My Friday, Saturday, and Sunday paid games on Roll20 were all cancelled last weekend, so I took the money that I’d have otherwise spent on DM fees and instead bought two second edition AD&D adventures yesterday from DriveThruRPG.
I scored “The Rod of Seven Parts” (1996) and “Vecna Reborn” (1998). I put the PDFs of each into the cloud so that I can read them from all of my devices and—for some perverse reason—I also ordered softcover printings of each module even though I have no shelf space for them. They will both go in the Greyhawk stack that sits on the floor of my bedroom between the dresser and the door.
If—when they arrive—anyone IRL asks why I bought these modules, I’ll say that I plan to incorporate parts of the new 5e Vecna adventure into my campaign; I like to read up on prior lore whenever I drop major NPCs and artifacts into my game so that I can make informed decisions about what particular lore to adopt into my own game.
But, TBH, I highly doubt there’s any information that I need from them that’s not readily available online. I bought these modules because I have a compulsive need to collect D&D supplements that will probably never be sated, and I’m fine with that. And just between you and me? I can’t wait for more games to be cancelled.