CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Some more Combat Maneuvers/Options

The pilot causes the ship to rotate along the x-axis while still moving forward. It can be used offensively or defensively. When used offensively, making a Pilot check DC 20, can negate any Dodge bonus to Defense the target might have, and if the target doesn't have any Dodge bonus, reduces the Dex modifier bonus to Defense by 1. Can only be used with forward firing weapons only.
Defensively, the pilot can spin the ship to reduce damage the ship would suffer from non missile weapons, and weapons that deal area damage. Pilot makes a Pilot check DC 22, a successful check reduces the damage by 10% round down, and if against an area of effect weapon, gains a +1 to Reflex save. For every 5 points above the DC, increase the damage reduced by +5% (rounding down) and the Reflex save by +1.

Combat Spread
This maneuver requires an allied craft of similar size to be within 2000 ft of each other and targeting the same target for this maneuver to work. One ship will be designated the 'defender' and the other the 'attacker' in a "perch" position while approaching an enemy ship, Pilot DC 15 to get into position. When an enemy ship attacks the 'defender' within 1500 ft of the defender, and still in the first weapons increment range of the attacker, both the defender and attacker must make a Pilot check DC 24, and if successful, the defender has lead the enemy into position and the attacker gains an advantage similar to catching the enemy in a crossfire without actually being in a crossfire, the attacker gains +3 to attack rolls against the enemy target.

Upon spotting an attacker approaching from behind, the defender can attempt to break, turning sharply across the attacker's flight path, slowing their forward momentum, and causing the attacker to overshoot. The defender and attacker make opposed Pilot checks, the defender gains +2 to the Pilot check if within 1000 ft or less of the attacker. If the defender wins, the attacker moves past the defender, putting themselves into the sights of the defender. If the attacker fails by 10 or more, there is chance the attacker rams the defender and must make another Pilot check DC 17 to avoid a collision.

The pilot is able to change the direction the ship is facing without changing the direction of movement, typically to face the opposite direction, usually used to attack craft behind them. The pilot makes a Pilot check DC 21 (if the ship has a bonus to Dodge from equipment, universe rules, add that to Pilot check). If successful, the ship now faces the opposite direction and moves in the original direction for half speed distance, also can make an attack of opportunity to attack an opponent ship within 1 range increment in line of sight, surprising the opponent, however suffers -2 to Defense. This can be done as a reaction to being attacked, but suffers a -4 to the Pilot check. A failed Pilot check points the ship in a random direction (1d6) and suffers an additional -2 to Defense.

Whip Sling
This maneuver is dangerous and requires the use of a physical grappling system, such as grapplers. The ship uses its grappling system to grab a larger ship, station, asteroid or other larger object, and using the tether to allow the ship the swing around the larger object quickly, and must release the grapplers at the right moment to keep from slamming into the larger target. The Pilot moves towards the target as if they were going to use the grapplers as normal, but the DC is increased by +5 (page 143 of d20 Future table 7-15), providing an attack of opportunity for the target the ship is grabbing, and is denied its Dex modifier to Defense against the grabbed ship. Then the pilot makes another Pilot check at the same DC to swing the ship to another facing of the object grabbed, can release the grappling system as a free action on a successful check, and can move afterwards. If the check succeeds by more than 5, the pilot has moved the ship to the other side of the target. If the pilot isn't able to successfully use the grapplers, the pilot can't make the second. If the pilot fails the second check, the ship slams into the larger target, suffers damage like a ram, and disables the grappling system. If the check fails by more than 5, the grappling system is destroyed and the ram damage is doubled.
While attempting this maneuver, any opponents, other than the target being grappled, have a -4 to attack rolls and 50% chance of striking the grappled target. If the ship attempting to complete this maneuver is successful, it gains half cover bonus to Defense (+4), and if succeeds DC by more than 5 and swings to the other side, has complete cover as the grappled object is now in the way.
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Some Star Trek Ships

Nausicaan Destroyer
The Nausicaan destroyer is a small destroyer built by the Nausicaans, loosely designed to resemble the older Nausicaan ships from the 22nd century. Resembles a horseshoe crab with its flat design, with two raised dome structures on either side of the raised part of the hull, part of the warp nacelles. Instead of plasma beam weapons like its older ancestor, it mounts dual disruptors forward, a photon torpedo launcher, and two disruptor arrays used to cover the other arcs.
In combat, the Nausicaan Destroyer will typically fire its main disruptors and torpedoes, and following rounds using disruptors, alternating between disruptor array and photons. If the target is caught unawares or unable to defend itself properly, it will use its Cannon Rapid Fire ability to unleash multiple disruptor blasts at once against the target

Nausicaan Ship (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Escort
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 4500
Defense: 7 (-8 size +3 Class +2 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 5 (-8 size +3 Class)
Autopilot Defense: 6
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 19d20 (380 hp) shields 300 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 900 ft
Weight: 430 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 5 to 10 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: Up to 50
Cargo Capacity: 100 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 47
Restriction: Res (+2)

2 fire-linked Disruptor Cannon Type 3 -4 ranged (21d12, 20x3, fire/energy, 4500 ft, s) and photon torpedo -8 ranged (12d20); or
2 fire-linked Disruptor Cannon Type 3 -4 ranged (21d12, 20x3, fire/energy, 4500 ft, s), and Disruptor Array Type 1 -8 ranged (10d12, 20x3, fire/energy, 4000 ft, s); or
Photon Torpedo -3 ranged (12d10) and Disruptor Array Type 1 -8 ranged (10d12, 20x3, fire/energy, 4000 ft, s); or
Disruptor Array Type 1 -3 ranged (10d12, 20x3, fire/energy, 4000 ft, s) and Disruptor Array Type 1 -8 ranged (10d12, 20x3, fire/energy, 4000 ft, s)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), twin engine, improved thrust x2, Shield Dependent, fast transporter, Cannon Rapid Fire
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 8.5)
Armour: heavy ditanium
Defense Systems: light shields, autopilot
Sensors: Class III, targeting system
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 2 fire-linked Disruptor Cannon type 3, 2 disruptor type 1 arrays (turrets), 1 photon torpedo launcher (50 torpedoes)
Grappling Systems: tractor beam

Cannon Rapid Fire
As part of a full round attack, the Nausicaan fire can reduce damage to the main disruptor cannons to allow for additional multiple firing. The 2 fire-linked Disruptor cannon type 3s deal 16d12, but can make 3 attacks at -6 (all bonuses/penalties factored) plus Dex modifier additional attacks at further -3 each, all at the same target. The next round the main Disruptor cannon type 3s are disabled, but will work the next round.
The typical Nausicaan destroyer will make attacks at -3 / -3 / -3 / -6 / -6 at 16d12 points of damage.

Disruptor Cannon Type 3
Disruptors are a type of energy weapon, typically thoron-based giving them a typically green coloured energy bolt, with high damage potential, but lack the multiple settings, are shorter ranged than phasers, and not as accurate, but deal greater damage. The Type 3 eskews rapid fire and multiple power levels for some damage improvement and range, switching between 7d12 and 14d12 full power shots.
Damage: 14d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4500 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 42
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Note: -1 to attack

Disruptor Array Type 1
Disruptor arrays are similar to disruptors, except they care able to fire in beams, although weaker than a standard disruptor, but are able to act as turrets, firing in almost any direction. Can switch between 5d12 lower power or 10d12 full power shots.
Damage: 10d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 42
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Fast Transporter
The transporters on the Nausicaan ships are designed to transport a lot and quickly, able to transport up to 10 people or 5 tons of cargo as a move action, or double that as a full round action.

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.

During the Fusion Age starship engineers expand upon experimental starcraft and prototype twin engine technology, designing a command and control system capable of taking two identical engine types and slaving them together, boosting the overall tactical speed of a starship.
A starship equipped with a twin-engine system must mount two identical starship engines – at the loss of 25% of the ship’s cargo capacity and one weapon slot – in order for the system to operate.
This device increases the tactical speed bonus of one of the engines by 50% (round down up the nearest 500 ft.) – the pair provides a tactical speed bonus of 150% of a single engine design. If the system or one of the engines in damaged in combat (most likely due to a critical hit), the remaining engine provides a tactical speed bonus equal to one-half (round up) the bonus a single engine design would normally provide.
Example: A starship equipped with this device and two induction engines would have a total tactical speed bonus of +1,500 ft. If one of the engines is damaged or destroyed the bonus drops to +500 ft. A starship equipped with this device and two gravitic redirectors would have a total tactical speed bonus of +2,500 ft. If one of the engines is damaged or destroyed the bonus drops to +1,000 ft.
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan.
Tactical Speed Bonus: See text.
Purchase DC: 15.

Improved Thrust
Computer system and machinery changes to the engine core grant the starship more power, enabling it to propel the starship at an increased rate of speed. The starship gains a +500 ft. bonus to speed.
NOTE: A starship may be equipped with multiple improved thrust gadgets, with each increase past the first granting an additional +250 ft. bonus to speed. (Tactical speed, in squares, is rounded down to the nearest 500 ft. increment.)
Restrictions: Starship engines only.
Purchase DC: +2.

Light Shields
These shields are lighter than advanced shields (which combine shield and field technology, but are a bit weaker than both combined) and standard shields, providing less protection. This type of shielding is usually put on civilian craft or inexpensive light combat craft. These shields only add 10 hp per HD of the ship equal to one-fourth the starship's overall Hit Dice (rounded down, minimum of 1).
PDC: Shield type -2.
Restriction: None
Note: Can be combined with Advanced Shield versions.

Heavy Ditanium Alloy (PL5-6)
Heavy Ditanium alloy is an alloy that was used to replace titanium, combining Duranium into the alloy to create a new type of armour and superstructure, in the use of military craft and especially space craft as it had some inherent abilities to block some of the radiation encountered in space.
Hardness: 20
Base Purchase Modifier: 14 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship.

USS Cochrane Oberth Class
The U.S.S. Cochrane is an Oberth class starship used in the 2360s and later, functioning mostly as a transport, moving Starfleet personnel about the Federation. It even served during the Dominion War, transporting relief troops to various combat sites, or transporting those rotating out, but even saw combat.
The science labs are stripped out, medical facilities upgraded, and most of the rest of the space and cargo converted to passenger spaces.
If PCs are friendly with Starfleet, they can book passage on the USS Cochrane, at reduced rate if performing a mission on behalf of Starfleet and the UFP in general.

Oberth Class (Federation (PL6)
Type: Light
Subtype: Corvette (Scout/Science Vessel)
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3000
Defense: 11 (-8 size +5 class +4 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 7
Autopilot Defense: 6
Hardness: 25
Hit Dice: 33d20 (660 hp) shields 825 hp
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +5
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +4
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +4
Length: 393 ft
Weight: 10,500 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 40 (expert +8)
Passenger Capacity: 200
Cargo Capacity: 60 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 49
Restriction: Unique (+5)

Type 5 Phaser -1 ranged 12d10 (6000 ft, energy/fire, s) and Type 5 phaser -6 ranged 12d10 (6000 ft, energy/fire, s); or
Photon torpedo -1 ranged 12d20 and -6 Type 5 phaser 12d10 (6000 ft, energy/fire, s)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech, Shield Dependent, transporter, Sickbay (enhanced medbay), tractor beam, replicators, shuttle bay (3 shuttles), Enhanced Plasma Manifold, protected cargo, Enhanced Battle Tactics
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 8, cruising speed 6.5)
Armour: Heavy Ditanium Alloy
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot
Sensors: Class IV, targeting system
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 2 type 5 phaser, photon torpedo launcher (30 torpedoes)
Grappling Systems: tractor beam

Protected Cargo
Has reinforced areas to improve protection for the passengers it carries. Hardness is increased by +5. If using critical hits option, any option that would result in crew casualties, the number of fatalities is reduced by half, and with a Fort save DC 18, half of the fatalities only renders them unconscious and at 1 hit point thanks to the emergency system medical system and emergency transport systems to medical bay.

Emergency Battle Tactics
The crew has trained together for years, along with a number of modifications have allowed the ship to increase its combat capabilities for a short period of time. As a standard action, the Captain can engage Emergency Battle Tactics. Increase damage to phasers by 2 die and shields will regenerate HP at a rate of 50 HP per round for 1d6+1 rounds. Afterwards, the phasers are inoperable for 1d4 rounds, then suffer a -1 die to damage for 3 rounds. This ability can be used 5 times within a 24 hour period.

Phaser Type 5
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Type 5 phasers are similar to Type 4, except they had a little more control over varying damage level, and had improved range. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 2d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 6000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 36
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Enhanced Plasma Manifold
The plasma manifold has been improved which allows improved power transfers, particularly to the shields and engines. The engineer can as a standard action activate the Enhanced Plasma Manifold, which boosts the shields by 5 temporary HD (100 hp) and the ship gains +500 ft to speed for 5 rounds. After this duration, the engineer can not restore any depleted HD from the shields for 2 rounds. The engineer can attempt to extend the duration by 1 round with a Repair check DC 20, but the shields can not be restored for an additional 2 rounds for each round the Enhanced Plasma Manifold is extended.

Heavy Ditanium Alloy (PL5-6)
Heavy Ditanium alloy is an alloy that was used to replace titanium, combining Duranium into the alloy to create a new type of armour and superstructure, in the use of military craft and especially space craft as it had some inherent abilities to block some of the radiation encountered in space.
Hardness: 20
Base Purchase Modifier: 14 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship.

Enhanced Medical Bay
The enhanced medical bay can be added to any medical bay except the basic. This version has improved scanners, drug dispensers, systems for creating new medicines or anti-toxins from scratch. Grants +2 to Knowledge: earth and Life Sciences and Treat Injury. Anyone with at least 3 ranks in Treat Injury can benefit from the Surgery feat at -2 to Treat Injury checks. Anyone in the medbay taking complete bed rest (resting for 24 hours), the patient only needs to rest for 18 hours to gain the full benefits of complete bed rest. There will also be an isolation lab that will have two beds with separate oxygen supply, small autopsy area and 1d4 cold storage bays for dead bodies.
Uses up 1 ton of cargo space per type of starship (ultralight, light, etc), PDC +3.

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.


Tuffli Class Freighter
The Tuffli class freighter is a typical type of freighter found throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants and expanding in other areas. It has a narrow forward section, leading to a thicker hull with two rows of five cargo pods on each side, with an inverted Y tail surrounding the impulse engines. The Warp nacelles are built into the hull above the sides cargo pods to keep them protected from damage from space debris and in combat. As a freighter, the Tuffli isn't heavily armed or armoured, but being one of the few freighters that come standard with a photon torpedo launcher, even if the payload is limited, with its two phaser turrets. The warp core may not be fast, but it is reliable, easy to repair, and has ample power to allow the freighter to function as a tug to hull additional cargo pods behind it, or haul disabled ships to nearby planets or stations. Each of the cargo pods on the sides has an airlock to allow fast transfer with docked ships, in addition to two main airlocks on each side ahead of the main haul. The Tuffli is capable of landing on a planet with up to 1.5 G standard gravity, and also landing in bodies of water.

Tuffli Class (Federation (PL6)
Type: Light
Subtype: Freighter
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3000 ft
Defense: 7
Flat-Footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 5
Hardness: 15
Hit Dice: 36d20 (720 hp) shields 900 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 650 ft
Weight: 68,545 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 23 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 20
Cargo Capacity: 16,000 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 55
Restriction: Licenced +1

Type Phaser type 3 -3 ranged 10d10 (5000 ft, energy/fire, s) and Phaser type 3 -8 ranged (10d10, 5000 ft, energy/fire, s); or
Photon Torpedo launcher -3 ranged (12d20) and phaser type 3 -8 ranged (10d10, 5000 ft, energy/fire, s)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech, Shield Dependent, transporter, Sickbay, tractor beam, replicators, shuttle bay (2 shuttles), booster modulator, tug,
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 7, cruising warp 5)
Armour: ditanium
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot, Structural Integrity Field Generator
Sensors: Class III
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 2 type 3 phaser turrets, 1 photon torpedo launcher (10 torpedoes)
Grappling Systems: tractor beam

Booster Modulator
This device helps improve directing auxiliary power. When directing power to engines or shields, the benefits are doubled.

The efficient engines and tractor beam allow the ship to pull objects much larger than itself. The ship can pull ships up to one type larger (light can pull mediumweight, etc) without any lose in speed.

Structural Integrity Field Generator (PL 7)
The Structural Integrity Field, or SIF, generator creates a type of magnetic field that helps reinforce the ship, combined with environmental containment fields, prevent the ship from breaking up after suffering damage. The field can be activated as an attack of opportunity by the engineer after the ship has suffered at least 10% damage, or as a standard action, for a maximum of 2 minutes (20 rounds, with a 5 minute cool down afterwards, which can be reduced by 1 minute with a Repair check DC 25, taking 6 rounds), granting temporary HP up to maximum of 75% of the ship's maximum HP, and regenerates these temporary hit points at a rate of 20 hit points per round, but can't exceed the ship's maximum hit points. While operational, energy weapons one energy weapon system has damage reduced by 2 die, reduce range increment by 500 ft. If the ship is reduced to one-quarter its max hit points, one energy weapon system is automatically disabled to pull power to ensure environmental fields are running to prevent crew casualties as the ship suffers damage. If the ship is reduced to 0 hit points, and as long as there is power, the ship doesn't start to break up until it reaches -50 hit points, doesn't regenerate HP, and the ship doesn't lose additional hit points, thus greatly extending the time for crew to evacuate safely, provided power is still provided to the SIF. If the ship suffers damage in this state, it will break up as normal.
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan.
PDC: 19 + one-half ship base purchase DC

Phaser Type 3
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 2d10 as a free action once per round. The Type 3 phaser was available on civilian ships.
Damage: 10d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 33
Restriction: Res (+2)

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.


Star Trek Star Ship equipment

Defense/Hull Systems
Structural Integrity Field Generator (PL 7)

The Structural Integrity Field, or SIF, generator creates a type of magnetic field that helps reinforce the ship, combined with environmental containment fields, prevent the ship from breaking up after suffering damage. The field can be activated as an attack of opportunity by the engineer after the ship has suffered at least 10% damage, or as a standard action, for a maximum of 2 minutes (20 rounds, with a 5 minute cool down afterwards, which can be reduced by 1 minute with a Repair check DC 25, taking 6 rounds), granting temporary HP up to maximum of 75% of the ship's maximum HP, and regenerates these temporary hit points at a rate of 20 hit points per round, but can't exceed the ship's maximum hit points. While operational, energy weapons one energy weapon system has damage reduced by 2 die, reduce range increment by 500 ft. If the ship is reduced to one-quarter its max hit points, one energy weapon system is automatically disabled to pull power to ensure environmental fields are running to prevent crew casualties as the ship suffers damage. If the ship is reduced to 0 hit points, and as long as there is power, the ship doesn't start to break up until it reaches -50 hit points, doesn't regenerate HP, and the ship doesn't lose additional hit points, thus greatly extending the time for crew to evacuate safely, provided power is still provided to the SIF. If the ship suffers damage in this state, it will break up as normal.
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan.
PDC: 19 + one-half ship base purchase DC.

Improved SIF Generator
An improved version of the SIF, able to regenerate the temporary hit points at a rate of 40 HP per round, and can remain operating for 2.5 minutes (25 rounds) before requiring a 4 minute cooldown, reducing time by 1 minute requires a Repair check DC 25 taking 6 rounds to complete.
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 21 + one-half ship base purchase DC.

Tetraburium Armour
Tetraburnium is a metallic alloy that is capable of withstanding extreme amounts of heat and pressure. The equipped ship is capable of surviving the pressure of gas giants or even the depths of the ocean. Damage from ram attacks and collisions is reduced by 25%, heat damage from planetary reentry is reduced to 25% (round up) if angle is too steep (failed Pilot check to re-enter fails by more than 5), completely negated if angle is good or is off. When entering a planet with high gravity, the ship will not survive damage until 20Gs, and can survive being 4 miles under water.
Minimum Ship Size: Huge.
Hardness: 30, 100 vs fire, gravity based weapons.
Tactical Speed Penalty: -500 ft
Weight: One-tenth weight of ship.
Base Purchase Modifier: 22 + one half base PDC of starship.
Restriction: Rare +5

Diburnium-Osmium Armour (PL7-8)
Diburnium-Osmium Armour is an alloy that resembles red rock and his highly resistant to phaser and disruptor type weapons.
Hardness: 30, 100 vs phasers, phase cannons, and disruptors
Tactical Speed Penalty: -1000 ft
Weight: One-quarter the weight of starship (round down).
Base Purchase Modifier: 22 + one half base PDC of starship.
Restriction: Rare +5

Electroceramic Hull Plating (PL7)
This armour is made up of a ceramic composite material that is electrified, providing good protection against plasma and tetryon weapons. The armour also provides the benefits of a particle field, energy weapons fired at an equipped ship suffer a -2 penalty to attack.
Hardness: 20, 50 against plasma and tetryon based weapons (in the name or description).
Tactical Speed Penalty: None.
Weight: One-tenth the weight of the starship (rounded down).
Purchase DC: 17 + one half the base purchase DC of the starship.
Restriction: Res +2

Shield Array
A type of shield that has less power than standard Federation shields, but has improved resistances. Provides 15 hp per HD, but has energy resistance 50 against beam weapons, phasers (including pulse phasers, phase cannons), but not energy from missile, torpedo and mine type weapons. Regenerates at 5 HP per round that the shield doesn't take damage.
PDC: 40 Mil +3

Regenerative Shield Array
This type of shield array is modified for fast regeneration. Provides only 15 hp per HD, energy resistance 30 against beam weapons, any type of phaser. Regenerates 20 hp per round. Restoring shields action, or any other abilities that help restore shield hp are increased by 50% rounding down.
PDC: 42 Mil +3

Covariant Shield Array
The covariant shield array is a type of shield that is more powerful, but has a slow regeneration rate. Provides 40 hp per HD, has energy resistance against energy weapons (beam, pulse, etc) except missile, torpedo and mine type weapons. Shield regenerates at 5 HP every 5 rounds, and when engineer attempts to restore shields, restores half the normal amount.
Can only be installed on ships with warp drives.
PDC: 43 Mil +3

Ablative Shield Generator (PL 8-9)
In an alternate timeline where Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant in much later than it actually did, Starfleet developed the Ablative Shield Generator, which creates an incredibly strong metallic shell around the equipped ship. This device consists of 4 major components: Subspace divergence field generators, modified transporter pattern buffer, molecular pattern storage unit, and emitter array. All together, it creates a layer of an incredibly durable, yet thin, metal that lines the hull, with shutters that rotate and retract over openings for torpedo launchers and similar parts of the ship. Unfortunately, this system requires an immense amount of power, and the material used to create the 'shield' is difficult to produce, and store, the ablative shield generator is only installed on a few ships, which have massive power reserves, and can only operator for limited periods of time.
Once activated, the ship gains a set of temporary hit points equal to it's normal hit points + 25% with a hardness of 100. When these temporary hit points are depleted the system shuts down and the ship takes damage as normal. If the ship suffers a critical hit while the system is running, 10% of the damage bleeds through to the main hit points of the ship, but the ship's normal hardness is also counted. The system can only remain active for a maximum of 5 minutes on most warp drive equipped ships, and requiring a 1 minute cool down. Damage to the ablative shield generator's temporary hit points are regained only after the system has been shut down for at least 5 minutes, at a rate of 10 hit points per minute the system is shut down and the ship is still powered up.
Weight: 10% of the starship
PDC: 50 plus three quarters base starship PDC.
Restriction: Rare (+5), Starfleet top secret.

Plasma Shield (United Earth/Federation Star Trek PL 6)
After the destruction of the Xindi planet killing weapon, the development of new defensive technologies took priority. Plasma shields create a concentrated magnetic field a distance from the hull that is filled of hydrogen plasma, which is used to help scatter particle beams before they strike the hull. Early Federation and Starfleet ships used this in combination of polarized hull plating to protect starships from energy weapons before full shielding technology was developed. Unfortunately plasma shields are not as effective against projectiles or photon torpedoes.
While active, the plasma shield provides an increase in hardness of +20 against energy weapons but not against physical weapons such as bullets, missiles, torpedoes, which stacks with Polarized Hull Plating. If a ship is struck by plasma weapons, the damage is reduced by 50% before factoring in total hardness. Many civilian ships will forgo polarized hull plating as plasma shields are cheaper, and require less energy than the hull plating.
PDC: 28
Restriction: Licenced (+1)


The Hyper-Impulse project was meant to improve speeds of starships above the 0.25c threshold before the effects of Einstein's Theory of Relativity began having drastic effects on the ship and crew. These impulse engines (similar to Ion Engines) have a subspace generator designed into them, although weaker than one used in warp drives, to create a low level subspace bubble around the craft to allow it to move faster. A bonus effect of this is the craft can for short periods significantly increase its speed, the pilot makes use of the Afterburn maneuver, for up to a maximum of 5 rounds before it requires a 1d4+1 round cooldown. Federation ships built after 2370 can make use of this technology.
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Tactical Speed Bonus: +1000 ft (+2 square), Afterburner +4000 ft
Purchase DC: 18 + one-half the base PDC of the starship

Combat Impulse Engines
Combat impulse engines are designed to provide speed and maneuverability at a low power level, and optimized for combat vessels. While providing good speed and maneuverability, they are not able to be enhanced much by rerouting power. In addition to providing speed, the Combat Impulse Engines negate the first -500 ft speed penalty from armour, provides a +2 to Pilot checks for maneuvers, and an additional +1 Dodge bonus to Defense that stacks with Agile Ships. Rerouting power to engines, other abilities or equipment that boost speed are half as effective, round down to nearest 250 ft. Rerouting power from the engines only provides half the penalty to speed.
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Tactical Speed Bonus: +1500 ft (+3 square)
PDC: 21 + one-half the base PDC of the starship

Tetryon-Plasma Impulse Engines
This type of impulse engine is designed for small craft, such as fighters, shuttles and similar sized craft. These engines can release a tetryon-plasma field, which interferes with impulse engines.
As a standard action, the pilot, or another bridge crew can release a tetryon-plasma field behind the craft that fills a 1000 ft foot (2 square) wide sphere. Ships that pass through this field must make a Fort save DC 20 or their engines shut down for 1d4+1 rounds, a successful save reduces speed by half, any penalties to Dodge or Pilot checks are negated for 1d4 rounds.
Minimum Ship Size: Large, not effective on ships over 100 ft.
Tactical Speed Bonus: +1500 ft (+3 square)
PDC: 22 + one-quarter the base PDC of the starship.

Emergency Warp Power Cell
The Emergency Warp Power Cell was developed as a means to allow starships that had to eject their warp cores, or the warp cores are so badly damaged that they are inoperable, a means of getting to somewhere to effect repairs or a planet where the crew can wait for rescue. The EWPC in simplest terms is a large scale matter/antimatter fuel cell, similar to those used in photon torpedoes. Its designed to be placed within the existing power conduits where the missing warp core used to be. While conventional warp cores use dilithium to create an efficient focusing lens for the annihilation reaction, the EWPC uses a stable heavy isotope, element 115 to generate the antiprotons as it is bombarded with high energy protons, turning to element 116 which decays and releases antimatter particles to generate enough power to propel a ship to warp speeds. Unfortunately the EWPC has a limited fuel source, and only generates a limited amount of power compared to most warp cores. It does allow a ship to maintain Warp 4 and travel up to 15 light years.
Weight: 1 ton
PDC: 29
Restriction: Lic (+1)

Field Stabilizing Warp Core
This type of warp core has extra field coils incorporated in its design, which allows for improved field control and strength. Ship max warp speed is increased by 10%, can't exceed Warp 9.75, cruising speed increases by 1. Equipped shields gain a bonus +5 HP per 5 HD of the ship. Other devices that create a field have range or area of effect increased by 10%, round down, fixed values increase by 10%, round down, and variable numbers gain +1 per die.
PDC: 25 + one-half base PDC of starship.
Restriction: Res (+2)

Overcharged Warp Core
This type of Warp Core is built for increased power, but are slower, commonly found on support vessels. This extra power is well suited to allow craft to tow ships or objects much larger than then equipped ship, providing power to disabled starships and even small space stations, and an array of other tasks that require large amounts of power. Maximum Warp speed is reduced by 1, if equipped with a tractor beam, able to affect targets one type above the equipped ship, plus gains a +8 to Grapple checks with the tractor beam. When redirecting power, the penalties to the system drawn from are halved, the systems power redirected to are increased a further 50%.
Alternatively, the system power is drawn from can have the normal penalty, and the power redirected can be sent to two different systems at half the normal amount of redirecting power.
The equipped starship can remotely provided power to a target ship or station, as a full action with a Computer check DC 20 and Repair check DC 19, able to power most of the target's systems except engines, defensive systems and energy weapons are at half power (half damage, range). If the equipped ship is attacked, a Computer check DC 24 is required each round the ship suffers damage while providing power to the target. Equipment or crew abilities that enhance target gain a 10%, round down, bonus.
PDC: 24 + one-half base PDC of starship.
Restriction: Lic (+1)

RCS Accelerator

The Reaction Control System Accelerator adds a series of magnetic field coils to force the thrust from the RCS system through artificial smaller openings, improving maneuverability
Requires RCS system installed first.
Mk1 Grants +1 to Pilot checks to perform stunts in addition to any bonuses from RCS and may perform any non offensive, except sideswipe, maneuver using up an attack of opportunity once per round. PDC 16; Mk2 Grants +2 to Pilot checks to perform stunts in addition to any bonuses from RCS and may perform any non offensive, except sideswipe, maneuver using up an attack of opportunity, up to twice per round. PDC 17; Mk3 Grants +2 to Pilot checks to perform stunts in addition to any bonuses from RCS and may perform any non offensive, except sideswipe, maneuver using an attack of opportunity, up to three times per round, gains an additional +1 to Dodge as long as the ship was moving. PDC 18.

Secondary Deflector Array
Deflector Arrays are used to protect ships from microscopic debris, asteroids and other objects that might collide with the ship, especially at warp speeds. The dish is also capable of projecting other types of energies, such as gravitons, antiprotons, etc, allowing it to be used in multiple different ways for scientific research or other purposes. One such purpose is extending the basic deflections ability, and extend the main shields of the ship around a target ship nearby. When an engineer uses the Restore Shield option, increase the number of HD by 25%, rounding down, when angling shields, the damage on the shielded side is reduced by 75% (round down), instead of normal half. Tractor beam range is doubled, and grants a +2 to grapple checks with the tractor beam.

Graviton Deflector Array
This deflector array, can be primary or secondary, improves the use of gravitons and tractor beams. Range of tractor beams increases by 50%, +4 to Grapple checks with tractor beams, and the ship is considered one type larger than it is. Shields or armour that use gravitons gain a 25% boost in fixed stats, or variable numbers gain an increased of die, or if at d20, increase number of die by +1. Graviton sensors gain +2 to checks, and ranged increase by 25% (round down). Graviton type weapons increase die type by 1 step (d6 becomes d8, etc), and if at d20 gain +2 die and +1 to attack rolls within first range increment. Sensor Jammers gain a +2 bonus.
PDC: 51 Mil +3

Positron Deflector Array
This deflector array, can be primary or secondary, improves the use of positrons, shields, Structural Integrity Fields. Shields or armour that use positrons gain a 25% boost in fixed stats, or variable numbers gain an increased of die, or if at d20, increase number of die by +1. Positron sensors gain +2 to checks, and ranged increase by 25% (round down). Positron type weapons increase die type by 1 step (d6 becomes d8, etc), and if at d20 gain +2 die and +1 to attack rolls within first range increment. Shield regeneration increases by 50% (round down), shield restore action and abilities are also increased by 50% (round down), Structural Integrity Fields also gain 50% bonus, rounding down. For example the Tal'kyr Enhance Shield and Repair both gain at 50% increase
PDC: 51 Mil +3

Neutrino Deflector Array
This deflector array, can be primary or secondary, improves the use of neutrinos. Enemy ships trying to use tractor beams against the equipped ship suffer -4 to attack rolls and Grapple checks to target and immobile the equipped ship. Shields or armour that use neutrinos gain a 25% boost in fixed stats, or variable numbers gain an increased of die, or if at d20, increase number of die by +1. Positron sensors gain +2 to checks, and ranged increase by 25% (round down), grants +4 to checks to detect cloaked objects. Neutrino type weapons increase die type by 1 step (d6 becomes d8, etc), and if at d20 gain +2 die and +1 to attack rolls within first range increment. Against attacks that drain energy, such as EMPs, ion weapons, etc, gain +4 to saves, and on a failed save, are half as effective.
PDC: 51 Mil +3

Tachyon Deflector Array
This deflector array, can be primary or secondary, improves the use of tachyons, improving cloaks and energy draining weapons. When cloaking devices operable, imposes -4 to enemy sensors to detect the cloaked ship, plus the ship can extend its cloaking area to ships docked with it or within its space if they are smaller than it, but loses the penalty imposed to enemy sensors. Shields or armour that use tachyons gain a 25% boost in fixed stats, or variable numbers gain an increased of die, or if at d20, increase number of die by +1. Tachyon sensors gain +2 to checks, and ranged increase by 25% (round down). Tachyon type weapons increase die type by 1 step (d6 becomes d8, etc), and if at d20 gain +2 die and +1 to attack rolls within first range increment.
PDC: 52 Mil +3

Resonating Secondary Deflector
This deflector can only be a secondary deflector array, and enhances abilities that enhance or repair. Any ability the equipped ship has that can repair or enhance another ship, station, or bridge crew with similar abilities, gains a 25% boost to fixed numbers and duration, variable numbers increase in die size (d4 becomes d6, etc), if at d20 increase by +1 die.
PDC: 53 Mil +3


Another Arachnid from Starship Troopers universe..

Mamma Rippler
The Mamma Rippler, is a large Bug seen guarding nests of Rippler eggs and is their source. They appear as much larger versions of the Rippler, with bloated thoraxes. While they can fly, they are slow, and generally avoid combat, but are capable of launching multiple chitin spikes. Their primary roles are to lay eggs of Ripplers and keep ample supplies of them. They lay multiple eggs at a time, and can force eggs to hatch faster than normal to create an army to protect them in an emergency.

CR 15;
Garguantuan aberration [Arachnid];
Hit Dice: 18d8+90; hp 234; Mas —; Init +6;
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 40 ft (16 squares) (good)
Defense: 14, touch 8, flat-footed 12 (-4 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural);
BAB: +13/+8/+3; Grap +23; Atk +13 melee claw (2d6+2, 19-20x2, slashing), or +13 range spike (4d6, 19-20x2, piercing, 150 ft)
Full Attack: +13/+8/+3 melee claw (2d6+2, 19-20x2, slashing) and +8/+3 melee claw (2d6+1, 19-20x2, slashing), or +13/+8/+3 range spike (4d6, 19-20x2, piercing, 150 ft) and +8/+3 range spike (4d6, 19-20x2, piercing, 150 ft).
FS: 20 ft. by 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.;
SA: Deadly Pass, Induce Frenzy
SQ: darkvision 120 ft., DR 2; Armour Piercing, Lay Eggs, Force Hatching
AL: Hive;
SV: Fort +11, Ref +8 , Will +10; AP 0; Rep +5;
Ability Scores: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 2.
Skills: Climb +8, Hide +16*, Jump +6, Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Search +7, Spot +7, Survival +9 50
Feats: Weapon Finesse (Claws), Dodge, Improved Initiative, improved critical (claws)
Advancement: 20+ HD (Colossal).
Organization: 1 plus 2d10 eggs and 1d4 Ripplers and 1-2 Warriors typically. Can call reinforcements of additional Ripplers 1d4 every 1d6+6 rounds and 1d4+5 Warriors every 1d4+2 minutes.

Species Traits
Bonus Feat:
Rippler gain Weapon Finesse (Claw) as a bonus feat,
Damage Reduction (Ex): Mamma Rippler bugs have tough exoskeletons that provide DR 2, and Natural armour bonus to Defense +6.
Skill Bonuses: Ripplers gain a +2 species bonus on Climb and Survival checks, gains +4 to Grapple checks made with the pincer.
Camouflage (Ex): Rippler bugs are bred so their exoskeleton colouring matches their environment, granting them +8 racial bonus to Hide checks.
Armour Piercing (Ex): The claws and spike are designed to puncture and rend armour, with each ignoring 3 points of hardness/DR, and 1 point of Defense from armour/natural armour.
Deadly Pass - Rippler Bugs can move their full aerial speed (a x4 move, 320 ft/64 squares) and gain a single attack action. To do this this they must fly in a straight line during the round in which they make their Deadly Pass. The target of this attacks suffers a claw attack, which take place when the bug sweeps past it on its flight path. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the claw attack hits during a Deadly Pass, it inflicts triple damage, and on a critical deals six times damage, due to the speed and force of the blow.
Lay Eggs (Ex): The Mamma Rippler lays 2d10 eggs every day, laying one egg as a full round action every 1d6 minutes, which take 1d4+3 days to hatch, which creates a half sized Rippler (half all stats and size), which takes 3 days to reach full size. However the Mamma Rippler can force the eggs into a hibernation state, causing them to remain dormant for up to 50 years when there is no need or resources are scarce.
Force Hatching (Ex): The Mamma Rippler can, as a full round action, force 1d4 eggs within 50 ft of it to hatch immediately, releasing a Rippler hatchling (half stats and size) that can act the next round.
Induce Frenzy (Ex): As a standard action, the Mamma Rippler can induce a frenzy in nearby Ripplers within 50 feet, for 8 rounds granting them +4 to all attack rolls and damage, increase all speeds by +10, but suffer -2 to Defense. The affected Ripplers do not die at 0 hit points, they only die at -20 hit points but not considered disabled and able to function normally, and upon their death, they explode dealing 3d6 piercing damage to a 10 foot radius.

Mamma Ripplers generally do not engage in combat, keeping several near them as guards to protect itself and any eggs. If engage in combat, it will induce a frenzy in any nearby Ripplers to quickly dispatch enemies, and if need by, can call reinforcements and force several eggs to hatch to provide immediate reinforcements, then it will escape with at least one or two other bugs with it as guards to a safe back up area as other reinforcements make their way to engage the intruders.
While escaping it will collapse tunnels behind it to slow down anyone following it.


Sorry for being quiet for awhile, here's a Rebel Trooper.

Rebel Soldier
Rebel soldiers come from many walks of life, and many believe in the cause, while some might be mercenaries. Most receive some training to be effective in combat.

Rebel Soldier Low-level (Strong ord 1/Dedicated Ord 1)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 1
Hit Points: 1d8+1 plus 1d6+1, 10 hp
Mas: 13
Init: +1
Speed: 25 ft
Defense: 17, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +2 Class, +4 armour)
BAB/Grp: +1 / +3
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft by 5 ft
Attacks: Unarmed strike +2 melee (1d3+2 nonlethal, or blaster rifle +2 ranged (3d8, fire, 60 ft, s/a, 50 box)
Full Attack:
Special Attacks: Cover Fire, Hold the Line
Special Qualities: Rebel Momentum
Allegiances: Rebel Alliance
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +1, Will +3
Reputation: +0
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Occupation: blue collar (drive, craft mechanical, repair)
Skills: Climb +1, Drive +3, Hide +2, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (current events) +2, Knowledge (streetwise) +2, Listen +4, Profession +4, Read/Write Basic (English), Search +4, Speak Basic (English), Spot +4, Survival +4, Swim +3, Treat injury +2
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light, medium), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons
Possessions: armour (equivalent to concealable vest), blaster rifle, 4 power packs, medpack, various gear and personal possessions.

Rebel Soldier Mid-level (Strong ord 3/Dedicated Ord 3)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 5
Hit Points: 3d8+6 plus 3d6+6, 34 hp
Mas: 14
Init: +1
Speed: 25 ft
Defense: 21, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (+1 Dex, +4 Class, +5 armour)
BAB/Grp: +5 / +7
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft by 5 ft
Attacks: Unarmed strike +7 melee (1d3+2 nonlethal, or blaster rifle +7 ranged (3d8, fire, 60 ft, s/a, 50 box)
Full Attack:
Special Attacks: Cover Fire, Hold the Line
Special Qualities: Rebel Momentum
Allegiances: Rebel Alliance
Saves: Fort +6, Reflex +3, Will +5
Reputation: +1
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Skills: Climb -1, Drive +7, Hide +4, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (current events) +2, Knowledge (streetwise) +3, Listen +6, Profession +5, Read/Write Basic (English), Search +5, Speak Basic (English), Spot +5, Survival +5, Swim +3, Treat injury +4
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons, Point Blank Shot, +2
Possessions: armour (equivalent to light-duty vest), blaster rifle, 4 power packs, medpack, various gear and personal possessions.

Cover Fire
While making an autofire or strafing attack, can reduce damage by half to force the enemy to hide behind cover, reducing their accuracy. All enemies in the affected area of the autofire or strafe attack must make a Will save against an attack roll made by the Rebel Soldier. A failed save those in the area suffer -2 to attack rolls for 3 rounds, a successful save those in the area only suffer -1 to attack roll until start of the Rebel Soldier's next round.

Hold the Line
When the Rebel Soldier fights defensive, they can draw the attention of enemies to themselves. The Rebel Soldier can make an Intimidation check as a move equivalent action, to force all enemies within 30 feet to target the Rebel Soldier instead for 3 rounds. This is different from a normal Intimidation check, and targets normally immune to Fear can be affected, as the Rebel Soldier is doing more than trying to threaten targets, but making themselves seem like a bigger threat. All targets must make a Will save or be forced to make the Rebel Soldier the focus of their attacks. Any allies within 10 feet of the Rebel Soldier also gain a +2 morale bonus to Defense.

Rebel Momentum
The Rebel Soldier gains a +1 bonus to Defense upon defeating a Galactic Empire (or First Order) enemy for 2 rounds. This bonus can stack up to a maximum of +4, with duration increasing by +1 round for each Galactic Empire/First Order enemy they defeat.

Specialized Rebel Soldiers
A number of specially trained soldiers exist across the Rebel Alliance

Hoth Trooper
Hoth Troopers are trained and equipped to operate on the ice planet of Hoth, and similar cold locations. They wear armour that helps keep them warm, weapons modified to prevent freezing.
Make the following changes to Rebel Soldier to create a Hoth Trooper:
Armour modified to keep user warm in up to -20 C weather and white in colour to add +2 to Hide checks in snow conditions, weapons don't freeze in extreme cold, and ignore half penalties for movement due to ice and snow;
Winter Training;
Defensive Fighting.

Winter Training
The character has been trained to survive and operate in harsh winter conditions of ice worlds. Gain +2 to Fort saves against extreme cold and +2 to Survival checks. Penalties to attack, Search and Spot rolls and checks in winter storms are reduced by half.

Defensive Fighting
The troopers are trained to fight defensively to protect the facility from attacks. When fighting from cover of at least one-quarter, increase bonus to Defense by +1 and gains +1 to attack rolls.

Yavin Trooper
These troopers served on the jungle moon of Yavin 4, trained to operate in the forests and protect the Rebel Command that operated at this facility.
Make following changes to Rebel Soldier to create a Yavin Trooper:
Armour modified to keep the wearer cool in the hot jungles;
Jungle Training;
Protective Duty.

Jungle Training
The character has been trained to survive and operate in jungle environments. Gain +2 to saves against heat exhaustion in hot and humid conditions in the jungles and +2 to Survival checks. Gains +2 to Spot and Search checks while in jungle environments.

Protective Duty
The troopers are trained to protect the Rebel command. Once per turn, the trooper can pick a friendly within 10 feet of them and apply half their Class bonus to Defense to that target. However he can't move more than 10 feet from the target, and applies only half his class bonus to Defense to himself. While within 50 ft of a Rebel Alliance leader (rank of at least lieutenant, or a recognized person in a leadership position) gains +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Athakam Medpac
This emergency medical pack has the tools necessary to treat emergencies on the battlefield. Functions as a Fast Use First Aid kit, plus has 5 bacta patches, which can heal 1d4 hit points for 5 rounds (replace PDC 10), 5 antitoxins.
Weight: 4 lbs
PDC: 15

BAW Armour Mod
Armour plates that are designed to fit to most light to medium concealable and tactical armours, with shoulder and arm guards. Also designed with universal mounts to attach equipment like medical dispensers, comm units, digital map systems, mini computers, to the arms, back and waist and spot for power pack at the back waist level to power the attached devices, total of 4 devices can be attached. Adds +1 bonus to the Defense bonus of the armour, increases armour check penalty by -1, adds 3 lbs to the armour.
Adding this to armour takes a Repair check DC 15 and 10 minutes of work, and 1d4 min per device attached to the armour. Takes 1 full round action to detach a device.
This armour mod is typically used by mid-level or special ops members of the Rebel Alliance.
Weight: 3 lbs (plus attached devices)
PDC: 13
Res: Restricted +2

Blastech Weapon Mod
This is a weapon modification used by the Rebel Alliance on any BlasTech blaster weapons, typically assigned to units that see heavy combat, mid-level and special ops units. This modification compresses and increases the energy of the tibanna gas used in the weapons for a slight increase in damage, but greater penetration, but shorter range.
Adds +2 to damage, ignores 2 points of Defense from equipment and 2 points of Hardness/DR, but reduce range by 10 ft, and power pack has 10% (round down) shots.
PDC: +4
Res: Illegal +3

Lord Zack

Hmm... I haven't considered the role of the Alliance to Restore the Republic would fill in the Coreline GFFA, The Legacy-era Empire is actually a member of Galactic Federation of Free Alliances in Coreline, so the Rebels presumably wouldn't fight them? There are a number of other Imperial factions however. The Rebellion could also absorb the Resistance possibly.

Are these supposed to be SpecForce troopers, or Alliance Army troopers?

Question: would the Spin maneuver work for the “Crazy Ivan”?

Well, the Resistance is a smaller group, the Rebels would absorb it for sure.

The Rebels with cooler heads would probably have a “wait and see” approach to the Legacy-era Empire. More reactionary sub-groups like Saw Gerrera’s cell is all “A is A, Empire is Empire is Empire” and chaos would ensue.

I think those dudes are SpecOps. But that is just me.


Question: would the Spin maneuver work for the “Crazy Ivan”?

Well, the Resistance is a smaller group, the Rebels would absorb it for sure.

The Rebels with cooler heads would probably have a “wait and see” approach to the Legacy-era Empire. More reactionary sub-groups like Saw Gerrera’s cell is all “A is A, Empire is Empire is Empire” and chaos would ensue.

I think those dudes are SpecOps. But that is just me.

The real Crazy Ivan is a submarine maneuver to spin around.
In the Crazy Ivan seen in Firefly is a spin in the Z axis (horizontal spin), while the Spin maneuver I posted is basically rotating left or right, while still moving forward.. basically the "barrel" roll in starfox if I remember correctly.. like when an aircraft turns to one direction it rotates towards the direction its going to turn, but instead of turning direction, you just keep rolling, quickly, without changing direction.

Voidrunner's Codex

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