugs are physically indistinguishable from warrior bugs, except with a slightly different arrangement in their thorax carapace and mandible arrangement, though this is easily missed in the heat of combat. Worker bugs are generally non-combatant but are sometimes thrown into battle by queen, brain bugs or other leader types, where they act as much the same as warrior bugs, though notably less effective. Workers are used to construct huge tunnel networks common to Arachnid colonies though they will also adopt more menial duties if the colony is not yet sufficiently developed to have bred minion bugs and other servile sub-species.
The mandibles are not designed for combat, and lack the armour piercing capabilities and damage of the warriors, with thinner carapaces. But they are skilled diggers and have innate knowledge for building crude fortifications and traps, and other structures the colony may required.

CR 2;
Large aberration [Arachnid];
Hit Dice: 4d8+12; hp 28; Mas —; Init +2;
Speed: 50 ft, Climb 30 ft, burrow 20 ft;
Defense 15, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural);
BAB: +4; Grap +8; Atk +7 melee (2d4+4 bite); Full Atk +7 melee bite 2d4+4 and +2 melee 2 mandibles 1d6+2;
FS: 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.;
SQ: darkvision 60 ft., DR 3, tunneller, alarm;
AL: Hive;
SV: Fort +4, Ref +3 , Will +3; AP 0; Rep +0;
Ability Scores: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 2.
Skills: Climb +6, Craft (structural) +4, Hide +2*, Jump +6, Listen +2, Spot +2, Swim +5, Survival +3
4–6 HD (Large).
Organization: Found in groups of 1, pairs or swarms as large as thousands.

Worker bugs avoid combat unless commanded to enter combat by a queen, brain bug, or other command type bugs. If they encounter creatures near them that are not being escorted by warriors or other combat bugs, releasing a scream and pheromone alert to notify nearby warriors.

Species Traits
Damage Reduction (Ex): Worker bugs have tough exoskeletons that provide DR 3, and Natural armour bonus to Defense +2.
Skill Bonuses: Worker gain a +2 species bonus on Climb and Survival checks.
Tunneller (Ex): The Worker bugs are naturally skilled at making tunnels, able to make a tunnel 20 ft in diameter, 10 feet deep as a full round action, reinforced so it doesn't collapse without suffering damage. Larger tunnels will require additional bugs. Simple pit traps, barricades or structures of about 20 feet diameter take 1d6 rounds.
Alarm (Ex): The Worker bug can emit a specific scream and pheromones to alert other bugs of intruders in the colony. Upon spotting intruders, the worker screams as a standard action, summoning 1d4x5 combat capable bugs within 2 rounds within the colony tunnels. Outside the colony tunnels, can summon 1d6 combat buts within 1d4 rounds, with additional reinforcements arriving over time if required.


Armacham Corporation

Owner: Board of Directors, including Genevieve Aristide, Carson Salyers
Central Offices: Tornado Alley, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Regional Offices: Offices, research facilities and sales locations in major countries and in major trading hubs across the Sol system.
Majority Stockholder:
Advanced technology research and manufacturer from the F.E.A.R. Series universe, primarily for military applications, including aerospace. They also do research into super soldiers, mech and combating supernatural. Access to technology from other factions in Coreline has allowd Armacham to expand their products and research.
Secret Agenda: Capture, control, and even create advanced technologies, supernatural beings and powers. Some parts of Armacham function independently of other parts, creating different technologies and supernatural beings to study and create super soldiers from. They want to become the main manufacturer and researcher for advanced technologies, and will use any means necessary, including various black ops, secret departments given cart blanch with vague directives towards these goals.
Services: Weapons and advanced technologies, primarily for military applications from weapons, armour, power armoured, and aircraft. Expanding into mechs, super soldiers, psychic powers and other technologies.

Armacham 10mm HV Penetrator
The Armacham HV Penetrator is essentially a weapons-grade nail gun used by Replica forces, firing 10mm steel stakes at lethal speeds, with the ability to pin opponents to walls or other objects. Highly accurate and the stake ammunition has high armour penetration capabilities, but it has a slow rate of fire. The weapon has a rubber stock, with a thick frame, and a round forward handle for better stabilization when firing. The ammunition clip is large due to the stake ammunition.

Armacham 10mm HV Penetrator (PL5)
Damage: 2d10*
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Piercing
Range Increment: 60 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Size: Medium
Weight: 15 lbs
Ammo: 25 box
Purchase DC: 21 Res (+2), ammunition PDC for 4 for 50 rounds.
Notes: Ignores 2 points of Defense provided by Equipment or Natural. If used against unarmoured target damage is only 2d8. Targets of medium size or smaller must make a Fort save DC 15 or be knocked back 5 feet and if failed by 5 or more, knocked prone. If the target strikes a solid object, the target is pinned to that object. Able to defend, but can't move until they remove the stake, requiring a Strength DC 14 check.

ASP Rifle
The Baksha ASP rifle is a bullpup rifle based on the Tavor TAR-21 used by the Israeli Forces, but chambered to use 7.62mm rounds instead of 5.56mm, has a three-round burst mode, an electro-optical scope mounted on top. The heavier calibre makes the rifle a little heavier than the TAR-21

ASP Rifle (PL5)
Damage: 2d10
Critical: 2-
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 75 ft (not counting use of scope)
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 12 lbs
Ammo: 30 box
Purchase DC: 22
Notes: Features a three-round burst setting. When the three-round burst used with Burst Fire feat, it fires only three bullets instead of five, and can be used with only three bullets in the weapon. Does not grant the use ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire Feat, without the feat uses 5 bullets, wasting the extra two bullets.

MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher
The MOD-3 is a rifle shaped dual barrel rocket launcher, firing grenade sized rockets. It is capable of autofire attacks, with a three-round burst setting, but is very inaccurate in this setting.

MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher (PL5-6)
Damage: 3d6+3
Critical: 20x2*
Damage Type: Ballistic + fire
Range Increment: 120 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 19 lbs
Ammo: 15 box
Purchase DC: 25 Mil +3
Notes: Damage dealt to target struck, plus half to 15 foot radius Reflex Save DC 15. Critical damage only affects target struck. Has three-round burst setting. When the three-round burst used with Burst Fire feat, it fires only three bullets instead of five, and can be used with only three bullets in the weapon. Does not grant the use ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire Feat, without the feat uses 5 bullets, wasting the extra two bullets.
Autofire and Burst Fire suffer additional -2 to attack rolls.
Rockets PDC 13 for box of 5.

Type-7 Particle Weapon
The Type-7 is a particle beam based sniper weapon developed by Armacham. It deals high damage, but low rate of fire and ammunition. On a kill shot, the flesh and items with low burning point are vaporized, leaving behind a blackened skeleton.

Type-7 (PL6)
Damage: 5d6
Critical: 20x3
Damage Type: Unspecified Energy
Range Increment: 150 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Size: Large
Weight: 21 lbs
Ammo: 10 box
Purchase DC: 26 Mil +3
Notes: If target is killed by this weapon, the flesh and clothing (normal clothing, not special armour materials) of the killed target is vaporized and leaving behind a blackened skeleton and equipment. Foes within 30 ft of the dead target must make a Will save DC 15 or be Shakened. Built in electro-opitcal scope.

Rev6 Powered Armour
The Rev6 power armour is large, with a well armoured ovoid top half, that narrows around the user's lower abdomen for flexibility, the arms extend from the top of the suit and end in a heavy weapon each. The wearer's own arms are armoured and slot into the lower forearm of the armour's arms to fire the weapons. When not using the weapons, the main arms rotate and fold so the weapons tuck back and the wearer can use their own arms and hands to pick up or manipulate items. The mounts on the arms are modular allowing for different weapons to be mounted from rocket launchers, lasers heavy machine guns and others. The arms can also be used to make melee strikes

Rev6 (PL5-6)
Type: Powered Armour
Equipment Bonus: +8
Nonprof. Bonus: +5
Str Bonus: +3
Nonprof Str Bonus: +1
Max Dex: +0
Armour Penalty: -8
Speed (30 ft): 20 ft
Weight: 250 lbs
Purchase DC: 26 Mil +3
Restriction: Military +3
Notes: DR 5, thermal vision, night vision (60 ft, -1 spot), air filters (+4 saves), flash blinders (+4 to saves against sight based attacks), military radio with video and data transfer, 2 weapon mounts (1 each arm), chest mounted spotlight. Weight of armour is carried by its servos and doesn't count against wear's weight capacity. Slam attack 1d6 + modified Str modifier.

Andra SR5 Missile Launcher
The Andra SR5 is a man portable missile launcher. What separates it from rocket launchers is the warhead has its own tracking systems that allow it to attempt strike the target if first attempt fails. It has a soft-launch system that limits the infrared and visual signatures of the launch to make it harder to find the firer from a distance. It has a 5 round magazine feed system to allow for multiple shots.

Andra SR5 (PL5)
Damage: 6d6
Critical: -
Damage Type: half slashing/half fire
Range Increment: 200 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Ammo: 5 box
PDC: 20 Mil (+3).
Notes: Targeting system +1 to attack rolls. If fails to strike, has an attack bonus of +4 and can attempt to attack target up to 4 times before failsafe system self detonates the missile if it misses. Deals 6d6 points of damage to all within 10 ft radius, Reflex Save DC 16 for half damage. Can ignore up to 8 points of hardness/DR to target struck but not those in the blast radius. Minimum range of 30 feet, only deals 2d6 ballistic damage to any targets within 30 ft as warhead doesn't arm. Replacing magazine takes 1 full round, or 1 standard action with help from another person.
Missile PDC 16 for box of 5.

Armacham 14mm HV Hammerhead
The HV Hammerhead is a heavy flechette driver, firing hardened 14mm spikes, typically used by heavy weapons soldiers or light power armour. With the ability to pin opponents to walls or other objects gives some combat options. Highly accurate and the stake ammunition has high armour penetration capabilities, but it has a slow rate of fire. The weapon has a rubber stock, with a thick frame, and a round forward handle for better stabilization when firing. The ammunition clip is large due to the stake ammunition.

Armacham 14mm HV Hammerhead (PL5)
Damage: 2d12*
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Piercing
Range Increment: 75 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 18 lbs
Ammo: 25 box
Purchase DC: 23 Mil (+2), ammunition PDC for 8 for 50 rounds. DU rounds PDC 18 for box of 50 Mil +3
Notes: Ignores 2 points of Defense provided by Equipment or Natural. If used against unarmoured target damage is only 2d10. Targets of medium size or smaller must make a Fort save DC 15 or be knocked back 5 feet and if failed by 5 or more, knocked prone. If the target strikes a solid object, the target is pinned to that object. Able to defend, but can't move until they remove the stake, requiring a Strength DC 15 check.
DU (depleted Uranium) rounds ignore 5 hardness/DR from equipment or Natural, plus add 1d4 points of fire damage against metallic armour.

Armacham Type-12 Pulse Weapon
The Type-12 is an energy weapon that fires superheated coherent energy, capable of evaporating the soft tissue of organisms within several feet of the burst. Unfortunately it has a limited ammunition capacity and rate of fire.

Type-12 (PL6)
Damage: 8d6
Critical: 20x3
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 70 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Size: Large
Weight: 22 lbs
Ammo: 10 box
Purchase DC: 28 Mil-Rare +3 to +4
Notes: Deals half damage to 5 foot radius area, Reflex save DC 15. If target is killed by this weapon, the flesh and clothing (normal clothing, not special armour materials) of the killed target is vaporized and leaving behind a blackened skeleton and equipment. Foes within 30 ft of the dead target must make a Will save DC 15 or be Shakened.

Blazer LM10 Napalm Cannon
This long rifle is actually a flamethrower, but instead of firing a stream of flaming napalm, it fires a concentrated burst, which gives it good range. The burst of napalm upon striking a target bursts in a small radius. The napalm is contained in a small cylinder on the left side of the weapon ahead of the forward grip.

Blazer LM10 (PL5-6)
Damage: 3d6
Critical: -
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 65 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Large
Weight: 17 lbs
Ammo: 10 cylinder
Purchase DC: 20 Mil +3
Notes: Deals half damage to 5 foot radius, Reflex DC 14 for half. Targets struck are on fire, takes full round action to remove the napalm, deals 1d6 points of fire each round for 1d6+1 until scrapped off.

R3 Incendiary Grenade
This grenade uses a thickened polyphoric agent, that ignites when it contacts air, burning at 1200 degrees Celsius. These grenades have a red stripe and are designed for slightly improved throwing range.

Damage: 4d8
Critical: -
Damage Type: Fire
Burst Radius: 15 ft
Reflex DC: 17
Range Inc: 15 ft
Size: Tiny
Weight: 2 lbs
PDC: 17 Mil +3

Shark FL-3 Laser
The Shark FL-3 is a powerful but rare anti-armour weapon produced by Armacham. While each shot is weak, its continuous beam, applied over time, quickly builds up damage. It has the advantage to bypass most energy shielding.

Shark FL-3 (PL6)
Damage: 1d8*
Critical: 19-20x2
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 50 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi, A
Size: Large
Weight: 15 lbs
Ammo: 100 box
Purchase DC: 26 Mil - Rare +3 to +4

Notes: Fires a continuous beam, for each round user makes successful attack without missing any attacks, increase damage by +1 die and add ignore hardness/DR +2.
Autofire and Strafe attacks have Reflex save DC 18 for half damage.

Lord Zack

Looks good. Though in FEAR 2 the Powered Armors have shields of some kind. Perhaps that might be a variant?

You might look into FEAR: Extraction Point and FEAR: Perseus Mandate for stuff to stat too. They technically aren't canon, but that doesn't matter for Coreline.
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Looks good. Though in FEAR 2 the Powered Armors have shields of some kind. Perhaps that might be a variant?

You might look into FEAR: Extraction Point and FEAR: Perseus Mandate for stuff to stat too. They technically aren't canon, but that doesn't matter for Coreline.
Most of the stuff so far from FEAR is from 1 and a little from 2 Project Origin. I haven't gone through everything in 2 yet.


Additional Armacham Items

SHO Series-3 Combat Shotgun
The SHOE Series-3 is a manually operated pump-action repeating 10-gauge combat shotgun, with an eight-round tubular magazine under the smooth bore full choke barrel. It has lower accuracy, but high damage due to the larger gauge.

SHO Series-3 (PL5)
Damage: 2d10
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 25 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Large
Weight: 13 lbs
Ammo: 8 Internal
Purchase DC: 18 Res (+2)
Notes: 10 gauge, can't use slugs, -1 attack roll. Target struck must make Fort save DC 15 or be knocked prone, on a successful save Dazed for 1 round instead.

Vollmer Ultra92 Automatic Shotgun
The Ultra92 is a gas operated, self loading semi-automatic 12 gauge shotgun in a bullpup configuration with the box magazine at the rear of the weapon. The frame is a bit thick with a heavier than standard heat shroud around the barrel.

Vollmer Ultra92 (PL5)
Damage: 2d8
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 35 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Large
Weight: 14 lbs
Ammo: 12 box
Purchase DC: 18 Mil (+2)
Notes: Open choke +1 attack roll.

EL-10 CAS Shotgun
The EL-10 CAS is a semi automatic 10 gauge shotgun that uses a feed similar to the P90, where a magazine is fitted to the top of the weapon, the shells are laid sideways and rotated and lowered into the chamber.

EL-10 CAS (PL5)
Damage: 2d10
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 40 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Large
Weight: 12 lbs
Ammo: 12 box
Purchase DC: 18 Mil (+2)
Notes: Open choke +1 attack roll.

LP4 Lightning Arc
The LP4 Lightning Arc is a heavy, and heavily insulated rifle, with a short adjustable stock, that fires a beam of electricity that looks like a lightning bolt, dealing incredible damage, but has a low rate of fire and ammunition capacity, using power packs.

LP4 Lightning Arc (PL5-6)
Damage: 4d6
Critical: -
Damage Type: electricity
Range Increment: 50 ft line, 5 ft wide, Reflex DC 16
Rate of Fire: Single
Size: Large
Weight: 18 lbs
Ammo: 10 box
Purchase DC: 25 Mil (+3)
Notes: Targets wearing or carrying at least 20 lbs of metal suffer -1 to their Reflex save for every 20 lbs of metal they are wearing or carrying. Robots, power armour, vehicles, mechs suffer -2 for every size category of medium or larger.

Type 12 Laser Carbine
This thick carbine sized weapon, with heavily padded under barrel grip, is a laser that instead of firing short pulses, fires a concentrated beam, making it highly accurate. It's damage is respectable, but as a concentrated beam, its damage can multiple greatly over time if the beam is kept on the target without interruption.

Type 12 Laser Carbine (PL6)
Damage: 3d8
Critical: 20x2*
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 50 ft (out to 5 increments in atmosphere, 20 in vacuum of space)
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Medium
Weight: 13 lbs
Ammo: 40 box
Purchase DC: 21 Mil (+3)
Notes: Masterwork +1 to attack rolls. If successfully strikes the same target each round (or multiple attacks in same round) without missing, the critical multiplier increases by 1 to a maximum of x5.
If used to make double tap attacks, instead of only increasing damage by +1 die, increase damage by +2 die, but uses 3 charges from power pack, and counts as two successful hits increasing critical multiplier to x3 for next attack.

Armacham Forces
Armacham makes uses of various forces for protecting their facilities and their operations. From security guards to black ops soldiers for their secret facilities. They also employ empowered soldiers, which they use as elite security against supernatural forces, and as secret super soldiers.

Security Guards
Basic security guards, the visible protection forces of Armacham facilities and VIPs.

Security Guard Low Level
CR: 1
Type: Human
Size: Medium
HD: 1d10+2 plus 1d8+2, 14 hp.
Mas: 15
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 16, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +2 Class, +3 undercover vest)
BAB: +1
Grapple: +3
Attack: unarmed strike +3 melee (1d3+2 nonlethal), or tonfa +3 melee (1d4+2 bludgeon), or 9mm pistol +2 ranged (2d6 ballistic)
Full Attack: unarmed strike +3 melee (1d3+2 nonlethal), or tonfa +3 melee (1d4+2 bludgeon), or 9mm pistol +2 ranged (2d6 ballistic)
Face/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft, 5 ft
Alignment: Armacham
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Rep: +0
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Occupation: Blue Collar (Climb, Drive, Intimidate)
Skills: Climb +2*, Concentration +5, Drive +5, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Current Events) +2, Listen +1, Profession +1, Read/Write English, Speak English, Spot +3, Swim +1*
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Possessions: Berreta 92F (9mm), 50 rds of ammunition 9mm, uniform, undercover vest, tonfa, various gear and personal possessions.

Security Guard Mid Level
CR: 5
Type: Human
Size: Medium
HD: 3d10+6 plus 3d8+6, 45 hp.
Mas: 15
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 18, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +4 Class, +3 undercover vest)
BAB: +5
Grapple: +7
Attack: unarmed strike +7 melee (1d3+2 nonlethal), or tonfa +7 melee (1d4+2 bludgeon), or 9mm pistol +7 ranged (2d6 ballistic)
Full Attack: unarmed strike +7 melee (1d3+2 nonlethal), or tonfa +7 melee (1d4+2 bludgeon), or 9mm pistol +7 ranged (2d6 ballistic)
Face/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft, 5 ft
Alignment: Armacham
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2
Rep: +1
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Occupation: Blue Collar (Climb, Drive, Intimidate)
Skills: Climb +3*, Concentration +7, Drive +8, Intimidate +6, Jump +1*, Knowledge (Current Events) +3, Listen +3, Profession +5, Read/Write English, Speak English, Spot +7, Swim +2*
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Possessions: Berreta 92F (9mm), 50 rds of ammunition 9mm, uniform, undercover vest, tonfa, various gear and personal possessions.

Security Guard High Level
CR: 9
Type: Human
Size: Medium
HD: 5d10+15 plus 15d8+15, 80 hp.
Mas: 16
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 20, touch 17, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +6 Class, +3 undercover vest)
BAB: +8/+3
Grapple: +10
Attack: unarmed strike +10 melee (1d3+2 nonlethal), or tonfa +10 melee (1d4+2 bludgeon), or 9mm pistol +10 ranged (2d6 ballistic), or Mossberg shotgun +9 ranged (2d8)
Full Attack: Tonfa +10/+5 melee (1d4+2 bludgeon), or 9mm pistol +10/+5 ranged (2d6 ballistic), or Mossberg shotgun +9/+4 ranged (2d8)
Face/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft, 5 ft
Alignment: Armacham
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +2
Rep: +1
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Occupation: Blue Collar (Climb, Drive, Intimidate)
Skills: Climb +3*, Concentration +10, Drive +9, Intimidate +8, Jump +1*, Knowledge (Current Events) +3, Listen +6, Profession +8, Read/Write English, Speak English, Spot +9, Swim +2*
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Beretta 92F), Defensive Martial Arts
Possessions: Berreta 92F (9mm), 50 rds of ammunition 9mm, uniform, undercover vest, tonfa, various gear and personal possessions, Mossberg (12-gauge shotgun), 12 rds 12ga ammunition.

Armacham Black Ops Soldiers
Armacham employs Black Ops soldiers that protect their more sensitive facilities, VIPs and are the first members they use to engage forces outside their facilities, such as when they want to secure new technologies or subjects for their research, authorized to shoot on sight. Mid to High level Black Ops can be assigned specialty Armacham weapons and equipment as the mission dictates. Black Ops soldiers standard equipment are a dark blue coverall with tactical vest, helmet with tinted goggles, tactical webbing, radios with earbuds and mic for easy communications without using their hands. They are armed with an ASP Rifle, a pistol, R3 Incendiary and tear gas grenades.

Black Ops Soldier Low Level
CR: 1
Type: Human
Size: Medium
HD: 1d10+2 plus 1d8+2, 16 hp.
Mas: 14
Init: +2
Speed: 25 ft
Defense: 22, touch 16, flat-footed 20 (+2 Dex, +4 Class, +6 tactical vest)
BAB: +0
Grapple: +1
Attack: unarmed strike +1 melee (1d3+1 nonlethal), or rifle butt +1 melee (1d6+1 bludgeon), or Asp rifle +3 ranged (2d10 ballistic), or Grenade +2 ranged
Full Attack: unarmed strike +1 melee (1d3+1 nonlethal), or rifle butt +1 melee (1d6+1 bludgeon), or Asp rifle +3 ranged (2d10 ballistic)
Face/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft, 5 ft
Alignment: Armacham
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1
Rep: +0
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Occupation: Law Enforcement (Intimidate, Knowledge (tactics)
Skills: Intimidate +3, Knowledge (streetwise) +3, Knowledge (tactics) +3, Move Silently +4, Profession +3, Read/Write English, Speak English, Spot +2
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light, medium), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Possessions: Asp Rifle (7.62mm), 100 rds of ammunition, uniform, tactical vest, 3 tear gas grenades, 3 R3 Incendiary grenades, various gear and personal possessions.

Black Ops Soldier Mid Level
CR: 5
Type: Human
Size: Medium
HD: 3d10+6 plus 3d8+6, 44 hp.
Mas: 15
Init: +2
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: 25, touch 18, flat-footed 23 (+2 Dex, +6 Class, +7 special response vest)
BAB: +4
Grapple: +5
Attack: unarmed strike +5 melee (1d3+1 nonlethal), or rifle butt +5 melee (1d6+1 bludgeon), or Asp rifle +7 ranged (2d10 ballistic), or Grenade +6 ranged
Full Attack: unarmed strike +5 melee (1d3+1 nonlethal), or rifle butt +5 melee (1d6+1 bludgeon), or Asp rifle +7 ranged (2d10 ballistic), or Grenade +6 ranged
Face/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft, 5 ft
Alignment: Armacham
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3
Rep: +2
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Occupation: Law Enforcement (Intimidate, Knowledge (tactics)
Skills: Intimidate +6, Knowledge (streetwise) +4, Knowledge (tactics) +5, Move Silently +1*, Profession +5, Read/Write English, Speak English, Spot +3
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light, medium), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Point Blank Shot
Possessions: Asp Rifle (7.62mm), 100 rds of ammunition, uniform, special response vest, 4 tear gas grenades, 4 R3 Incendiary grenades, various gear and personal possessions.

Black Ops Soldier High Level
CR: 9
Type: Human
Size: Medium
HD: 5d10+10 plus 5d8+10, 62 hp.
Mas: 15
Init: +2
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: 29, touch 20, flat-footed 27 (+2 Dex, +8 Class, +9 forced entry unit)
BAB: +6/+1
Grapple: +8
Attack: unarmed strike +8 melee (1d3+2 nonlethal), or rifle butt +8 melee (1d6+2 bludgeon), or Asp rifle +9 ranged (2d10 ballistic), or Grenade +8 ranged
Full Attack: unarmed strike +8/+3 melee (1d3+2 nonlethal), or rifle butt +8/+3 melee (1d6+2 bludgeon), or Asp rifle +9/+4 ranged (2d10 ballistic), or Grenade +8/+3 ranged
Face/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft, 5 ft
Alignment: Armacham
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +3
Rep: +2
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Occupation: Law Enforcement (Intimidate, Knowledge (tactics)
Skills: Intimidate +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +6, Knowledge (tactics) +8, Move Silently +1*, Profession +6, Read/Write English, Speak English, Spot +4
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Point Blank Shot
Possessions: Asp Rifle (7.62mm), 100 rds of ammunition, uniform, forced entry unit, 4 tear gas grenades, 4 R3 Incendiary grenades, various gear and personal possessions.

Black Ops soldiers are fairly well trained, working in groups, making use of cover, covering fire, squad tactics. They will work together to take down strong opponents, particularly with flanking maneuvers.

ASP Rifle
The Baksha ASP rifle is a bullpup rifle based on the Tavor TAR-21 used by the Israeli Forces, but chambered to use 7.62mm rounds instead of 5.56mm, has a three-round burst mode, an electro-optical scope mounted on top. The heavier calibre makes the rifle a little heavier than the TAR-21

ASP Rifle (PL5)
Damage: 2d10
Critical: 2-
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 75 ft (not counting use of scope)
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 12 lbs
Ammo: 30 box
Purchase DC: 22
Notes: Features a three-round burst setting. When the three-round burst used with Burst Fire feat, it fires only three bullets instead of five, and can be used with only three bullets in the weapon. Does not grant the use ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire Feat, without the feat uses 5 bullets, wasting the extra two bullets.

Black Ops Light Soldiers
These solders are similar to regular Black Ops soldiers, but are trained for rapid response and mobility. They have lighter armour and equipment which is modified to remove any sharp corners and save weight as possible. They are usually deployed in either APCs upgraded for high speed or by helicopter and repel by rope to get to the ground quickly.
Make following changes to Black Ops Soldier to make Black Ops Light Soldier:
Armour modified with Lighter version (reduce Defense provided by armour by -1, changes it's category to one lighter, reduce armour check penalty by 1, speed increases by 5 ft to max of 30 ft);
Remove goggles and replace with Vision Monocle;
Remove Intimidate skill and split ranks between Climb and Jump skills.

Vision Monocle
This monocle fits over one eye, provides protection against vision attacks for that eye only, includes zoom functions like binoculars, and night vision, but only in the eye it is fitted over.
Weight: -
PDC: 22 Mil +3

Black Ops Heavy Soldiers
These Black Ops soldiers are fitted with heavier armour, full helmets, equipped with a shotgun in addition to the ASP rifle, and 1 out of 4 members will be equipped with either an Andra SR5 missile launcher or a HV Hammerhead, or other heavy weapons that become available or suit the situation. Black Ops Heavy soldiers are used to defend the most sensitive parts of Armacham facilities, to defend against heavy attackers, or when they need heavier units to secure locations, subjects or resources. Black Ops Heavy Soldiers operate in groups of 4, 8, 12 or 16.
Only mid and high level Black Ops can be turned into Black Ops Heavy Soldiers.
Make the following changes to create a Black Ops Heavy Soldier:
Replace Armour with Black Ops Heavy Armour;
Add Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Rocket Launcher) feat;
Reduce Intimidate by 2 ranks, increase Knowledge (tactics) by 2 ranks;
Add 12 gauge shotgun with 50 rds;
Add either HV Hammerhead or Andra SR5 missile launcher for every 4th member.

Black Ops Heavy Armour
This armour is a modified version of forced entry armour by Armacham, with heavy torso jacket with ceramic plates over the chest and back, neck, groin and arm protection, with light plates protecting the legs. The helmet completely covers the face with a large tinted visor. The armour comes in grey with black highlights, and also dark blue with black. There are multiple easy to access pockets and pouches, with bands for holding shotgun or specialty ammunition for quick reloading. The shoulders are also padded to allow for comfortable use of the Andra SR5 missile launcher and other heavy weapons.
The helmet contains built in radio and vision enhancement of nightvision, binoculars and protection against flashbangs. The helmets also have a weave of material that was supposed to help against psychic attacks, although its effectiveness is limited. Built into the gloves are fitted with RF ID chips that allow them to unlock doors in Armacham facilities without having to actually carry ID cards. The chips are connect to a heart monitor and if the glove removed from the wearer without properly turning it off, the chip shorts out to prevent its use by unauthorized users.

Black Ops Heavy Armour (PL5)
Type: Heavy, Tactical
Equipment Bonus: 8
Nonprof. Bonus: +3
Str Bonus: +0
Nonprof Str Bonus: +0
Max Dex: +1
Armour Penalty: -7
Speed (30 ft): 20 ft
Weight: 20 lbs
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Mil +2
Notes: built in military radio, nighvision goggles, binoculars, +2 Reflex save vs light based attacks (flash bangs, etc), +1 Will saves against psychic attacks, Armacham ID chip, when using shotgun grants Quickload feat.

Replica Forces
The Replica Forces are cloned super soldiers designed by Armacham Technology Corporation under the auspices of Project Perseus, which was to use these clones under the command of a psionic leader issuing orders via telepathy.

Replica Template
Size: Medium
Hit Points: +1 per hit die
Speed: +5 ft
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: DR 1, Psychic Receiver
Abilities: +1 Dex
ECL: +1
PDC: 24
Requires 10 Fort saves DC 16

Psychic Receiver
Replicas are modified to be able to receive telepathic orders much easier, although they can't use telepathy themselves. Users attempting to use telepathy to communicate with Replicas can do so at double the range.

Replica Soldiers
Replica Soldiers are Black Ops Soldiers using the Replica Template. Replica Soldiers make up the bulk of the Replica Forces, but there are different types, mostly armed with different weapons to fill specific rolls, such as Scout with lighter armour, shotgunners with semi or full automatic shotguns, desert with desert patterns fatigues with cooling systems. Rocket soldiers will have the SR5 missile launchers, and other heavy weapon units.


Combat Mage
Combat Mages are mages that can be hired for magical combat. They use a number of different spells to allow for flexibility in a fight, which they can cast spontaneously, although they are not sorcerers. Typically equipped with an armoured robe, a 9mm pistol and a wand of burning hands.

Combat Mage Low Level
Type: humanoid
Size: medium
CR: 1
Hit Points: 3d8+3 (17 hp)
Mas: 11
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 16, touch 15, flatfoot 14 (10 +1 Dex +1 Armoured Robe, +4 mage armour*)
BAB/Grp: +2 / +1
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: Knife +1 melee (1d4-1), or Pistol +3 ranged (2d6, 40 ft), or Spell/Wand +3 ranged
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Fuel Spell, Resist Spell
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +2, Will +4
Reputation: +1
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +2, Craft (chemical) +2, Hide +4, Knowledge (arcane lore) +4, Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Navigate +2, Search +2, Spellcraft +2, Spot +2, Survival +2, Treat Injury +1, Use Magic Device +3
Feats: Arcane Skills, simple weapons proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency
Possessions: robe, knife, 9mm pistol, 50 rds 9mm ammunition, spell components, wand of burning hands (20 +2d10 charges), rations, personal items.
Organization: Single, pairs, squad (4), or larger formations (5, 12, 24).

Combat Mages generally stay at the outer edges of combat, casting Mage Armour immediately to protect themselves, only moving close to use any spells that require closer proximity to be effective. They'll work with other combatants, striking distant foes to weaken them for any close combat fighters, or use an enemy's focus on other combatants to their advantage to land a strike. They are also trained to use fire arms to use when they run out of spells, or against magically resistant targets. They also carry a wand of burning hands to help supplement their combat.

Spells Per Day
Lvl 0 - 4, DC 12
Lvl 1 - 4, DC 13

Spells Known
Level 0 - Daze, Resistance, Mending, Message
Level 1 - Mage Armour, Magic Missile (2 missiles), Obscuring Mist
Spell DC

Fuel Spell
The Combat Mage can sacrifice a little bit of their life force to provide energy to be able to cast more spells. As a move equivalent action with a Concentration check DC 10, can temporarily sacrifice 2 hit points for 1 spell level, or 1 point of Constitution for 1d4 spell levels. By increasing the Concentration check DC by +2, doubles the amount sacrificed for double the spell levels gained. This can be done up to 3 times per day.

Resist Spells
The Combat Mage has trained, and exposed themselves to different spells to increase their resistance to magic, gaining +1 to all Saves against magical effects and spells.

Combat Mage Mid Level
Type: humanoid
Size: medium
CR: 5
Hit Points: 6d8+6 (36 hp)
Mas: 11
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 17, touch 15, flatfoot 16 (10 +1 Dex +2 light undercover shirt, +4 mage armour*)
BAB/Grp: +4 / +3
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: Knife +3 melee (1d4-1), or Pistol +5 ranged (2d6, 40 ft), or Spell/Wand +5 ranged
Special Attacks: Magic Blast
Special Qualities: Fuel Spell, Resist Spell
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +3, Will +6
Reputation: +2
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +6, Craft (chemical) +4, Hide +4, Knowledge (arcane lore) +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +3, Navigate +2, Search +3, Spellcraft +4, Spot +3, Survival +2, Treat Injury +3, Use Magic Device +5
Feats: Arcane Skills, simple weapons proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Armour Proficiency (light)
Possessions: robe, knife, 9mm pistol, 50 rds 9mm ammunition, spell components, wand of burning hands (20 +2d10 charges), light undercover shirt, rations, personal items.
Organization: Single, pairs, squad (4), or larger formations (5, 12, 24).

Combat Mages generally stay at the outer edges of combat, casting Mage Armour immediately to protect themselves, only moving close to use any spells that require closer proximity to be effective. They'll work with other combatants, striking distant foes to weaken them for any close combat fighters, or use an enemy's focus on other combatants to their advantage to land a strike. They are also trained to use fire arms to use when they run out of spells, or against magically resistant targets. They also carry a wand of burning hands to help supplement their combat.

Spells Per Day
Lvl 0 - 6, DC 12
Lvl 1 - 5, DC 13
Lvl 2 - 3, DC 14
Lvl 3 - 2, DC 15

Spells Known
Level 0 - Daze, Resistance, Mending, Message, Detect magical Aura, Haywire, Mending
Level 1 - Mage Armour, Magic Missile (3 missiles), Obscuring Mist, Cause Fear, Sleep
Level 2 - Blur, Invisibility, Protection from Arrows/Bullets
Level 3 - Fireball, Electromagnetic Pulse

Fuel Spell
The Combat Mage can sacrifice a little bit of their life force to provide energy to be able to cast more spells. As a move equivalent action with a Concentration check DC 10, can temporarily sacrifice 2 hit points for 1 spell level, or 1 point of Constitution for 1d4 spell levels. By increasing the Concentration check DC by +2, doubles the amount sacrificed for double the spell levels gained. This can be done up to 4 times per day.

Resist Spells
The Combat Mage has trained, and exposed themselves to different spells to increase their resistance to magic, gaining +1 to all Saves against magical effects and spells.

Magic Blast
The Combat Mage can convert spell levels into magical energy to allow them to fire a short ranged burst of magical energy to damage an opponent. As a move equivalent action, with a Concentration check DC 10, can convert spell levels into a magical attack that allows 2 attacks per spell level (level 0 only provides 1 attack), that deals 1d4 points of nonspecific magical energy, critical 20x2, with a range increment of 20 feet, requiring a ranged touch attack. These attacks can be held for 3 rounds before the magical energy disappears.

Combat Mage High Level
Type: humanoid
Size: medium
CR: 10
Hit Points: 12d8+12 (80 hp)
Mas: 11
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 18, touch 15, flatfoot 17 (10 +1 Dex +3 undercover vest, +4 mage armour*)
BAB/Grp: +9/+4 / +8
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: Knife +8 melee (1d4-1), or Pistol +10 ranged (2d6, 40 ft), or Spell/Wand +10 ranged
Full Attack: Knife +8/+3 melee (1d4-1), or Pistol +10/+5 (2d6, 40 ft), or Spell/Wand +10/+5 ranged
Special Attacks: Magic Blast
Special Qualities: Fuel Spell, Resist Spell, Absorb Spell
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +3, Will +6
Reputation: +2
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +12, Craft (chemical) +6, Hide +4, Knowledge (arcane lore) +10, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Navigate +4, Search +5, Spellcraft +9, Spot +5, Survival +5, Treat Injury +5, Use Magic Device +8
Feats: Arcane Skills, simple weapons proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Armour Proficiency (light), Armoured Caster, Combat Reflexes
Possessions: robe, knife, 9mm pistol, 50 rds 9mm ammunition, spell components, wand of burning hands (20 +2d10 charges), light undercover shirt, rations, personal items.
Organization: Single, pairs, squad (4), or larger formations (5, 12, 24).

Combat Mages generally stay at the outer edges of combat, casting Mage Armour immediately to protect themselves, only moving close to use any spells that require closer proximity to be effective. They'll work with other combatants, striking distant foes to weaken them for any close combat fighters, or use an enemy's focus on other combatants to their advantage to land a strike. They are also trained to use fire arms to use when they run out of spells, or against magically resistant targets. They also carry a wand of burning hands to help supplement their combat.

Spells Per Day
Lvl 0 - 8, DC 12
Lvl 1 - 8, DC 13
Lvl 2 - 6, DC 14
Lvl 3 - 5, DC 15
Lvl 4 - 3, DC 16
Lvl 5 - 2, DC 17

Spells Known
Level 0 - Daze, Resistance, Mending, Message, Detect magical Aura, Haywire, Mending,
Level 1 - Mage Armour, Magic Missile (3 missiles), Obscuring Mist, Cause Fear, Sleep, Feather Fall, Shield
Level 2 - Blur, Invisibility, Protection from Arrows/Bullets, Acid Arrow, Darkvision, Web
Level 3 - Fireball, Electromagnetic Pulse, Dispel Magic, Flaming Projectiles, Haste
Level 4 - Arcane Eye, Dimension Door, Wall of Fire
Level 5 - Passwall

Fuel Spell
The Combat Mage can sacrifice a little bit of their life force to provide energy to be able to cast more spells. As a move equivalent action with a Concentration check DC 10, can temporarily sacrifice 2 hit points for 1 spell level, or 1 point of Constitution for 1d4 spell levels. By increasing the Concentration check DC by +2, doubles the amount sacrificed for double the spell levels gained. This can be done up to 5 times per day.

Resist Spells
The Combat Mage has trained, and exposed themselves to different spells to increase their resistance to magic, gaining +1 to all Saves against magical effects and spells.

Magic Blast
The Combat Mage can convert spell levels into magical energy to allow them to fire a short ranged burst of magical energy to damage an opponent. As a move equivalent action, with a Concentration check DC 10, can convert spell levels into a magical attack that allows 2 attacks per spell level (level 0 only provides 1 attack), that deals 1d4 points of nonspecific magical energy, critical 20x2, with a range increment of 20 feet, requiring a ranged touch attack. These attacks can be held for 3 rounds before the magical energy disappears.

Absorb Spell
The Combat Mage can attempt to absorb a spell directed at them, cancelling its effects, and power additional spells. Sacrificing an Attack of Opportunity, the Combat Mage can make a Will save DC the spell DC +2, to absorb the spell, converting it into magical energy. On a successful save, the spell has no effect, and the Combat Mage gains half the spell levels of the spell to cast their own spells. If failed the save by less than 5, the spell has no effect, but can't use the energy. Failing more than 5, the spell takes normal effect. This doesn't work against area spells that are not centered on the Combat Mage directly.

Acid Arrow
2 evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Target: A target within range
Components: V S M (Powdered rhubarb leaf and an adder's stomach)
Duration: Instantaneous

A shimmering green arrow streaks toward a target within range and bursts in a spray of acid. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d4 acid damage immediately and 2d4 acid damage at the end of its next turn. On a miss, the arrow splashes the target with acid for half as much of the initial damage and no damage at the end of its next turn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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